Justitia Themis - In California, if you have been married over 10 years, you are still subject to open-ended spousal support, regardless of who filed. It is based on income, and the higher earner will pay the the lower or non-earner. CA uses a progam, called Dissomaster, that calculates support in a dispassionate, automated way. This spousal support typically doesn't end until the the receiving spouse re-marries or dies. This is in addition to the 50-50 property split that is automatic in a community property state like CA. You might be able to exclude property you brought in to the marriage, but good luck with that...CA is such a liberal state they will typically rule co-mingling of property after a period of time, and include it as community property. I know this from personal experience, and I am not unique. My best friend's wife cheated on him, divorced him, and he ended up paying her $7000 a month in alimony and child support. After taxes and support payments, he was left to live on less than $1000 a month...love the fairness there! I was in a similar boat, but my ex had the decency to remarry and that stopped the alimony. My child support was half of my total payments, and I gladly paid that for my kids and more.
MikeW - I am sorry I digressed, but I am still a bit bitter over the divorce laws here in CA. My ex had no problem taking my money, and in fact, wanted more! The only time she talked to me was when she wanted something. I don't think that type of behavior is unique to JW's...most estranged couples have that type of relationship. Even though I have tremendous empathy for you, I don't see where being DF'ed and shunned has any bearing on whether your ex should accept your money. I would have fought the withholding of contact with your daughter...that is despicable on your ex's part, and I would have gone to court to fight any effort to keep my kids from me. I hope things improve for you, and you can get this behind you and reconcile with your daughter. I never even think of the ex any longer, and my kids and I have a great relationship, so there is hope!