And I have seen nothing written by you are anyone else that makes me feel we should not eliminate those countries abilities to govern themselves.
OK, how about this. Let's shove aside all those sissy "humanity" arguments for a second.
1) The US transform, say, Afghanistan, into a parking lot. As suggested by some people here. Many people who are suspected to be in some connection with terrorists die. Many, many more innocents die.
2) Anti-American hate flares up on a scale like you've never seen it before. While the governments of Arab countries do not express it, the people on the street are filled with hate.
3) Some terrorists move to, say, Syria.
4) The US wipe out the better part of Syria.
5) Anti-American hate flares up on a scale like you've never seen it before. Even in America - many of Arab descent are likely to still have relatives in the Middle East.
6) Some terrorists move to, say, Sudan.
7) The US wipe out the better part of Sudan.
8) Anti-American hate flares up on a scale like you've never seen it before.
9) Some terrorists move to, say, Germany.
10) The US wipe...oops, that's one of our NATO allies!
(Okay, forget 9 and 10). Anyway, what's left? Devastated, destabilised countries. More hate than ever before - and this time, understandable hate.
As opposed to many commentators, I don't think that the attack on Tuesday needed such a huge support network (everyone keeps talking about a sophisticated "logistics" network - for what? These guys didn't even need tons of TNT!). It required a relatively small group of very determined fanatics, money, and a plan. These three things are available in relative abundance, travel easily and are hard to catch. They are impossible to nuke out of existence.
These people are not operating like the Wehrmacht, they are modernised guerillas, and all the Napalm you could drop won't eliminate them completely. As you said, learn from history.
Respond to my arguments not you own prejudice.
Your list contains assertions, not arguments.
...but I assure you with the aid of a map we can find the countries that have given him safe haven.
*LOL* Sorry, I couldn't help laughing. Yes, I think it's time that some people use a map. There seems to be much confusion of Palestine, Afghanistan and whatever else is considered Middle East (hint: it's not the pendant of Midwest).
..feel we should not eliminate those countries abilities to govern themselves.
Who else should govern these countries? Who else, jelly? America?
p.s.: BTW jelly, you know that mike wasn't quoting you, he was trying to show something. The same thing that I've been trying to tell you.