All so true!
But this one made me laugh out loud:
11. We know the true meaning of the words soon, near, very soon, very near, so close, just around
the corner, shortly, and near future
there are so many reasons why i like being a jehovahs's witness.. 1. we get to count time when we share our faith with nonbelievers or our young children.. 2. we don't have to go to college to get a good job as a janitor or a window washer.. 3. we get to celebrate the birth of a child but not the anniversary of the birth.. 4. we don't pass a collection plate at our meetings and we get to put in our wills that when.
we die that our house, cd's, jewelery, life insurance, and cash can go the the watchtower society.
so that our family doesn't have to worry about those things.. 5. we don't have to be with our families during the holidays to enjoy each other company and eat the.
All so true!
But this one made me laugh out loud:
11. We know the true meaning of the words soon, near, very soon, very near, so close, just around
the corner, shortly, and near future
i'm sitting by the fire drinking a bud light in a wine glass trying to decide what movie to watch while i do the dishes.. besides checking in on jwd that is..
Snuck in a nap while I was supposed to be watching a movie for our Friday night movie night with my son.
Hubby's online game raid was cancelled so he crashed early. I made leftovers for the munchkin and myself. Yummy green chicken enchildas.
Just wrangled the above mentioned child into bed, read 4 stories and threatened him with dire consequences if he got out of bed again.
Currently drinking some milk and eating homemade chocolate chip cookies, checking the board, checking my online game auctions before working on household budget and finance stuff. Woohoo!
ok, here's a safer topic.. what is with people who can live their entire life in an online game?.
i have an ex who submerged herself in world of warcraft and insisted on talking about characters, places, events, and items from in-game as if they existed in the real world.. she would start off telling me she was going someplace to do something, and in the end it would be 'wait a minute, this is all in-game?!?'.
then i'd be all exasperated that she'd wasted my time.. she even tried to leave her husband and child for some guy from texas who 'fell in love' with her avvie on star wars galaxies!.
~Namaste focuses her attention on RollerDave~
~Suddenly out of nowhere he feels the pain of her Pyroblast, Fire Blast, Fireball, and the final blow of Dragon's Breath~
I completely understand people that get lost in online games....HUGE escape from real life. I'm definitely an escapist player. It's the way I choose to destress from the day. Sure I could read, spend more time online, watch tv, scrapbook and I do those things but sometimes it's nice to be an active part of the fantasy which you can do while playing.
I went through my own little period of playing too much but it wore off and I figured out a way to keep it in balance. Everyone once in awhile I have to get on my husband though and remind him that "raiding" does not trump family life!
There are a lot of people that I don't think are honest about how much they play. When they start neglecting family and relationships then is the time to start giving them the heads up, but if they are just using up their own free time...hey it's their hobby and what can you do?
70 Fire Mage on Eitrigg
dear crazy-as-bat-sh*t-lady: .
yes, i have rope.
no, you can not have my rope.
So funny...I've had my share of wacko Craiglist's "customers". Makes me afraid to post anything else!
Edited to take the "H" out of wacko. It just looked funny that way.
so, at the end of a hard work week , i find it nice to have a cocktail, relax, and watch a comedy or tell funny stories !
so i welcome you to share anything funny in your life that has happened !
or someone else's life too !
Did WE discuss or did generalWE discuss?
Going back to check my old posts. I don't have many and I'm trying to hit 100 tonight after all this time. I would hate to have repeated myself already!!
ok, thinking about taking the leap and starting a family.
i've held back for years because of this subject.
almost entire family are jw's, but my husband and i haven't been for many years and have no desire to raise children as one, or any other organized religion.
A big issue I"m currently struggling with. At this point I'm in the not sure phase of my life and if I don't know what I believe or how I feel about all of it I can't even begin to explain such concepts as God to my 4 year old.
Problem is that my husband married me thinking I was this wonderful JW female and although HE didn't believe any of it, my values and morals meshed very well with his outlook on God, Jesus, raising a family and so on.
Well whaddya know.....I changed my mind on all of it. So here I am, all open and accepting of everyone and their beliefs and lifestyles and he still has these very strict standards and beliefs. The thing is that he won't ever attend any sort of church as he always argues with the preachers/pastors/elders. He is a "my way of thinking is the right way" kind of guy and I've moved way away from that type of thinking.
So for now, I work on teaching my son respect, caring, empathy, and love for others. It's all I have to work with right now. I'm definitely going to order that book that a previous poster mentioned, Parenting Beyond Belief, sounds like it might have some helpful tips for me in this confusing time.
so, at the end of a hard work week , i find it nice to have a cocktail, relax, and watch a comedy or tell funny stories !
so i welcome you to share anything funny in your life that has happened !
or someone else's life too !
One of my favorite youtube videos. A set of laughing quadruplet babies.
Have to just do the link, can't figure out how to embed.
when i first started wearing (soft) contact lenses, in around 1986, they were prescribed for wearing for six months, i think, before being replaced.
over the years the technology has become better, they've become cheaper, and wear time has become shorter... three months... one month... .
now i'm wearing two-week (water-wada-wada-oxygen-permeable-completely-inexpensive-state-of-the-art) contact lenses.. but damn, when i have to throw the little critters in the bin or down the drain after two weeks, i feel guilty as heck!
I always get in trouble at my yearly opto visit because they can tell I haven't been buying enough contacts to keep up with my weekly/monthly whatever type I have.
I've worn contacts for 24 years (WHAT??? for pete's sake, that's older than some people on this board!). I keep them in 24 hours a day, change them only when they feel a little gritty and then I STILL feel bad about tossing them in the garbage.
I think I must have pretty tough eyes for all the abuse I've given them.
Come a rebel, wear your contacts longer than you are supposed too. It is very liberating
this maybe a short thread!.
some smells are frowned upon.. which secretly do you like?.
Thought of another one.
I HATE that my husband smokes. HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT!
But for some reason that Marlboro smell mixing in with his cologne is just mmmmm....good.
this maybe a short thread!.
some smells are frowned upon.. which secretly do you like?.
Okay here is a really weird one.
I used to work in a clothing store for young men. This older man (NOT our usual type of customer) came in and had the strangest aroma about him. Kind of an unwashed (for a very long time! ), sweaty type smell. For some reason I could not stop sniffing him!
It was so bizarre. It's one of those odd memories that is burned into my brain. I can still see his face and what he was wearing.
I thought about him and "his smell" for a long time after that. Okay, now that I have revealed such a freakish factoid about myself, anyone care to toss out any ideas as to why I kept smelling the strange man???
Oh yes, and it was definitely different that that good sweaty smell my husband has .