God is patient

by freedomfighter 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedomfighter

    A hell of alot more patient than me. If only i had his Power balanced with Justice, Wisdom and above all else Love.

    No more Rapes, no more Murder, no more suffering. No more child abuse.

    But who do i think i am to question him.


  • changeling

    God is a figment of our imagination.


  • JK666

    Good for God,

    He is patient. Of course he can be! He is infinite, time means nothing to him. I'm glad he is enjoying it.

    The rest of us are screwed. F God, and F his patience.


  • Farkel

    : A hell of alot more patient than me. If only i had his Power balanced with Justice, Wisdom and above all else Love.

    That is a pretty high pile of shit here. That is like saying that a human Father who abandened his own wife and children for an entire lifetime without doing anything to help them and remained silent the whole time is "patient", "balanced with Justice, Wisdom and above all else Love."

    :No more Rapes, no more Murder, no more suffering. No more child abuse.

    Yeah? When would that be? In this lifetime or in a thousand lifetimes from now? It certainly didn't happen a thousand lifetimes ago.

    Bible God(tm) is a monstrous freak and is easy to despise and hate. Get used to it.


  • Perry

    :But who do i think i am to question him. You imagine God to be your father with some sort of obligation to you. He is not your father and has no obligation toward you or anyone else that he has not adopted.

  • Anti-Christ

    Why is HE patient? He is not the one who is enduring or suffering.

  • Anti-Christ
    You imagine God to be your father with some sort of obligation to you. He is not your father and has no obligation toward you or anyone else that he has not adopted.

    Hi Perry How are you?

    Just a few Questions not to start a debate just want to know your opinion. I can understand what you mean because an adult can take the decision to accept Jesus in his life and then that person becomes a child of god, right? But tell me about the innocent children that suffer. If you , being "wicked" ( compared to god that is) would see a child suffering and you had the power to stop it, would you?

  • jaguarbass

    No more Rapes, no more Murder, no more suffering. No more child abuse.

    I look around and think that Gods ok with all of the above. I'm pretty sure he didnt write the bible and since he allows all the pain in suffering he must be ok with it.

    After all I dont think its him that is suffering. He probably looks down at us and just like the hunter says the hunted animal doesnt feel anything, he says those sheeple dont feel anything.

    It's all cosmic entertainment.

  • beksbks
    He is not your father and has no obligation toward you or anyone else that he has not adopted.

    So, I take it he does have obligations toward those of you he has adopted?

  • Gopher

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