Here's something curious, are JW,s speculating about the year 2034 or is this just brother Rando running ahead?
Did Jehovah promise a peaceful and secure new order before the generation that saw the events of 1914 CE passed away?
According to scripture Jesus said he would rise on the third day and he did. But is there another meaning? We are not sure and it would indeed be speculation.
One speculation is that if we apply the Day to the Lord is a thousand years to us. Then two days are about to pass with the third about to begin. Jesus was put to death in 33 CE. If we add 2,000 years then we come up with 2033 with 2034 being the beginning of the third day.
Also there is speculation how long a generation is. Since Jehovah cut man's life span to 120 years, we add 120 to 1914 and again come up with 2034. Should 2034 come and go like 1914 it doesn't mean it hasn't come true because we won't know until AFTER the fact. That way Jehovah can judge an open heart and not someone who is trying to get in by deception. 1914 for a certainty is the beginning of the end, for we can point to the "signs" afterwards. But the end itself won't be revealed until "after the fact" and will be too late for those who hesitated to act at all.
My only advice to you is in two words which takes much work.
Be Ready.
Brother Rando