JoinedTopics Started by Metamorphosis
WT Advice
by XBEHERE inin all the years that you were an active jw did: 1. going out in the ministry when you were down or felt depressed every make you forget your problems and cause you to feel better?
2. going to meetings when you had to rush around and practically yell and scream at your husband/wife/kids to get there ever cause you to feel better that you went instead of staying home to relax?
these are the top two elder solutions to jw problems.
Has money taken over...
by emptywords ini have found that at every assembly being circuit, district or one day, they are always, always in deficit, why is this, at the last circuit assembly they said that it cost 6,000 for electicity for two days, and that to me was just embarrassing, i asked the sister next to me if what i heard was correct, and yes she said in debt for the weekend because of electricity.. another thing is the soliciting of property from older ones, i know that they do this with anyone that has property (especially older ones that have no heirs).
to leave their assets to the wts, because the governments will take it if you die.
but also what they can leave to the wts would be appreciated if they have family heirs left, i have seen this soliciting in the wt mags on occastions.. what is you're experience if any on this.. cheers.
Newbies, Lurkers, Come on In, the water is nice.......
by AK - Jeff ingo ahead.
make that plunge, your first post.
stay cloaked, or open up.. let the healing begin, the questions to flow.
Using School Assignments to Give a Witness
by Mysterious inanyone remember all the examples of youths being encouraged to work something about the jws into school assignments on abortion, evolution, volunteer work etc?
i remember cheekily ending an essay with "remember the theory of evolution is just that, a theory" in about 8th grade but that was about it.
i did just get a fantastic a grade mark on my philosophy paper on shoudl parents have the right to refuse life saving medical treatment for infants and children too young to decide for themselves.
I'm being hounded again
by Frequent_Fader_Miles inmy mom's bugging me again about "considering going back to meetings".
Something I noticed in the famous "1975" Watchtower article...
by B_Deserter ini decided to read for myself the articles my father and mother were reading during this interesting time in witness history.
i stumbled upon the following paragraph that scared the bejeezus out of me: .
"one thing is absolutely certain, bible chronology reinforced with fulfilled bible prophecy shows that six thousand years of mans existence will soon be up, yes, within this generation!
What happened to you, to not to "feel the love" from the "friends"?
by swirlgirl inthinking back at the start of me questioning that perhaps the "friends" were not really true friends at all, were some experiences i will relate below: please share those that you have experienced.. after i had carpel tunnel surgery and was in a cast.....not one of the "friends" asked me about it?
at first i thought they wanted to be "polite" and not draw attention to the fact of the cast...but thinking more about it was just plain unloving and uncaring.
while i was still in the cast....the cong.
So I went to see Fantastic Four last night and.............
by free2think ini thought it was pretty good.
i have seen the first one mind you, so a few things didnt make sense but it was pretty easy to catch up with the plot.
of course the hot guys helped a little.
How Did Being Referred To As A Brother Or Sister Make You Feel?
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial; font-size: 18px; color: #009933; } .style2 { font-family: arial; font-size: 16px; color: #009933; } .style3 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style4 {font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-style: italic; } --> how did being referred to as a brother or sister make you feel?the term brother always reminded me of being in some militant or holy roller religion.
during my tenure as a jehovahs witness, i brought it to the elders attention to refer to .
me by using my first or last name when addressing me.
All this fighting is worthless
by Danni ini posted this same topic earlier but it didn't go through so i have to do it again.. i didn't think my ten questions would cause a person(youknow) to be attacked because his opinions was different from the majority.. alanf.
i don't know you personally and i don't know what you have gone through in your life, but i can say from what i have seen in here you have a lot of angry,hate, and other issues inside you that needs to be dealt with.
you oblivious have some sort of history with this man.