there is a secret group within the org that is emerging, it is anti org tower FDS, and awaits a cleaning out of the org. by Jesus. they do the preaching work of the kingdom and rely on Jehovah to bring down the evil slave within the tower.
JoinedPosts by emptywords
Is the Watch Tower name going away?
by garybuss inis the watch tower name going away?
i'm seeing more use of the "jehovah's witnesses" name where the watch tower name once was such as the sponsors of the summer conventions.
is this new, or am i just noticing it?
Today, A Pentecostal Witness To Me!
by Sarah Smiles ini told him that speaking in the tongues was done away with!.
he said prove that one!
at the time, i couldnt!.
speak in latin to him
Proof that Spirits exist?????
by fifi40 in
scientifc study of orbs by a researcher for nasa.
what do you think and do you have any personal experience relating to this?.
Proof by picture
Camera shy those spirits arn't they, looks like a frisby.
Have had experiences with the supernatural, that would make any picture look fake, problem is I don't have a picture.
If you ain't a PIONEER, You ain't SH**!!!
by Open mind inmy loyal-dub wife had a wonderful morning knocking on empty homes earlier this week.
last night she confided in me with an observation.
she has noticed what she perceives to be a "pioneer clique" in our congregation.
I must add that most of the pioneers in the congo I've been to live at home and a looked after by parents, they don't have to worry about cooking cleaning or other duties, some never paid rent, or parents bought them cars, and strangly these ones were the most pompous in the group.
The ones that really had to struggle to look after themselves were never as well dressed or if they had a car was a second hand and old as. They were usually looked down on, and yet it was those pioneers that didn't bludge and were easiest to get along with.
If you ain't a PIONEER, You ain't SH**!!!
by Open mind inmy loyal-dub wife had a wonderful morning knocking on empty homes earlier this week.
last night she confided in me with an observation.
she has noticed what she perceives to be a "pioneer clique" in our congregation.
There were lots of cases of older widows with lots of health problems, etc. who would at least go out in service 10 hours a month, even though they were exhausted and not feeling well. But did anyone announce their names and clap for them?
Very good point.
If you ain't a PIONEER, You ain't SH**!!!
by Open mind inmy loyal-dub wife had a wonderful morning knocking on empty homes earlier this week.
last night she confided in me with an observation.
she has noticed what she perceives to be a "pioneer clique" in our congregation.
It gets worse, if they are an elder esp; single brother and a pioneer, its all about them, and how we should look up to them, even if you have one leg and youre eighty should be doing more.
When I was a pioneer I did try to encourage others to pioneer if they could. I guess we did think we were special. Needed a crash in humility.
All the doctines, hellfire, purgatory, triity, soul, all that.
But dont' believe the FDS has already been appointed nor do I believe that b/s should have to put in a report, dont' believe in the elitism of the 144,000, or 1914 and other dates, or the way the congregations are governed. NO ONE is master over anyones faith.
Did You Use Swear Words While You Were A Witness?....How About Now?
by minimus ingrowing up, i never did.
when i was in my 30's i started to say "funny"swears.
now, i do use some profanity but it is always controlled.
I picked the cussing up when living in house of small flatets, bad language was common, I was out for years then, and I swear really bad especially if something pisses me of, I get angry and find it hard not to cuss.
by badboy ini understand that the term `golden age' was used by rosicrusians.
Alexander Hislop..researched long before Russell did about easter and trinity and mary worship, christmas and all other so called pagan no no's Two Babyons, (1916) which the WTS mostly never gave any credit to they just stole it.
real questions from the readers
by bigdreaux ini have really been enjoying all the parodies of questions from the readers.
but, sometimes, it's just to easy.
missanna was sent a watchtower from her "loving".
At Bethel they can do all the research for us, so we don't have to waste time reading things like Time magazine that take time away from our wholehearted service to Jehovah God.
Just keep your nose in the WT publications, you'll be safer that way.
They want you to be watchtower literate and library illiterate. I once told an elder in the field that I looked up all the encylopedia quotes, and he looked at me astonished and squinted, said oh thats good, I'm surprised they still quote them.