I said the GB was like the Wile E super genius when his back was to a wall and had the black hole to create a get away. So the question is after the escape from the time line of a dying or dead generation that has passed away or is just about to go on the cart, why a change back when they had made a get away? I can only come up with one reason, the fall away rate when you make things not so imminent must be high and by returning to a very limited time line it may keep the sheepel in line. But this is only going to work for a very very few years, or will they just let it lay dormant and not talk about it hoping it will go away after it does its job keeping the fools in fear of hail from heaven. The thing is this is not Rutherford’s Buick anymore and with the advent of the internet things don’t just lay dormant. People like us talk a lot and point fingers and yell what the fuck are you talking about you idiots. I think it is going to get harder and harder to keep people on the edge of their seat waiting for this nonsensical crap to happen.
Posts by dogon
Interesting quote from COC Re: Generation teaching
by palmtree67 ini just read this today:.
(pp 257) "reports drifted back to brooklyn that he (albert schroeder) was suggesting to others that the expression "this generation" as used by jesus at matthew 24:34 applied to the generation of "anointed ones", and that as long as any of these were still living, such "generation" would not have passed away".
schroeder's views then ( in 1978 ) were rejected by the governing body.. but doesn't this sound like the explanation given now of the generation???.
Are the JWs a dangerous cult?
by cyberjesus inis it a matter of just biblical interpretation?
are they just a little lost?
or are they really a dangerous cult?
does the pope wear a funny hat?
ok I have a question for anyone who can answer me about this......
by queenbella ini divorced my husband for cheating on me that is why i left him.
i came home from visiting family two days early and found him in bed with someone else.
i left him but he blamed me for everything and then when i thought i could go back to the kingdom hall they told me that they called my husband and he said he didnt do anything.
This is an old story and goes to the child molestaion, it takes two witnesses and if your husband does not want to confess you are SOL and the best thing you can do is to not only leave your husband, but the cult. The cult is doing more damage to your mental state than the cheating of your husband by skewing things and making it seem like you are the one doing the wrong. Just as in the case of the children who are molested each year by dubbers then covered up due to lack of eye witnesses. Just leave the cult and quit worring about thier silly rules. the game is rigged and the rules keep changing but you have the power, you can walk away and tell them to fuck off.
Tuesday, May 11th Daily Text - The nerve!!!
by Girlie injust thought i would share what the borg is dispensing as "spiritual food at the proper time" .. .
tuesday, may 11. quickly.
they forgot his works; they did not wait for his counsel.ps.106:13.. some may have left gods flock because they did not agree with some scriptural teaching.
classic case of circular reasoning, we know the bible is ture because its gods word, bla bla bla. If you have to use circular reasoning you have no ground to stand on.
WT cautions against playing pac-man 1982 Awake
by EndofMysteries inwith bizarre names like pac-man, asteroids, space invaders, battlezone and donkey kong, video games have landed themselves not only in amusement arcades but also in corner drugstores, supermarkets, gas stations, fast-food parlors and nearly everywhere else that people congregate.
their beeps and booms and colorful lights have captured the fancy and imagination of a new generation of players to the point of obsession.. other than the obvious appeal to teenagers and its commercial success, the proliferation of arcade video games has triggered reactions ranging from strong parental protests to outright government bans.
in the philippines, president marcos officially banned the games and gave owners two weeks to destroy them.
All those days trying to get to my second Key in Pman and I never once got to see or touch a hooker, I would have dropped one joy stick for another in a NY min.
Was it EX JW literature / WT's or the BIBLE which woke you up? Post scriptures if any....
by EndofMysteries ini considered myself immune to ex jw stuff.
no amount of old watchtowers or anything would change me.
it was seeing treatment of others by elders and the bible itself, which woke me.
For me I have always had questions and was told I thought too much. When in 1995 they changed the meaning of generation after all those years of the people alive in 1914 and after seeing 1975 come and go, it was time to exit stage left. It gave me the courage to look at and examin the bible that I was told not to question all those years. It was like as darwin put it, the scales falling off my eyes. I could no more go back to that garbage or any version there of religion nor more than I would chase a turd down the toilet, good ridens.
Are you really drawn to a God who wants to kill you?
by hamsterbait inthe question a jw will ask at the doors is often.
"have you ever wondered why the world is in such turmoil?".
of course their "answer" is that a snake told a naked lady to eat some fruit 6 000 years ago, and as a result god views us all as unworthy of life.
The Witnesses are freaking out
by Sour Grapes ini still go to a few meetings a month just to keep members of my family happy.. the witnesses seemed to be getting all worked up about how close the end.
it sorta feels like the 1975 era only 35 years later.
the brother who gave.
Did he really say he missed the fun of 75? I was there and know the damage it did to many people who sold homes, quit jobs and or moved to places that they took menial work to survive until that date. I know of several people who quit working for GM and moved to North Michigan and had just enough money to live to 75. Many of these people did not have kids, or go on tirps or save any money bla bla bla. It fuc%ed them up big time. Its not a game and its not funny, no more than Jim Jones Kool Aid is a joke. Peoples lives are at stake and they are basing it on crap that is as fake a big foot, in fact as little evidience as there is for bigfoot thats more than the evidence for Jesus or any of the fantastic stories of the bible.
The Bible: God's Word or Man's?
by Doug Mason inmy jw visitor left me a copy of the 2006 print of the book "the bible: god's word or man's?
", and i intend to provide him with my analysis of it.. i notice that the book was written in 1989, and the dates of the references suggest the book has not been updated since then.
am i correct?.
Do you really need to ask? It is the ramblings of plagiarist's who took the stories from other deluded stories.
Theocratic Ministry School Assignments
by XPeterX inthe elders would give me the assignment about a month before my speech.man i used to wake up at nights thinking about it,being so anxious,so depressed...i also used to read explosively fast in order to get back to my seat as soon as possible and leave during the second song.
"it's a good think to be anxious about your assignment" they said.no motherockers it ain't good,it ain't no f()&uinng good it's like smashing one's balls with a sledgehammer.anyone had the same feelings?.
I did the same thing I was always counciled at reading to fast. I hated this crap and quit. Never looked back. Its a complete waste of time and energy.