JoinedTopics Started by tenyearsafter
I have a touchy situation...could use some advice
by tenyearsafter ini just got an e-mail from my 80 year old mother asking my wife and i to join her for the memorial this year.
i really don't want to go, but i am also trying to maintain some degree of a relationship with her.
she is breaking the "rules" by not shunning me, but i don't know how she will react if i reject her invitation.
Question regarding Holy Spirit...
by tenyearsafter ini am still muddling my way through both sides of the trinity argument, but i would be very interested in hearing the explanation for the nontrinitarian view of the holy spirit and what it is in light of ephesians 4:29-32 where it speaks about "grieving the holy spirit".
if the holy spirit is just god's active force, as we were taught as jw's, how can we grieve it?
grieving would indicate a personality or feelings that could be "grieved".
Great video...and why WT fears the spread of technology.
by tenyearsafter ini am not sure if this was posted before, but it really is an interesting watch.
i was amazed at some of the information...you can see why the wt hates the internet and the access to information!.
Just heard a great one from my JW brother...
by tenyearsafter inone of my nephews just was married and i was invited to the wedding on the day of the wedding (not the reception of course)!
i thanked him for the invite but declined so as to not make the day uncomfortable for my nephew and his new bride.
my other nephew (the brother of the groom), who is df'ed, went and said he was treated like a dead man walking.
A Memorial/Easter question
by tenyearsafter ini was listening to the radio this morning and heard several easter service ads, and then i had a chat with my jw mom who had to remind me that april 9th was the memorial and it got me to wondering.... since jw's believe that once we die we cease to exist, did that mean that jesus ceased to exist for the three days between his death and his resurrection?
if he did cease to exist, was the resurrected jesus the same son of god that had been sent to earth to redeem mankind?...is the resurrected jesus a clone of the human jesus recreated from the memory of god?.
how would a jw answer that question?....
What was the accepted translation before the NWT?
by tenyearsafter ini seem to be drawing a blank, but i can't recall what the the "accepted" translation for jw's was pre-nwt?
if it was the kj or one of the other translations favored by christendom, how did the wts work around the translation errors "corrected" by the nwt?...john 1:1, extensive use of jehovah in nt, etc.
Question for our scholars...
by tenyearsafter ini was asked an interesting question by a jw relative and was not exactly sure how to answer it...thought i would throw it out to the scholars on the board:.
what was the expectation of an afterlife for faithful ones living before jesus was sacrificed?...did they believe they would have an afterlife on earth or in heaven?.
Is there a scriptural basis for...
by tenyearsafter ini have been scratching my head...is there a scriptural basis for the reinstatement process for a df'ed person?
it seems that biblically, the people who strayed were welcomed back as soon as they repented (ie: the prodigal son, etc.).
is there any basis for a review of a person's heart by a body of elders, a 6 month minimum waiting period to determine repentance, limitation of privileges as part of the restoration process?
We enjoyed some Hook...how about some Puckett?
by tenyearsafter inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtflzyute7c.