I agree that a judge shoudn't unilaterally make that type of judgment, but I believe another article pointed out that the father had opposed the name to begin with...and I thought the trial was some type of custody battle. The judge (a female) shouldn't have injected her opinion of the "name Messiah" in to the decision when ordering the change. Stick to the facts Your Honor!
JoinedPosts by tenyearsafter
A judge bans a child being called Messiah
by usualusername inbbc news - us judge changes baby's name from messiah to martin.
what right does this judge have to change a babies name?
Actress Karen Black passes
by designs inshe had one of the most enviable careers in film.
five easy pieces, easy rider, portnoy's complaint, the great gatsby, airport 75, the day of the locust, nashville, burnt offerings, and some of the best and creepiest terror and horror flicks for anyone who loves a good halloween scare film fest... in just over 50 years she appeared in over 90 films, she had one of the most recognizable faces on the big screne.. karen was 74.
Trilogy of Terror...one of the few things that gave me the willy's!!
The Mermaid Goes to the District Convention and this is what She Hears
by Cadellin in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:officedocumentsettings> <o:allowpng /> </o:officedocumentsettings> </xml><![endif].
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Data-Dog...now I am going to have nightmares for weeks to come!! LOL
Do you think that "Born Agains" will eventually abandon the "Hellfire" doctrine?
by booker-t ini have talked to christians for years on this subject and they all seem more confused then ever.
some born agains have a hard time reconciling hellfire damnation with jehovah's loving personality.
the two just can't mix.
I think most Christians believe Hell is an eternal seperation from God...not that different than JW's who believe in eternal death for all but true believers. This evangelical viewpoint/belief is that being seperated from God is torment. There are all different beliefs within Evangelical Christianity, but only the more extreme, ie: Ray Comfort and crew, cling to the eternal torment in a burning Hell as a core teaching.
Intro - First time Post- Ventilation (it's a good read actually)
by BLWashington incurrently from houston, tx, but spent most of my life in chicago.
i've never had an opportunity to just get this out... so i apologize for the long-windedness in advance... .
i spent the first 17 years of my life in a jw home, then the real world caught up to me.
Welcome! Sounds like your life is pulling together despite the JW baggage hung on you by your "family".
There is no question that the night of Martin's death, there were a large number of bad decisions made and poor judgement exercised by both parties resulting in a tragic outcome.
Regardless of personal opinion or belief, trials are not meant to be decided on public opinion but rather, evidence. The jury was not presented evidence pointing to guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. It would appear that they decided GZ not guilty because the prosecution didn't present a strong enough case.
If public opinion were to drive the process, then we would not need trials...the media could decide for us and we could just release the defendant to the crowds to administer the punishment. It may "feel" good, but I doubt any of us would want to have our futures decided in that manner.
Bitter apostates
by Laika inwitnesses often go on about apostates being spiteful and bitter.
when you get cut off, shunned, or threatened with shunning just for the audacity of thinking differently, it's not surprising that getting angry at the witnesses is the reaction - it's like a self fulfilling prophecy.. but also, i recently posted an email from a 'friend' on this board who told me that everyone he'd spoken to about me said i had changed, become like another person.
it didn't occur to him that the day before i told my parents i'd quit the religion just 3 weeks ago, i met him for lunch, we had a good time and he didn't know anything was up.
The Mormon video is very similar to Faith in Action...except better done! It is a very slick production.
Candace Conti v Watchtower Society | June 3, 2013 | Respondent's Brief - prepared by Rick Simons | A136641
by jwleaks injw leaks has published the respondent's brief prepared by rick simons in the case: candace conti v. watchtower bible and tract society of new york & fremont congregation of jehovah's witnesses.
(90 pages).
Prime, are you an elder or MS?
The reason that the WTS is being sued and losing is that they have a PATTERN of hiding child abusers...this is not a "one off" situation. You mention the RC Church, and they in fact have been sued for covering up child abuse...the RC Church's MO has been to settle with the abusers. I also believe the RC CHurch has publicly admitted to the problem. The WTS doesn't want to settle...they would rather fight to preserve their dubious reputation, and prefer to villify the victim instead of "man-ing" up and admit responsibility, and more importantly, institute change.
Me thinks the Conti case will just be the tip of the iceberg...
Question for the married guys
by TweetieBird inis it possible to be friends with a woman, text her, call her, etc and not be physically attracted to her?.
My experience has been that you can be acquaintances, but as you become "closer", the chances for more than just being conversation buddies gets more possible. I have had a couple of women friends, and on both occasions, we ended up in a physical relationship. It just seems that as men and women become close, a connection can easily form. Men are driven by physical attraction...women tend to bond through intimacy. If a man and a woman become emotionally intimate, it is very likely the physical intimacy will follow. My two cents...
Why leave one religion only to join another one??
by Monsieur ini read how many here have learned ttat, leave the jw faith, but then subscribe to the 'true' gospel of jesus.. it seems rather contradictory.
the jw faith teaches a very positive 'concept' of christ and his teachings, how is this different from the way other religions teach it?.
it seems more logical to discard or ignore any claims of historic or authentic proof of christ's existence.
Regardless of whether you are believer or not, the fact that the Jesus of the WTS is VERY different than the Jesus taught by most of Christendom (and yes, they use this term in a positive manner unlike what JW's have been taught!). I would suggest that you do a little research on the matter, but a couple of the big differences have to do with the deity of Jesus (God or "a god") and the definition of Grace (or in JW talk, "underserved kindness"). Again, whether you believe or not, you can see why people are drawn to something presented in a very different light than what they were taught as JW's.
Some may become Atheists after leaving the WTS, but it is not unreasonable to compare it to food. Some may have an epiphany and choose to be vegetarians, while others may just give up red meat and switch to chicken and fish.