With out there being a boogie man there is nothing to be afraid of. If you do not need to be afraid you will be much more likely to see for yourself what is going on instead of relying on the all powerful OZ to keep you safe from the evil spirits. LOL.
Posts by dogon
Demons? Why Cast Them To The Earth? I mean WTF! Thx God!
by Number1Anarchist inrevelation 12:12. .
12 therefore rejoice, you heavens .
and you who dwell in them!
Is there a glass cealing and walls in the society?
by dogon inhow are women and minorities treated in bethel?
are they passed over for white men?
has anyone had any direct knowledge of this?.
How are women and minorities treated in bethel? Are they passed over for white men? Has anyone had any direct knowledge of this?
2008 Releases
by AK - Jeff ini have almost quit caring about this stuff - but i saw a scan somewhere of a 'preface' or 'forward' to a new wts pub, that slammed da persons pretty hard.
i think that reading this infomation might be the reason that my cousin [also my absolute best friend for 35 years] has now elected to stop any contact with me.
i would like to confirm the info and disect it a bit.. can anyone tell me what book i saw, and whether it is out there somewhere for dl ?.
Half the dubs that are called "in good standing" are fornicators and greedy bastards.
1st night without a bookstudy
by Iwonder17 inwell we had our first "free night" and we went to the movies....how about you?.
I have not heard of the "free night" Did they stop the book study?
Did you know? Jah and Jesus are present invisibly at the meetings.
by Trevor Scott inlooking for thoughts on this statement.
given that wt doctrine holds that jah is not omnipresent, and jesus is of course just a lowly angel who doesn't even have "holy spirit" at his disposal let alone omnipresence, how can it be said they are "present invisibly" at the meetings?.
since they are not omnipresent and can't be at every meeting, how can it be said that by not attending meetings jws are "snubbing them"?.
you know what they say about people who are adult and have invisible friends? They belong in the rubber room!
Why all Christianity is repulsive to me
by portcontrol7 inthe crux of all christianity is that an omnipotent and loving god sent a human sacrifice to atone for the sins of a (fictional) man, knowing full well that he would be horribly tortured and mocked.
if that god existed (which i'm grateful he/she/it doesn't), i would be proud to oppose it.
there are 3 main types of christians in my opinion:.
I agree with you totally. Religion is a fraud in the extreme. It plays on the fears and ignorance of people. For the person who said that "are there no good Christians" It is not a mater of people being good in a religion. It is the religion itself. There were some good people in the Whermacht. Not everyone in a group is totally bad or totally good. But what is referred to here is that religion is bad. It tries to bring reality to false ideas. There is not now nor has there ever been any proof of god or any religion as being true. The dubbers use things like Hezekiah tunnel being found and the bible said there was a tunnel ergo the whole bible is true. So because homer talked about Troy and Troy was discovered, Medusa turned men to stone? I think not. People now as then write about what they know. When someone writes a book about a alien landing they do not create a mythical country and mythical capitol, no they blow up the white house in ID4. So in 2000 years will someone say we found the remnants of the white house so aliens must have landed and destroyed it? It would be jumping to a conclusion in the extreme. But this will not stop idiots from dancing with snakes and knocking on doors.
Watchtower 1973 says Dinosuars may have been on Noah's Ark???
by Witness 007 inwatch 73 july 15 p.7 "questions from readers - when did the dinosuars become extinct?
they may have disappeared off the face of the earth in the time of the flood of noah's day.
even if they survived until the flood this would not require taking pairs of mammoth varieties into the ark.
It is idiots taking stupidity to new highs. Fist off all the fossils of dinosaurs do not occur in the same strata as humans. Not even close. Second you need at least 80 or more pairs to make a genetic base. If you want to argue that god can do anything, I do not argue with fake trump cards, its absurd in the extreme. Third did Noah take all the fresh water fish on board or all the salt water fish on board when all the worlds water was mixed as one? This myth is so silly you may as well debate which tooth a tooth fairy likes best, and which they will pay the most for. BTW it is the eyetooth. Joking for the comedy challenged. The society along with all religions who try to push off the bible and its stories as true, are deluded in the extreme. If anyone tries to argue with the bible as their back up you will always be on the loosing end of the debate.
in jesus' name
by logic insomething i keep wondering about.
if we should pray in jesus' name, then why was his name not mentioned in the lords model prayer.
in fact gods name is not mentioned.
Why pray in the first place. When you walk around and talk to god through an old pop can you are called crazy, take away the pop can and suddenly you are a spiritual person. Personaly I think you may as well use the pop can.
"Jehovah Provides Direction to the Slave"
by passwordprotected infeb 15th 2009 wt pgs 24,25. .
par 4 - subheading "jehovah trusts the slave".
after quoting ps32:8 (ot)"i shall certainly make you have insight..", the paragraph claims that jehovah provides direction to the slave, stating "we can therefore have full confidence in the scriptural insight, understanding and guidance that we receive from the slave.".
You could fill volumes with the crap that they watchtower has spewed over the years, wait they have filled volumes.
The Horrors of Resurrection
by cameo-d ini have always heard it said that satan has an imitation for everything the creator has in mind.
i hope there is a resurrection such as jesus proclaimed.
if not, then i will just cease to exist and that's ok. i do not want satan's jehovah's resurrection.
This is truly one ridiculous argument. Even if anyone cloned a person, it is not that person but a copy. I have argued this with the dubbers for years. If we die, and god simply recreates us, and I am arguing from a the stand point that there is some validity to the bible, which I do not believe. I am an atheist. So god recreates you, it is a clone or copy of you down to your brain cells and memories copied. Is this really you? What makes you, you? It is not your body, this is simply a transport for what is you. Your mind is you, the part that has all your memories. If you made 20 copies of you and you are still alive, it is only copies of yourself, not you. So if god recreated you, is he really resurrecting you or just making a copy? And the cloning thing is just a silly argument in the first place. Arguing the semantics of silliness in dubdom is like arguing who is strongest, batman or superman. In the end pointless.