How is it a school anyway?
You have a Brother assigned to be the TMS oveerser who, at
least, in most cases, has no formal teacher training and just
reads the counsel from the school guidebook.
"On page 57 it says ..blah blah blah...."
It is purely a subjective opinion if someone gives a "good" talk or not.
There is no incentive to progress as you can see who is obviously the
school oveerseers' favorites and anyone else can just take a back seat.
The assignments sisters give are often in contrived settings that would never
arise in real life. ( not that I am denigrating the sisters efforts, they do a good job
considering the circumstances) and usually ends up with the householder agreeing
100% with the ( impractical) information presented.
Like: "Now I see that I have to quit my job to go to the meetings" ...
Maybe the TMS should be renamed to something more appropropriate.
Any ideas?