You know you have always had my highest respect.
I am really glad to learn that things are heading in a positive direction for you.
mincan has relatives visiting this week-end.
he is happy to see them but knows the problems associated with their visit will be hard to deal with.
you see, these relatives don't understand how difficult it is to come out of the cult and move on.
You know you have always had my highest respect.
I am really glad to learn that things are heading in a positive direction for you.
i know that many a thread has been started on new years resolutions, and well - this one is no different (albeit nearly a week late).
this is about me and what i want to achieve in 2008. .
i love having a loads of comments on any threads i start, but since this is purely a self indulgent thread, i am not expecting much, but any tips or suggestions or comments would be appreciated.
2. Lose weight - all of it!
You can't lose all of it! Then you'd disappear...
great goals though, I am cheering you on!
if babylon the great is the false religion, why does someone in heaven call them "my people"?
does this mean that god has followers in other religions?
or maybe babylon the great is not what the jw's think it is.. .
Don't you think that God is not allowed to show a little power to the world by protecting his faithful?
Since when has god shown ANY power to protect anyone, even faithful ones?
I have read the book of enoch...it only convinced me without a doubt that the God of the Bible is a Tyrant of epic proportions.
if babylon the great is the false religion, why does someone in heaven call them "my people"?
does this mean that god has followers in other religions?
or maybe babylon the great is not what the jw's think it is.. .
Truth be said, sin will get any one incuding you in trouble by watching and listening to 'men' and not what God has to say, because, just like you, 'men' are sinners.
And what does the organization that claims to be the true religion and guided by holy spirit have anything to do with me being a sinner?
I don't follow men, and I resent your implication that I do.
I detest all organized religion, and would never join one ever again even if you held a gun to my freaking head.
I apologize for not making my stand known to you before.
thus cooling your spiritual conscience and speaking bad about brothers and elders.
Where did I even mention anything about brothers or elders?
My normal human conscience told me a long time ago that this religion was all about worshiping men, not god.
I was referring to the ENTIRE organization that claims to have the truth. They made the claim, not me.
Therefore, the burden is on them to prove that they have god's holy spirit and backing,
and they have shown by their rotten fruits that this is not the case, nor will it ever be.
if babylon the great is the false religion, why does someone in heaven call them "my people"?
does this mean that god has followers in other religions?
or maybe babylon the great is not what the jw's think it is.. .
The day will come when the truth is shown and everyone will see who was wrongfully teaching things that were not in the Bible and allowing thing that were not allowed like sexual perversion. This is when they must deside for themselves if they want to stay beside those false leaders and prophets, or go follow God by faith.
That's exactly right.
That's how we all know that the Watch Tower & Bible Tract Society of Jehovah's Witnesses is a false prophet and a false religion.
Wrong, non-biblical teachings, teaching more than the Bible teaches, teaching falsehoods like new-light. Being part of the World by joining the UN. Causing death and torture of innocent ones in Malawi by not allowing the brothers to pay the gov't their due. Casar's things to caesar. Teaching that pedophiles need 2 witnesses in order to be expelled from the congregation, to be allowed to molest other children because they are not taken to the authorities. ETC ETC ETC
a hell of alot more patient than me.
if only i had his power balanced with justice, wisdom and above all else love.. no more rapes, no more murder, no more suffering.
no more child abuse.. but who do i think i am to question him.. ff.
We are a condemmed race .... every man, woman and child. However God offers us the opportunity to leave or family of men and and become sons and daughters of God. From the depths of iniquity, God is raising a super race "higher than the angles" called the Elect. But in our degenerancy, we reject his offer even now. Instead, we try and convict God by saying he should coercievly prevent ourselves from sinning and harming ourselves and others. We never stop and think what a world would be like if in an invisible wall magically appeared every time we reached for a cigarette or that 3rd glass of wine. Ridiculous.
Ridiculous is right!
Funny that you should choose pathetic small sins that mean NOTHING. Why did you not choose 'sins' that actually do great harm, like god stopping a perverted pedophile from reaching out and molesting a defenceless 2 year old child? (He never has prevented child abuse) (God glorifies baby killing) Or a sadistic serial killer from planning his attack on a family or a victim that has walked unwittingly into his line of sight? There is no wall, there is no God preventing REAL EVIL. He just watches and eats popcorn like the spectator that god is. Evil, Perry, is someone who abducts your precious 2 1/2 year old child, rapes them for hours, then kills them, and you have no idea until you get a box delivered with your child's head contained within. That's evil. Now you can call down evil upon the person who has done this to your child. NOW you have GOOD REASON to speak about evil. The pathetic excuses for sins you have mentioned are not evil, it's our state of being that we cannot help, that was put upon us by yourThe god of the Bible is pathetic, weak or dead.
He doesn't stop evil because He either CANNOT, or willfully chooses NOT to stop it.. Either way, God is not a god deserving of any ''fear'' or worship. As you said, ''we don't want to see god's fairness''...well, duh, of course not, since when have we ever seen a fair christian god? Never.can we get a few of you guys to show up at your local dc or cc and just like hang out in front while wearing a really cheap suit?
bonus points for creating a delagate tag .
extra points for booking a room at one of the listed hotels and registering as a witness.
LOL NN!"We're jehoooovah's witnesses,
we drink up with thirstyness!
Ours is the God of true prophecyyyyyyyyy,
I'll be right back -- gotta pee!"
i really enjoy having him here.
it's pretty cool to have the most famous man in the world right under your own roof!
he is in the spare bedroom and keeps to himself.
One night someone broke into the house and when I went to investigate the noise the intruder jumped me and beat me like a rented mule.
a hell of alot more patient than me.
if only i had his power balanced with justice, wisdom and above all else love.. no more rapes, no more murder, no more suffering.
no more child abuse.. but who do i think i am to question him.. ff.
Makes sense, nothing like a good ol' Born Again fundy to inspire warm, fuzzy feelings about god.
So how do you know that god did not adopt that person already?
Cannot God adopt anyone, even people that you don't believe deserve it?
Just asking
i was googling "multitasking test" and found this....but the instructions are in german, so i used bable fish translation to translate the first sentence, and it says to click and hold on the red square, and try to move it around without the other pieces touching it..... i didn't try to translate the rest, i'm to lazy.
let's see how long you can go without any pieces touching the red square.. http://www.pamela.abraxxs.com/multitaskingtest.htm.
I'll try again later, fun game though!