JoinedPosts by eclipse
John19:25-27 Who was the disciple Jesus loved?
by Steve J inhi guys,.
i've just been reading through john's account of jesus' crucifixion and came accross the following verse;.
near the cross of jesus stood his mother, his mothers sister, mary the wife of clopas and mary magdalene.
Anyone else glad to see x-mas over?
by eclipse ini hated mine.. long story.. don't ask.. just glad it's over and glad stores are open again.
i always feel isolated and 'insecure' when civilization has ground to a halt because of a holiday.. i'm just ranting, need the stress relief.. hope your holidays were alot better than mine.. i am not looking for pity here, just needed to rant, thanks for listening.. .
I hated mine.
Long story.
Don't ask.
Just glad it's over and glad stores are open again.
I always feel isolated and 'insecure' when civilization has ground to a halt because of a holiday.
I'm just ranting, need the stress relief.
Hope your holidays were alot better than mine.
I am not looking for pity here, just needed to rant, thanks for listening.
Did Satan want to kill Jesus and
by moomanchu inmy opinion no and no.. from watchtower website:.
these astrologers have followed a star from the east and are bearing gifts for "the one born king of the jews.
" (matthew .
If anything the Bible says about this Yaheh guy is true, then Satan's rebellion was the single GREATEST act of mercy toward the human race in the history of time. Satan was willing to risk death at Yahwehs tyrannical hand in order to free the human race from bondage.
Even a third of the angels would rather die than continue to serve Yahweh.
Satan is the greatest hero in the Bible.
Lore - W.W.S.D?
I agree with that 100%.
God needed Jesus Dead,Satan needed jesus alive.
Jesus dying was a triumph over Satan.
If Jesus didn't die, then satan WON.
Since Jesus died, Satan lost.
What if God IS a farce?
by LouBelle inthat would really rock my world as i know it.
after i initially left the jws' i did question the whole "is there a god"" especially when you look around and see all the atrocities - the sick sick things happening in your own back yard.then i put it out of my mind and carried on believing in a god.. right now i choose to believe in a god, whether that god be jesus, jehovah, buddha, allah, shiva, it doesn't matter - i'm happy with the idea that there is a spiritual & powerful someone running things.however lately i've been questioning again - so many posters on here that are atheists really make good arguments & i can't reason my way out of it.. why does god keep so quiet?
why not just let us know - tadaaaa i'm here.
Just wanted to thank you for finally (to me) putting into words how you see/hear/perceive god/Jesus.
YOU... are NOT the vessel that contains you... but the BEING that the vessel contains. You could lose virtually every physical aspect of your vessel/body (save, for now, your entire head, because you could lose parts of your head)... and you would be still be you: your heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, eyes, limbs, etc., could all be removed or replaced... and yet you... would still be you. That is because who you truly ARE... has nothing to do with your FLESH. And yet, it is with your flesh that you want to see and hear God. God, however, is NOT flesh… nor is He contained in or by flesh.
I thought it was explained as well as you could describe it. I understand now exactly what you are saying. The rub is that while in this spiritual state (if you will) some feel god and some see themselves as they truly are without a deity or a god. I guess it all depends on your interpretation of the information your brain is gathering while in that ''bodiless'' state of mind. I found the following to be of interest and congruent with your comment.
Paralogous or analogous: East and West(interesting comments regarding christianity and goal of union with christ)
Mindfulness may be paralogous in Christianity through the Eastern Orthodoxhesychastic concept of nepsis which has been defined by Abbot Georgios of the monastery of St. Gregorios on Mount Athos as "vigilance of the nous and watchfulness at the gates of the heart, so that every thought that moves in it can be controlled." Nepis is practiced in Orthodox monasteries with the aid of Philokalia which contains the writings of great past neptics such as Gregory Palamas and Isaiah the Solitary. Unlike Buddhism, in such a context nepsis is a tool in the ultimate goal of greater union with Christ and is not practiced by the same methods. In a secular context, mindfulness is attracting increasing interest among western clinical psychologists and psychiatrists as a non-pharmacological means of dealing with stress, anxiety, and depressive mood states.
Is there anyone else who hasnt gotten there Secret Santa???
by Es ini havnt received mine yet, im just wondering how many others havnt either???
just incase mine has been registered so it can be tracked.
we have already had one bad experience this week, had to send on hubby's xbox console as it overheated and died, the post have "misplaced" it, im so glad we have it insured.. es.
If you mean, the gift, then no, I haven't received mine yet either..
My Secret Santa giftee should get their gift today. I hope they are home.
Put Christ back in Christmas
by free2beme ini have these signs all up and down my street.
plus a person i work next too has a display at his desk.
okay, lets face it.
Merry Xmas
Put Christ back in Christmas
by free2beme ini have these signs all up and down my street.
plus a person i work next too has a display at his desk.
okay, lets face it.
We took that orphaned pagan child, wiped off the grime, plunged him in the baptismal font, and he has been reborn as Christian.
Keep Christ in Christ's Mass!
Now scuttle off somewhere and celebrate your Saturnalia or whatever you call it.
That is a most condescending, patronizing comment coming from a supposed christian. Isn't there somewhere in the Bible where Jesus said that very thing to the non-believing gentiles? Oh that's right, Jesus actually had a heart and wasn't pretentious & arrogant.
by isaacaustin incan a disfellowshipped person attend a bookstudy in one's home?
i was told of an event last night where a dfed person was permitted to attend the bookstudy in one's home.
the rest of those in attendance were shocked.
Absolutely. They'll even remove the Book Study from your home if you, your spouse, your children, your goldfish (well, maybe an exaggeration) ceases to be "exemplary". I.e., not enough hours in field service, not enough comments at the meetings, watching questionable entertainment, etc. and bam the "privilege" goes to someone else.
Well I gues the elders in my hall when I was growing up were more lenient.
My dad was in a few JC's and elder's meetings for, let's say, some immoral indiscretions, and got private reproof everytime.
They never took the bookstudy out of our house. I guess because his affairs were not public knowledge..
Typical Creationist Reasoning (warning:snarky)
by inkling ini found these on aig, on the topic of the problem of egyptian history being recorded before .
and straight on through the time of noah's flood, almost as if they didn't notice the factthat they were all being drowned and their civilization was being destroyed.
(silly egyptians)this can be resolved easily.
There is another possibility.
That the flood was local.
I know that Farkel will dissagree with that statement vehemently.
Just stating another theory as to why the pyramids survived the ''flood''
Black and white thinking on the part of that creationist
by isaacaustin incan a disfellowshipped person attend a bookstudy in one's home?
i was told of an event last night where a dfed person was permitted to attend the bookstudy in one's home.
the rest of those in attendance were shocked.
Even if it's a child that got DF'd? Or the wife? They would remove the bookstudy from their home?
I guess that makes priviledge of bookstudy for the sinful family
pretty much when one member get's DF'd, the whole family gets treated like lepers.
Plus, the more anal retentive JW's would balk at even stepping foot into the sinner's house