Wow Wow Wow!
I just watched the first one and was blown away. Can't wait to watch the rest of them.
don't know if anybody else has caught this yet but there is a very interesting phenomena going on youtube where former jws are posting videos titled "i am sorry that i knocked".
i'm considering doing one and i would encourage any of you out there that can should post one up there too.
from what i have found on youtube six people have done this so far.
Wow Wow Wow!
I just watched the first one and was blown away. Can't wait to watch the rest of them.
Come on...tell me what it is, I'm afraid to look. Is it the laughing zombie baby? I clicked on that one the other day after looking at super cute baby videos and it made me so sad....after I freaked out!
a very good friend of mine is convinced that the change in the book study arrangement.
is a sign that the end is so near and the jehovah made the change to emphasize the.
importance of the meetings.
All hail Jehovah, the god of fractions!
Hahaha...almost lost my cheerios on that one!
i just found out and here is the news link....
and in this small town where nothing happens???.
i'm friends with the mom's middle daughter.
I read that story online earlier today. I was totally impressed by the mom ramming her car into the robber's car when she got there. Go Mama Bear! Glad everyone is safe and things turned out okay.
guys, for those who know me here, i apologize in advance for being such troublesome pain in the ass.
i have had some scary low spots these past two years, and was imo on way too many meds.
i really had a death wish for awhile, and do not want to revist that feeling.
Somedays I have little flashbacks and marvel at the state of my life today compared to my darkest hours. I was in such a deep dark hole and was without any hope, I really wanted it all to just go away. I used some meds to kick start me a little bit and then decided to become completely selfish.
I stopped worrying about everyone else and decided if I was going to have a life, I had to make it happen on my own. I got incredibly busy, worked 2 jobs so that I didn't have down time and I stopped trying to rescue other people. I needed to be saved first.
I'm almost 15 years past that terrible time in my life now. I still struggle with depression but have never gone back to the worst of it. It's something I constantly am aware of and I make an effort every day to not let it take over. For me, it is my promise to my son to give him a happy and a fulfilling life that keeps me going and keeps me in the fight to not let depression take over.
i posted the question last night, to try to get some jw's take on the matter.
of course most of them are really showing how brainwashed they are, by quoting the letter almost word for word, gas prices rising etc.. i personally feel that its wonderful, as my parents are getting older and they've been doing 3 meetings a week since the early 1960's.
the way i posted the question, i kind of insinuated that i was a jw struggling with the loss of the meeting.
Because I was feeling in a completely bratty mood today...I posted on your thread. Bear in mind, I'm not really a bitter 41 year old single pioneer, I just play one on the internet.
I hope I found the right balance between being lost but still faithful and used the right terminology. I just wanted to see if it might prompt a response from one or two of the "oh this is a blessing from Jah JW's".
i had many days like this but i will never forget the time that a 'prominent elder' publicaly declared that he wants to see the worldly people die at armaggeddon.
"i hope that i can look out the window & watch it all happening".
i went home and thought; 'wtf am i a part of here'?
Being made to feel that people that were dying didn't need all that much attention, because you know, we would see them again soon. I have a very dear aunt that I think of often and how miserable and lonely her days in the hospital must have been as she lay dying. I would change so much if I could go back. To top it all off, her typical miserable JW memorial service which didn't begin to touch on her ability to be a wonderful loving and laughing human being. I hated when anyone died, stuff the emotions, don't cry, if you do you aren't showing faith.
mr really long comment.
mr really bad microphone.
So funny! I want more! Have they done any additional since they originally put them online?
i have a friend who has started the slow fade.
recently, his wife talked about leaving, but she is still hung up on worldly holidays.. this is what he says.... one of the concerns my wife has about leaving "the truth" is that she wants our children to grow up with wholesome examples and association with their peers.
my wife knows jws aren't the only religion to teach their kids to behave morally, but what about the holidays?
As others have said, there is definitely no rush to "having" to celebrate the holidays.
I'll be married 9 years this summer to my non JW hubby. I stopped going to meetings when I got married. The first 2-3 years we didn't celebrate the holidays except for birthdays. And come on, JW"s will do anniversaries but not birthdays??...that was an easy one for me to start with.
Then I moved on to making a Thanksgiving dinner each year. Even invite my JW parents to it and they come!
Then my son was born 4 years ago and that was my entry into the holidays! Started with 4th of July, then Halloween, then Christmas although I JUST had my first tree this past year, so 8 years after I stopped attending is when I went all in with the whole celebration and decorating.
We skip doing Easter. Other than that what is left? President's Day, Memorial Day?
So you have Thanksgiving, Halloween, Christmas and Easter. T-day is easy to pass off as a family day, Halloween - lots of people skip that one, not unusual and these days schools have become very generic in their holiday crafts and celebrations, Christmas - again, easy enough to have a family celebration if that is what is desired, but the kiddos some presents and let them return to school with the news of the presents they received "while on break", and Easter- always happens on a Sunday, so nobody knows if you do or not!
As for raising kids with morals...from what I've learned, they don't get that from the's whatever the parents teach them. In my experience, my 3 good friends are amazingly moral/ethical/good human beings,moreso than many of the witnesses I have known in my life.
Now that I am out of that life, I experience a whole different way of raising children. It's not all focused on keeping them quiet at meetings and dressing them up in little suits and dresses 3 times a week. When you aren't focused on all that garbage it's amazing how much time you have to actually get to know your child, talk to them about things, help them think through situations without it always being "do you think that will make Jehovah happy?"
I actually admire the parenting techniques of my friends instead of learning, oh I guess I should be beating my 2 year old in the bathroom because he won't sit still for 2 hours.
It can be a slow process for some, great recommendations from previous posters about finding and making the focus on family events.
been thinking and painting today.. anyway, my mind started wandering and settled onto this: being born in has made me more understanding of people since i woke up from the cult.
i came here, met a bunch of other born-in peeps who immediately understood.
we have all kinda branched out in different directions.
What a good point you make Dinah, something I feel too although I find it difficult to explain, especially to my husband.
He was never a JW, raised sorta kinda catholic, branched off into doing his own interpetation thing, researched Judiasm and Kaballah and a bunch of other stuff before he ever met me, then decided he was a Christian and that was it. He thought he was getting this nice very conservative christian female when we met.....whoops!
Yes, I was that way when we met and married, but things kind of changed after a few years and my brain started functioning after being away from JW's for a long enough period of time.
These days I find myself represented very much by that COEXIST bumper sticker. Believe what you want and feel drawn to and I won't bug you or try to change your mind about it!
My fiercely conservative Republican husband just shakes his head at me and calls me a "moderate" when he wants to get my dander up. I'm okay with that and wear that label with pride. I've tried to explain to him that when you come from such a controlled environment where, for people like me, you were told you had all the answers and to not think beyond them the idea of having freedom of thought is so precious and I wouldn't want to do anything to take that away from someone else.