Do You "Trust" The Police?
Depends on the cop. Some bad apples, yes. As a force though, I trust the local police in my area....
from what I've read, heard, seen - it depends on where you live.....
if the police say such and such a thing, do you tend to automatically believe it?
Do You "Trust" The Police?
Depends on the cop. Some bad apples, yes. As a force though, I trust the local police in my area....
from what I've read, heard, seen - it depends on where you live.....
a hell of alot more patient than me.
if only i had his power balanced with justice, wisdom and above all else love.. no more rapes, no more murder, no more suffering.
no more child abuse.. but who do i think i am to question him.. ff.
He is not your father and has no obligation toward you or anyone else that he has not adopted.
Hmm, Did God die or did you fire him? When did you become God's pesonal spokesman, Perry?
holy crap batman!
this is the first time a dub has knocked on my door since i quit attending in 1999!.
i so wanted to ask for the private study addition, but i didn't want draw attention to myself (i.e.
lol I hate that ''shoulda done that'' game, Priest,
throw the mags back outside and yell real loud:
''thanks, but I don't need any toilet paper!''
by dr. mark eastman.
" a proper understanding of this issue not only provides great insight into the nature of god, it ties together a comprehensive understanding to some of life's ultimate questions: the answers to my origin, meaning, morality and destiny!.
the christian worldview is an impractical, even phony, view of the cosmos because it embraces a god who is either incapable of stopping evil and suffering, and he is therefore not omnipotent, or is unwilling to do so and therefore a devil!.
Am I correct in concluding that love equals obedience and evil equals disobedience, based on that article?
Sorry about that, it hopefully makes more sense now.
by dr. mark eastman.
" a proper understanding of this issue not only provides great insight into the nature of god, it ties together a comprehensive understanding to some of life's ultimate questions: the answers to my origin, meaning, morality and destiny!.
the christian worldview is an impractical, even phony, view of the cosmos because it embraces a god who is either incapable of stopping evil and suffering, and he is therefore not omnipotent, or is unwilling to do so and therefore a devil!.
Am I correct is concluding that love = obedience and evil = disobedience based on that article?
1. treat yourself with kindness.
2. treat someone else with kindness.
appreciate, recognize, and dignify a stranger.. .
LOL Gregor, Can I hire you as my personal body guard?
''Where is a really large oar when you need one?''
i am not refering to the elders staking out a house to see if you're in there alone with another person who isn't your mate.. .
i am talking about 'regular stalkers' who stalk you for the obsessive psychological reason of needing to be near you physically.. ever been followed?.
ever had the feeling someone was looking through your windows?.
Hortensia is right, they do turn crazy and can become dangerous. I learned this first hand.
Court date for this person is in a couple of weeks.
He now has been charged with assault.
If he continues to stalk or otherwise demonstrate any behavior that looks like he is coming after me or my family or anyone close to me,
he will get charged again.
I wish I lived where you lived, warlock, but I cannot have a gun here.
Take care ladies out there, if anyone you think may be following you home, they probably are.
Call the police and make a report.
I had to.
Hi big bro! Give missanna my love
Hope you guys are doing awesome
we found this quiz after reading the book parenting beyond belief and sweetpea and i decided to take the challenge - afterall how difficult can 50 bible questions be for us born and brought up as jw's?.
our results were enlightening to say the least - we both scored 28/50 - not exactly brilliant although apparently above average.. take the quiz and post your results and comments..
30 right
should of known god was the source of evil not satan...