"Do any of you have to deal with a hypocritical JW at work. Spouting racism and gossip out of one side of her mouth and JW bullcrap out her bumm every chance she gets"
MFM: I'd tell her to go to a Baptist Church where she BELONGS!
the jw lady i work with went to summer convention last week and the following days were pure sheeeeite.
all week i could hear her a row over trying to fill everyone with her crazy spirit.
i could not find my mp# until thursday and by then i was totally pissed off.
"Do any of you have to deal with a hypocritical JW at work. Spouting racism and gossip out of one side of her mouth and JW bullcrap out her bumm every chance she gets"
MFM: I'd tell her to go to a Baptist Church where she BELONGS!
with the global village now teaching evolution as an absolute fact, and the 'creation museum' making a mockery of the bible, any bible study should begin with this question!
however, the biggest hinderence to learning truth is clinging to concepts we've accepted as 'truth' without being willing to take a closer look at other possibilities.. i ask that ridiculers have fun on other postings, so that it might be possible to enjoy comparing what we have learned, how we see things- and also share what we have found to be facts-truth!.
(and i will not "count the time", as promised; that's unimportant to me, anyhow!).
due to the fact there are about 27,000 members of this religion that are known pedophiles, and the information about it is kept in a secret database file, i wonder how many lurking jw's as well as others are aware of the severity of this problem?
remember, it's 27,000 pedophiles that they know about.
what about the thousands that don't get caught?
No. Do you know of any Baptists molested? Pentecostals?...I know you know Catholics who were!
with the global village now teaching evolution as an absolute fact, and the 'creation museum' making a mockery of the bible, any bible study should begin with this question!
however, the biggest hinderence to learning truth is clinging to concepts we've accepted as 'truth' without being willing to take a closer look at other possibilities.. i ask that ridiculers have fun on other postings, so that it might be possible to enjoy comparing what we have learned, how we see things- and also share what we have found to be facts-truth!.
(and i will not "count the time", as promised; that's unimportant to me, anyhow!).
5go:"the evolution of ideas. First was the discovery that certain metals leave a residue on wood. Then we learned how to incase it in wood then some made the discovery that a substance from certian trees rubed it away. ( where we get the word rubber from ) then someone put one of those on one end. Now we have the modern pencil."
MFM: Yes! You GOT it! The very CORE of Evolution; atoms just happening by chance to form useful molecules, molecules just happening to form complex living cells, the cells figuring: "Hey, man, I better develop some eyse real quick to see where I'm goin'! And also some fins to help me GET there! And while I'm at it I gotta tell some other cells to make a Babe- it's too boring around here!" And it continued. I'm sure glad the cells had their act together!
with the global village now teaching evolution as an absolute fact, and the 'creation museum' making a mockery of the bible, any bible study should begin with this question!
however, the biggest hinderence to learning truth is clinging to concepts we've accepted as 'truth' without being willing to take a closer look at other possibilities.. i ask that ridiculers have fun on other postings, so that it might be possible to enjoy comparing what we have learned, how we see things- and also share what we have found to be facts-truth!.
(and i will not "count the time", as promised; that's unimportant to me, anyhow!).
Can you passionate debaters just CALM DOWN? How can you help ANYONE to learn if you babble? Just keep it to one point- and give us all time to REALLY think on it! Here's one:
Given endless odds & eons of molecules colliding at random, do any of you think a PENCIL could evolve? A pencil is immensly simpler than a human.
with the global village now teaching evolution as an absolute fact, and the 'creation museum' making a mockery of the bible, any bible study should begin with this question!
however, the biggest hinderence to learning truth is clinging to concepts we've accepted as 'truth' without being willing to take a closer look at other possibilities.. i ask that ridiculers have fun on other postings, so that it might be possible to enjoy comparing what we have learned, how we see things- and also share what we have found to be facts-truth!.
(and i will not "count the time", as promised; that's unimportant to me, anyhow!).
Gumby:"Bible study requires us to study the Bible. So what book, chapter and verse are we starting with?"
Was trying for Genesis 1:1...I didn't THINK this would work! You were wrong, Alpha!
i propose an online bible study.
no reporting time.
Well, then we agree! I believe Christ showed the Ultimate Agape when he described them so- because of his deep love for his God & Father. It's as Ezekiel 3 & 33 states: "I take pleasure, not in the DEATH of the wicked- but when they turn back from their ways!
I'm on many such boards as this- but only CARM, and 'Paradise' Cafe kick people off when anything they don't LIKE gets brought up! Ther are some really cool people here- too bad the Moderators kill any peaceful discussions...
with the global village now teaching evolution as an absolute fact, and the 'creation museum' making a mockery of the bible, any bible study should begin with this question!
however, the biggest hinderence to learning truth is clinging to concepts we've accepted as 'truth' without being willing to take a closer look at other possibilities.. i ask that ridiculers have fun on other postings, so that it might be possible to enjoy comparing what we have learned, how we see things- and also share what we have found to be facts-truth!.
(and i will not "count the time", as promised; that's unimportant to me, anyhow!).
AlmostAthiest wrote: "But is "Does God really exist?" a topic for Bible study? I mean, doesn't the idea of studying the Bible (with a religious, let's-see-what-it-really-says intent) presuppose that the god it represents exists? That question is more philosophical than biblical. Once you have a personal decision on the likelihood of god's existence, THEN you're ready to study the Bible and see if he's behind it.Just my opinion."
MFM: VERY Good One! Altho, why study the Bible, if there IS no God? Why do you even DISCUSS it, AA? However, let's start with Genesis- and see how far we can go before the Moderator/Gods of this site ban me! ( I have a very Mad Personality! LOLOLO! )
I have read many "Creation" accounts of the ancient cultures: Babylonian, Sumerian, Accaidian, Ubaidians, and Egyptians- and they are easy to find, now, online. NONE but Genesis make any real sense, and only the Genesis account is backed by science (barring the church dogma of 24-hour days being the Creative Days). Your thoughts?
i propose an online bible study.
no reporting time.
Alpha- was Jesus showing Agape, when he called the Lying Clergy of his day (Pharasees) "Whitewashed Graves full of Vile Things"? When one lies and slanders God Himself, a True Christian WILL have Agape- caring for them as a fellow human being, and hoping they will change- but will HATE the evil things that person will do and say.
with the global village now teaching evolution as an absolute fact, and the 'creation museum' making a mockery of the bible, any bible study should begin with this question!
however, the biggest hinderence to learning truth is clinging to concepts we've accepted as 'truth' without being willing to take a closer look at other possibilities.. i ask that ridiculers have fun on other postings, so that it might be possible to enjoy comparing what we have learned, how we see things- and also share what we have found to be facts-truth!.
(and i will not "count the time", as promised; that's unimportant to me, anyhow!).
You forget, Alpha- that faith is not Blind Gillibility, but belief based on evidence & reason:
Amplified Bible (AMP)
Hebrews 11: 1- NOW FAITH is the assurance (the confirmation, [ a ] the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses].
That is why there are so many endless religions- people tend to go by what they imagine rather than what is real.