the overall actions of society and elders sometimes mirror alcoholic behaviour, whether they drink or not.
So true the lunatics are in control of the assylum. Their drunk on their own power.
by choice, with a little help from the elders, faded slowly, disassociated????
how'd you get out?
the overall actions of society and elders sometimes mirror alcoholic behaviour, whether they drink or not.
So true the lunatics are in control of the assylum. Their drunk on their own power.
by choice, with a little help from the elders, faded slowly, disassociated????
how'd you get out?
With the amount of DA letters and other letters sent to the WTS or GB about why b/s are leaving leaves nothing for them to conclude. I think that WTS would notify congregations of the growing problems with ones leaving because of the UN and child abuse cases and failing dates ect, and probably disguise it to look out for those asking questions and complainers, apostates. elders will believe just about anything the society says.
One elder actually bought up about UN and said it was nothing and that a lot of lies were told. Another witness said they didn't realise what they were doing at the time and as soon as they found out, they left it. and the lies go on and on.
1 cor 15:28 - when he has done this, then the son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that god may be all in all.
what happens to jesus at this point?
if he is part of a trinity, does he meld into god and disappear?
After the 1,000 the full value of the ransom will be applied as mankind become perfect, then their will be no need for a mediator, (high priest) just like Adam and Eve, perfect humans will be able to talk directly to God (prayer) God is called the king of eternity, Jesus was representing God for imperfect people, so he hads to kingdom over to the father. After which Jesus will assume the role he always had, I believe that the earth and humans were Christs inheretence. Have to read up more on that.
matthew 11:11 - i tell you the truth: among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than john the baptist; yet he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.. if all who hope in christ go to heaven, what makes us better than john the baptist?
Because no one can precede Christ, only those after him were to rule with him, John the baptist along with all the prophets and goodies will be the first of the righteous to be resurrected on the earth and be be princes along with all the elders, I guess that mean their wives will be princesses, class distinctions again. thats what the WT teaches.
the jews were isolated, insular and anti-progress until the invasions and conquests of alexander's armies forced them into a new world of philosophy, science, logic and semantics.. in less than a century after alexander came and went, the jews were speaking greek and not hebrew!.
they weren't just speaking greek!
they were thinking greek!.
I remember seeing a documentry on this very subject, and they went to Spain city called Fatima, the Muslims has a strong hold their, they showed this very old mosque and all the books they had and lots of carvings in wood about different subjects, mathematics and history. I guess you could go to youre local library and find information or even videos on this subject.
i noticed some websites that showed subliminal imagery in the wt publications.
some common ones are occult symbols, skulls, goat heads, etc...
how many of you guys came across it?
There's a subliminal in my right ear.......what is it?
the jews were isolated, insular and anti-progress until the invasions and conquests of alexander's armies forced them into a new world of philosophy, science, logic and semantics.. in less than a century after alexander came and went, the jews were speaking greek and not hebrew!.
they weren't just speaking greek!
they were thinking greek!.
Thank's Terry for you're answer, I have a lot of histroy to read, I thought I was being educated with the WTS, I used to feel proud that I had read the "Let youre will be on earth book"
Will be reading more outside the tower, I thought they were truthful but I guess they used us all.
the jews were isolated, insular and anti-progress until the invasions and conquests of alexander's armies forced them into a new world of philosophy, science, logic and semantics.. in less than a century after alexander came and went, the jews were speaking greek and not hebrew!.
they weren't just speaking greek!
they were thinking greek!.
Thank you for you're very enlightening post WTWizard. I have taken that on board, and hope to learn more.
the jews were isolated, insular and anti-progress until the invasions and conquests of alexander's armies forced them into a new world of philosophy, science, logic and semantics.. in less than a century after alexander came and went, the jews were speaking greek and not hebrew!.
they weren't just speaking greek!
they were thinking greek!.
Hi Terry.. I was actually going to make start a thread on what you said....
"you saying that Alexander was a god and defeted Jehovah... " My question is, Who was or is Jehovah then,? this powerful God that defeted many powerful nations to defend the Jews. Was it all fairy tale, is that what you think. Who is Jehovah.?
.Alexander WAS a god! He PROVED it by conquering everyone and everything INCLUDING JEHOVAH!! That was the reality the Jews had to swallow and digest before picking themselves up and dusting off their theology!
there will have to be assumptions involved here.....that god exists, the bible is the word of god and creation is as stated in genesis, etc.
etc.. in the old testament, god seemed pretty straight forward, let certain people know (and not by osmosis) his intent.
backed certain kings, and showed power through physical occurrences over and over again.. along comes his son, who died for the entire race as a ransom for adam's sin.
I look at the Bible as mans attempt to understand God. IMHO it is not from God/Jehovah/YHWH, but about him, his Son and the Holy Spirit. Why would they bother to write about him, is it a genelogy of the Jews and their God?