I knew a guy who nailed a couple of Pioneer sisters. I always envied him.
Posts by dogon
Did you ever know any JW's/Pioneers who frequented popular nightspots and got drunk?
by James_Slash init used to make me sick at these hypocrites.. they would be at the meeting the next day or out in field service, obviously still intoxicated from the night before but putting a show on before the congregation.
i knew a couple of girls who would be regulary doing this over a weekend yet they would be pioneers all week, answering up at the meetings yet would be heading into popular nightspots and coming home at 4am drunk.
their dad was an elder (surprise, surprise).. i remember telling an elder about this once.
interesting link comparing assertion made in latest awake
by booby inhttp://creation.com/review-there-is-a-god-by-antony-flew.
You can not take one person that changes his or her mind as an end to the debate. There will always be someone converting to and from every issue and its not support for the issue. Not to mention that even if the argument by design holds water and lets for a second say it points to a supreme being, or creator, what god get the credit for creating the world? ALLAH? Jehovah? Zoroastor or the flying spegetti monster. The myth of the bible is proven false on everything form the flood to the exodus to the very existance of Jesus. Why would I buy into that crazy bull shit because some old fart changed his mind when the end of life is looking him in the eye? Not a reasonble assumption.
Glenn Beck
by will_the_apostate indo j dubs like glenn beck?
they seem like peas in a pod to me.
Just because two people are crazy as fuck does not mean they get along. No they would not get along, the dubbers do not like anyone who is not a dubber. They may say he has a point about gay marriage or bringing god back to the minds of people, but no they would not get along. They are both tin foil hat wearing idiots that should be shot and stuffed to show what happens when you lose your mind and rant hate speech.
Jehovahs Witnesses have a lot more mental problems and much higher suicide rate
by TastingFreedom injerry bergman, ph.d. .
the first american study.
the watchtower influence was often not positive, and there was no evidence that it had in the long run helped those who had emotional problems when they joined.
It is a very confusing religion that forces people to abandon family and friends, it pushes people down and is very degrading. It supresses human individuality and creates conflitc in the minds of the believers. In short its a debasing religion that should be banned and its leaders shot. I think all religion should be relegated to the scrap heap of human dead end inventions. God is only pretend and the god creators are dangerous.
We are feeding the answers to the Bethel Lurkers!!
by clarity inare we providing the material for damage control?
are we making them look credible?
like giving them a "heads up" as to what is ssoooo wrong, and they're trying to fix the fallout!
Bethel is the easy way out. It is a place for people who do not want to compete in the real world. It is easier to lay down and be treated like a dog than to make your own way. This is one reason the religion appeals to some people. I had a cousin that did not want to save money and wanted to go in debt and spend like there is no tomorrow. The cult gave her the excuse to do so. Now she and her husband are looking at 60 and have nothing to fall back on for retirement. They told me when I worked with them in the 80s, as I saved part of each check in the bank, that it was a waste and they would help me throw it in the streets when the big A came round. Well I have been semi retired for a few years now in a home that is paid for and an income that I do not have to work for and they are still trying to scratch out a living. It is a simple religion for simple minded people.
scary statement made by elders' wife
by shadowolf inso a few months ago i went with my family to meet for field service (ugh i hate it!!!).
so while we were meeting for service, an elders' wife began to talk about the 'great' spiritual food the fds had gave us at the recent dc.
she went on to say regarding info that the fds gives out "we have to follow it,even if we dont understand it, even if we dont agree with it.
The Nazis used the same type of mentality. JWs and all religion is a scam. You don't need the cruth of religion. NO JESUS NO ALLAH NO YHWH or any other type of crap. Its all garbage and is a waste of time. I got an Awake in my door today and it was not fit to go in my garbage can. I would not waste a drop of urine on it.
There is no such thing as an agnostic
by startingover ini think judith hayes says it well:.
That article was a nonsequitur. I am an atheist but have always said that the only group that is based in fact is the Agnostics. I don't "know" that god does not exist and can not prove that god does not exist, but the evidence supporst that there is no god much more than the idea that there is a god that is real. There is not the smallest bit of evidence that a supreme being of any kind exists. I like Sagan's example that I can not prove that there is not a tea pot orbiting the sun but I highly doubt it.
JWs and medical marijuana
by dogon inwhere do jws stand on the new medical marijuana?
i know they would df for use of it for recreation but if a dr in california gave it as a perscript, and it was legal to buy and use for medical use, has anyone ran into this yet?.
Where do JWs stand on the new medical marijuana? I know they would DF for use of it for recreation but if a Dr in California gave it as a perscript, and it was legal to buy and use for medical use, has anyone ran into this yet?
WTBS Shuts Down Youtube Video - Update
by Yan Bibiyan inwell, i had every intention to embed the video, but couldnt do it.... in the interest of time, here is the link.
i guess it worked afterall, what do i know about linking video....
So did I take that correct, that as long as some one is alive that knew someone who knew someone who was alive in 1914 then there is a contemporary alive of that time and generation? Is that how fucking stupid they have gotten to try to keep the dream and I stress dream alive? Man how they have frallen.
607 - New 'Apostate' Light
by sweet pea in.
thanks to frank kavelin for looking at the old well worn subject from a completely different perspective.. enjoy!.
I thought that because they used the same secular dating for the release of the jews by Cyrus to count back 70 years that they reject for the date of the destruction of the temple it completely discredited their attempt to show 607