I no longer care if anyone knows I post here. But if you do care, feel free to pm me. I hope there is someone out there I know. Read my posts and you won't worry about me id-ing you. C'mon, holla back ! Anyone ? Anyone ?
Anyone from Marysville or Delaware, OHIO ?
by AWAKE&WATCHING ini no longer care if anyone knows i post here.
but if you do care, feel free to pm me.
i hope there is someone out there i know.
by White Dove inthought i would take someone's advice to someone else and use it.
I'm from Delaware,Ohio and I no longer care who knows I post here.
Why I post here
by Wordly Andre inwhy do i post here, i havent been to a meeting regularly for almost 16 years, last time i attended memorial i was 14, my wife and i are roman catholic, all my close friends are not jws.
so why do i feel the need to post on here if all that is in my life is so far away from the kingdumb hall?
these are questions often asked to me by some of my friends and sometimes even my wife, they say well you left that behind years ago, that is true, however most of my family on my mothers side are still jws, i still deal with what i went through going up in the org, being able to share that with other people who also had similar experience is great.
I haven't been to a meeting since late April, maybe early May. Not since I found the real truth about the truth.
Therapy for me, keeping me sane because yes, there are others like me. I'm learning to think for myself again and I hope that something I say can help others the way you all have helped me.
Everytime I go back to this site, I want to wretch and puke........
by AK - Jeff inhttp://e-watchman.com/.
this guy is as sick, if not sicker, than the watchtower.
the depth of his delusion with himself is amazing.
That was the first apostate site I went to. The whole "evil slave at Bethel" made sense to me. I thought that explained a lot, i.e. involvement with U.N. and obvious bull from the society. I was a little freaked out by anything I read on other sites that said the WTBTS couldn't be God's organization.
That lasted about 2 weeks, then I realized he was setting himself up as a prophet.
Next stop was this forum and I began to realize that the FDS could never have been "God's mouthpiece".
I agree that he's insane. However, the site did help me to start questioning, thinking and reasoning, something I hadn't done for myself for a long time.
i wonder
by bigdreaux ini didn't want to hijack the wanderer's new thread about weather the w.t.s.
should be held accountable for shunning, but, in reading it, a thought flashed across my little brain.
he pointed out that apostates that picket conventions are usually the worst kind of "apostates" they usually seem angry and uneducated.
You might just have something there. I've only seen them picket at one convention and I paid no attention at all. If what you say is true about the type of people they are then there could be something to your theory.
When I expressed my "concerns" to my niece about the FDS, the first thing she said to me was, " You aren't going to be like those crazy apostates that yell at you when you are walking into the convention are you?"
Subliminal imagery in the WT publications
by icyestrm ini noticed some websites that showed subliminal imagery in the wt publications.
some common ones are occult symbols, skulls, goat heads, etc...
how many of you guys came across it?
Look at post history of member seven006 and find his posts on this subject, very interesting.
Sorry, I don't know an easier way to tell you to find it.
I need help destroying witness bastards!
by dawg inok, so everytime i'm around my crazy as hell witness family, they always say that all the false predictions and stuff is in the ancient witness past... we all know better... anyone that can provide me current dumba** things that the witnesses have changed in the last say 15 years gets to have wild sex with me as a reward.
ok, maybe that's not much of a reward but will you please help me destroy the idiots anyway?
PSSST ! Hey Girls - listen up.
In another post Dawg claims to be a BIG DAWG if you know what I mean.
if you could...
by return visitor inmeet one person from this forum that you have only communicated with through the forum or pming who would it be and why.
i'll start off, i would like to meet purplesofa because she seems very thoughtfull, and alway tries to see the possitive and best in others..
Roller Dave and his aposta-truck.
Because he's a hoot and I know I wouldn't stop laughing.
Because he's insightful, doesn't take any crap, writes beautifully and is obviously a very caring person.
Also a hoot and I love his one liners.
I want to hear him sing "We're Jehovah's Witnesses" like Frank Sinatra.
The perfect day would be to ride around with them both in the Aposta-truck as Dave tells stories, Ninja sings and we buzz through kingdom hall parking lots wreaking havoc and laughing our asses off. Then we'd show up at Dawg's family reunion.
It makes as much sense as any of the others. Idiots!