larc...about the "live your life like it was your last six months".
In intercultural communication studies, the have actually categorized this type of living. If a culture exhibits this, it is called a "being" cultural. They live for the now. They tend to be relaxed and easygoing (simplified example: Mexico). The other pattern a culture can exhibit is the "doing" culture. This is largely what the US is on. We are always looking forward to the future. We have plans.
When it boils down, someone from the "being culture" could be told that they are going to die tomorrow and be just fine. But some one from the "doing" culture would be freaking out.
After taking a class in this class, I wonder how anyone could press their particular beliefs on people. (Example: You need to be a Christian in order to be saved.) You have to be joking if you think that God (this great, all pervasive being) can only be reached one way. I would think that it limits God as much as it does humans.
Just some think'n.