That's the most beautiful and powerful definition of friendship I have ever read.
Thank you for sharing that beautiful sentiment with us
the invitation.
it doesn't interest me what you do for a living.. i want to know what you ache for,.
and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's desire.
That's the most beautiful and powerful definition of friendship I have ever read.
Thank you for sharing that beautiful sentiment with us
would anyone here give their life for me ?
i'm saying this because the jw's always told me that they would give their lives for any brother or sister......can you feel the love... so, i was wondering if we have just as much love on jwd.
Some very good friendships start here
Would you give your life for a JWD poster ?
Yes, one
there is a house in my neighborhood that has to hold the record for christmas decorations in their yard.
the neighborhood i live in has one road in and out so we can't avoid this eyesore.. i swear, they have every inflatable, plastic, lit up, wire formed, animated yard decoration that has ever been manufactured.
it looks like k-mart threw up in their yard.. they have enough lights on the house, bushes, trees, eaves, roof, fence to signal the mothership into a safe landing from any galaxy in the universe.
Eryn, K-Mart DID barf every single christmas yard ornament onto their yard
(WTWizard, you do realize that is not eryn's yard, but her neighbour's, right?)
2 years ago i left jws.
i went to a baptist church because it was what my husband was.
i knew i wanted to go to church but which one i really didn't know yet.. two years later, i think i have made up my mind: presbyterian.. anyone have anything they want to share?
Sounds like a reasonable religion, Renee.
If I was religiously inclined towards christianity,
that Presby type of service and religion would be up my alley.
if you are a jehovah's witness please understand that i am not against you as an individual.
i am not an apostate from the watchtower organization and, of course, i was never baptized as a jehovah's witness.
however, when i was 17, i studied with the jehovah's witnesses for a couple of months, but quit.
Great post!
Very well researched and thought out.
Welcome to JWD.
I think it's great if people think this is an official pro-JW board
maybe more JW's will come here unknowingly and learn something that will open their eyes.
I think you are right, when you read the Bible alone, it's easy to find the concepts of jesus being god.
While I do not believe that the bible is inspired of god personally, many do.
Hope you post more often. all needs to go.
its influencing everything in this world every and anywhere.
from the saudies, to the people in irag, iran and anywhere else our sons will need to be sent.. our current president claims he is influenced along with the former prime minister of england by religious beliefs.. there is the huge evangelical influence that got bush and the mess he made who put them in to begin with.. we have the jw's causing absolute havic in anyone's lives connected with this stupidity.. it goes on and on and on.
It's one thing to say you dislike Organized Religion and want to discourage people from being involved with it. To seek to ban ("get rid of") Organized Religion would require the type of activity that Lenin and Stalin were made famous for. Are you proposing we set up gulags and work camps for all those who want to worship in churches or synagogues or mosques, etc?
NO, NO ONE even mentioned anything of that sort.
Getting rid of organized religion is something that the entire world will have to agree with.
Not just atheists or agnostics.
It's not about wanting ATHEISM as the only belief, (like with Stalin and Lenin)
it's about making LARGE religions obsolete, taking away their power, and taking away their source of income and riches.
People can still worship. People can have their spirituality.
What we are discussion has nothing to do with what Lenin or Stalin invisioned.
if you have a bible other than nwt, could you please post what yours says at job 1:4,5 and then job 3:1-3?
just looking for different translations... thanks!
Or you can look it up online right now yourself...
you can search in serveral languages, and from many different versions of the Bible.
There is a passage search, and a keyword search on the left of the home page.
while being new in the truth my wife dicussed the rape issue with her pioneer {my mums annionted} teacher.
her response was to say if your raped you need to pray to jehovah for help and just yell for him to stop so it's not considered fornication.
i was shocked at this so i found her an awake article about a sister who was assulted by a tradesmen in her home.
Tell that braindead JW woman:
Since when is rape fornication???
Fornication is consensual sex between two lovers.
Being raped is not having sex. Being raped is being forcibly and painfully penetrated by an attacker.
You did not want nor ask for this assault.
The Governing are sick bastards who came up with this STUPID idea that non screaming women
were commiting fornication when being raped. Makes me so mad
I'd take that Awake! and smack her upside her head and tell her she's an idiot.
he told me that the thread he started yesterday tell me what you think of certain posters had been locked because some people though the bantering between he and i was serious.
im sorry but i laughed.
a lot.
Hi Dave,
I don't think the funny banter between you and min had anything to do with the thread being locked down.
and Minimus' posting abilities reduced.
(should I remove this? will my posting priviledges be taken away because of saying that??)
Reducing posting priviledges, hello? slight overkill and over reaction, don't you think?
For what reason?
Opinions were stated, THAT'S ALL.
And if my posting priviledges get taken away, simply for typing the above
that will speak volumes.... all needs to go.
its influencing everything in this world every and anywhere.
from the saudies, to the people in irag, iran and anywhere else our sons will need to be sent.. our current president claims he is influenced along with the former prime minister of england by religious beliefs.. there is the huge evangelical influence that got bush and the mess he made who put them in to begin with.. we have the jw's causing absolute havic in anyone's lives connected with this stupidity.. it goes on and on and on.
Some of us just want to see an end to ORGANIZED religion so that ....This is still hate speech in my book, no matter if you qualify that you'd still allow freedom of worship.
I see. So If we said, we want an end to Organized Crime, I guess that's hate speech too?