Jeff, another great topic posting! I was definitely considered spiritually weak or "blocked". I had always been pegged by the BOE as a potential elder, but I always resisted "reaching out" because of the lack of desire internally to do so. I was under relentless pressure to study, pray and participate in field circus on a greater basis so that I could reach my "potential". To make matters worse, I had a wife whose greatest goal in life was to be an elder's wife (or CO's wife!). I never felt weak or immature, but everyone else saw me that way...and those feelings of others were rewarded when I was DF'ed. I have never looked back nor have I ever felt nagging thoughts of spiritual inadequacy.
JoinedPosts by tenyearsafter
Whats Your Level of Maturity? Spiritually That Is.....
by AllTimeJeff inon a recent essay i posted here re: gilead, i made reference to the fact that a "mature" person from the jw/gb point of view is one who accepts without question the teachings of the governing body of jehovah's witnesses, whereas "immature" ones question the teachings of the gb.
i used this as a reference point concerning the gb's cynical use of the bible.
but it seems to have struck a chord.
Turning 40... A male perspective needed pls
by yknot inmy hubby is turning 40 next year.
this apparently is nagging at him pretty bad.
(not too sure why, i mean he looks the exact same as he did the day i met him!.....
Ynot...I agree with alot of the other men commenting...30 was a bigger deal than 40. For me, turning 30 meant that I could no longer blame all of the stupid things I do on "being a kid"...I remember (barely!) that I was feeling very melancholy on my 30th and felt I had reached a real turning point in my life. Turning 40 was not nearly as traumatic, though for me it was the beginning of my transition away from the status quo in both the "Truth" and my marriage. I think I started to really think about my life and the fact that I was not happy. I was successful in my career, but the other areas of my life were lacking. I think 40 is also an age that causes us to realize that we likely have less of life ahead than what we have already lived. I made the changes I needed to do to make me happy...I left the "Truth" and a loveless marriage. Before anyone comments that this was a "mid-life crisis". I will say that this is something that had brewed for the previous 10 just culminated in my early 40's. If I had a happy marriage...or at the very least tolerable, I would have stayed married. I, in fact, re-married at 52 and have been very happy since! Now that I am in my late 50's, I can honestly say my 40's were some of the best years I have is still good, money is more plentiful and I was happy for the firstime in many, many years. Tell Hubby he will love his 40's...and so will you!
What Gilead Taught ME
by AllTimeJeff inthey mean the leadership.
all of this is code for: one who is not ready to really study and accept how the leadership of jehovah's witnesses use the bible to their own self serving means.
but to be fair, jw's teach that most all of these characters refer to the leadership of jehovah's witnesses, the governing body.
Thank you very much for sharing that with us Jeff...what I think is very illuminating is not so much what you said, but the fact that it happened at Gilead! For the average JW, Gilead is something that has an almost ethereal standing...only to be obtained by JW's who have gone above and beyond in their spiritual growth. For you to have had such a complete awakening during the very training that is considered so "sacred" is really remarkable. I too would love to hear more about the details of your's and A@G's experiences. If you don't mind sharing, what has your experience led to in your current spiritual views?...have you moved towards more traditional Christianity or towards being agnostic/atheist? I apologize in advance if that question is too personal.
Doctrinal ramifications of large increase in 2008 memorial partakers?
by yadda yadda 2 inthe nearly 10% increase in partakers at the memorial in the 2008 annual service report is a huge increase.
there were increases in the previous years too.. this massive increase is no doubt attributeable to the 'new light' this year that the calling of the 'heavenly class' was not closed in 1935, as previously taught.
the new understanding this year is that the calling of the 'anointed' class is 'evidently' still open.
Unfortunately, I agree with JW Facts...nothing will change while the average JW can continue to rationalize or ignore the numbers It would have to be a significant change in partakers before it would even raise an eyebrow. I would be willing to bet that the increase in partakers will not even be noticed by the vast majority of JW's. It is better to ignore than question...
"Modern History of Jehovah's Witnesses" PDF! (1955)
by cabasilas inso, what book contained the first official history of jehovah's witnesses?
no, it was not jehovah's witnesses in the divine purpose (1959).
it was qualified to be ministers published in 1955. here is a file that contains the section "modern history of jehovah's witnesses" taken from that book.
Thanks for the .pdf... I found it quite interesting that in the beginning of the chapter "Modern History of Jehovah's Witnesses", there are several references about the failure and disappointment of several leaders (Miller and Barbour) of the early Adventist movement regarding their "predictions" of the coming Christ's presence. Hmmm...didn't C.T. Russell make those same predictions about Christ's return, marking several dates until 1914 was chosen...and then called an "invisible return" making it impossible to prove. Why are the predictions by Miller and Barbour any different than Russell's?...another troubling example of the R&F never examing the very basis of their own beliefs and the "if you ignore it it will go away" attitude of the GB.
Doctrinal ramifications of large increase in 2008 memorial partakers?
by yadda yadda 2 inthe nearly 10% increase in partakers at the memorial in the 2008 annual service report is a huge increase.
there were increases in the previous years too.. this massive increase is no doubt attributeable to the 'new light' this year that the calling of the 'heavenly class' was not closed in 1935, as previously taught.
the new understanding this year is that the calling of the 'anointed' class is 'evidently' still open.
I too would agree that logic and common sense play very little part in the decision making process for the average JW. I can use the example of my own brother...a former elder (and P.O.) who was DF'ed for a relatively innocuous offense, despite bringing his "offense" to the BOE and expressing complete remorse and repentance. Why was he DF'ed?...because as an elder he knew better and would be judged by a higher standard. The entire time he was DF'ed (about 9 months), he parroted the same old tired line of "where else would we go?" when I asked him about the fairness or logic behind Df'ing him. He and I had conversations about the numerous inconsistencies in the WTS's policies and teachings, and every time it got interesting he would "shut down" and say it is the Truth and we need to wait on Jah for clarification. It was incredibly frustrating to hear this educated and intelligent man spew such nonsense! I am sure he is afraid of disrupting the relationship with his staunch JW wife and kids, so I can understand his reticence...but not his blindness. I apologize for the roundabout way of getting to my point, but if an above-average, intelligent and financially successful man can follow so sheepishly arbitrary rules from a publishing company, how more so would the "average" JW just take this change in stride? Until the scales fall from the eyes of the believers, the WTS will be able to "sell" changes with little or no effort. My guess is that a majority of the people on this board have had a similar experience with a family member or friend.
Blood Issue took my mom last night
by rwagoner inafter years of fighting a physical disability that ended in kidney failure and several bouts of respiratory/cardiac arrestmy mom landed in the hospital last week.
the doc's said she needed heart surgery and kidney transplants but before they could operate they need to get her blood count back up.
it had fallen well below what her body could naturally restore on its own she she needed transfusions.
My condolences on your is always a blow to lose a loved one under any circumstance. Don't be embarrassed about your uniform...those very people that shun you would not hesitate one iota to call upon you if they needed your help as a police officer. As was mentioned before, the memorial service should be for the living, and if it doesn't create problems with your immediate family, you should do what you wish...and wear the uniform with pride, firearm and all. I wear mine with pride.
If you were DFd: How did you feel at first? (for my book project)
by Awakened at Gilead ini am starting to write a book about survival/recovery for exjws or questioning jws... i hope to have an impact on the jw community.. .
in my first chapter, i discuss the negative effects of dfing and shunning.
the wts presents dfing in a positive light and indicates that jws should feel no compassion for those that have turned their back on jehovah.
WOW!...I guess I am very fortunate to not have felt the profound impact that the rest of the posters have in their DF/DA experiences. I truly feel for each of you in your is a very sad statement about a "loving and caring organization" that they would treat people at their greatest point of spiritual need in such a heartless manner. It is interesting that the Society claims to be so concerned about drawing people to God, yet they manage to accomplish just the opposite with their policies. The JW that has "fallen away" is not encouraged to come back for any other reason than fear of God's retribution or to discontinue being shunned and re-join family and "so-called friends". My wife, a very reasonable and thoughtful Christian, was absolutely appalled at the shunning policy. If there were ever a chance that she would open her mind to JW doctrine, it was completely and forever crushed when she saw what the shunning policy was. I agree with posters on other threads that the DF/DA policies are nothing more than a way to control the masses and keep free thought at a minimum. Again, my thoughts are with all of you experiencing pain from the cruel shunning policies...I pray that you find comfort and peace as you work to heal from this barbaric practice.
If you were DFd: How did you feel at first? (for my book project)
by Awakened at Gilead ini am starting to write a book about survival/recovery for exjws or questioning jws... i hope to have an impact on the jw community.. .
in my first chapter, i discuss the negative effects of dfing and shunning.
the wts presents dfing in a positive light and indicates that jws should feel no compassion for those that have turned their back on jehovah.
Thanks asilentone...I have been "lurking" for a while, so I thought it was time for comment!
If you were DFd: How did you feel at first? (for my book project)
by Awakened at Gilead ini am starting to write a book about survival/recovery for exjws or questioning jws... i hope to have an impact on the jw community.. .
in my first chapter, i discuss the negative effects of dfing and shunning.
the wts presents dfing in a positive light and indicates that jws should feel no compassion for those that have turned their back on jehovah.
I was DF'ed in '96 and have never really looked back. At first I felt a bit disconnected having been raised in the "truth". I had finally come to the realization that I had been living a charade for 30+ years and was trapped in an extremely conditional marriage. Most of my family is still in, but that had very little impact on making my decision. Neither of my children are "in" and their relationship with their mother is almost non-existent. My mother still "defies" the Society by talking to me and seeing me. My brother and I see and talk to each other regularly under the guise of "family business". I don't really give my former JW friends much thought...they vanished into the wind as soon as I was announced. I do find it interesting that some JW's still will communicate with me if it is to their advantage, ie: for money or business opportunities. I would say the bottom line is that the DF process and aftermath was pretty non-traumatic for me...I just didn't let it affect my life significantly. I now have a fabulous new wife, a great relationship with my kids and have enjoyed life since the "event"...despite what the Society would like everyone to believe happens to evil, unrepentant outcasts!