I think this goes deeper than just the Swiss. If the USA were bringing in the money that they once did, they would support the branches that were not able to support their own weight. This shows that the USA is not bringing in the funds they once did. What happened to the "god is blessing the expansion work that will continue to the end" crap? Does this mean that the end is here right now? I am sure they will spin it to their advantage whatever happens. It’s how they always do it. Sara Palin has nothing on these idiots. It took me a many years to get past the mind control but now I am so free of the power they once exerted that I wonder how I ever let it happen.
Posts by dogon
Swiss Branch closing down
by InquiryMan inthis newspaper article published in a capital news paper reports this including an interview with a watchtower spokesman.. it seems that less than half of the bethelites will be transferred to the german branch in selters that will supervise the work in switzerland from 2011.also, it seems that the branch offices in austria and luxembourg will undergo the same transition.
the remaining bethelites will stay on in switzerland, some will go on as full time pioneers.. .
1914 - What is the importance of this date?
by sabastious in"we don't live for dates".
i have heard this a lot in my lifetime when witnesses get approached with any critical thinking of the 1914 year date.. this sounds good, at face value, but it's so disconcerting to hear them minimize this date when they will jump all over it as "proof" of their organization's divinity.. without dates such as 1914 societies like the watchtower simply would not exist.
the watchtower needed these dates to anticipate and use as selling points.. remember, before 1914 there were not very many witnesses.
We must all have waffles and think to the best of our abilitys. The 1914 date is the date that gives the WTS all its fake authority. Its when Jesus is suposed to have turned his attention to earth and saw that CTR was the only person and group that was doing gods will according to their narrow teaching of the bible. With out this date they are just another splinter group. SPLINTERS fucking peoples front of judea splinters
Even when you think you're out, you're not...
by undercover insometimes we debate about which is better - to fade...or to da/get dfd.. there are pros and cons to each method.
faders like to say that they're not playing by the rules and can still associate with family.
daers say that they are totally free and can speak their mind and celebrate their holidays as they see fit with absolutely no retributinos.. i see the advantages of both sides and understand why one chooses one path over another.
The only thing you can do is live and forget them. If you dwell on what you can not change it only disturbes you. I moved because I had to many family members near me that would make it known that I was not good enough because I did not go to KH. Screw them. It was cold where I lived and I am moving closer to family and its a bit warmer.
You can never be free if you alway see them day after day. My wifes sister got divorced from a witness and she remained in the org. She sees this guy every meeting with his new wife. And she can't treat him as the idiot he is. If forces you into so many confinements its crazy. Freedom is just walking away. Its as simple as that.
Got My Medical Marijuana Card Today....
by dssynergy inso i'm in california on business for 3 months, possibly more.
might just decide to stay.
i'm enjoying the sun.... anyhow - i just went in and got my marijuana card today.
If you have never done weed, and want to know what its like, get a bottle of presure whip cream. when empty finish the bottle by letting it presure off in your mouth and breath in the gas. Its nitrous oxid and will give you about the same buzz. It last for only about 5 min. and no harm. Pot does the same for longer.
How does the congergations in the California area view pot if its medical? Do they just let it go or is it a disfellowshipping offence no mater what? I can not imagin those old fucks at brooklyn letting it go for any reason. Bunch of idiots.
How did Jehovah's Witnesses come to use the phrase: New Light?
by Terry inin the middle of the 18th century in america, a crisis of faith arose.. traditional belief about the destiny of christians in the new world had been tested and proved false.
instead of spreading a pure and just society across north america which the whole world would see and hold in great esteem, everything was chaos, controversy and opposition!.
puritans, congregationalists, baptist, catholics hated each other even though christ was the center of their very worship!!.
In reality who gives a rats ass about where they got their crazy shit. crazy is crazy.
Some things that we APOSTATES keep getting wrong. We need some FRESH IDEAS!
by nicolaou injust my opinions of course;.
a common attitude among ex-jw's is that the watchtower will face collapse only when the money dries up - i disagree.
This is stupid. its like poking a old drunk half passed out in a ditch. who gives a shit what the cult does? I really care about as much as I care what the mormons are doing this weekend. As long as stupid people go to the cult they will survive. God damn there are people who believe that UFOs land all the time and that man faked walking on the moon. I really don't give a shit. Stupid people need to be left to their own stupid ways and stomped on when the conflict with my life. JW do not conflict with my life, they are insagnificant ants. Let them sing songs and read cult watchtowers, it does not affect us. I am not saying to not talk to and tell the facts to a dubber but I could give a rats ass what the FDS body spray does on its weekends.
Brace yourselves: The GOOD things about the WTBS! heh
by theMadJW inyes-lotta nonsense; a self-proclaimed "slave class" that is not a prophet but like a prophet, giving so awfully embarrasing opinions that are supposed to be automatically acceted by all of us jws...pretenders...mistakes... and moves not "discreet" at all- like the ngo united nations membership they secretly had for awhile....terrible, isn't it?.
i mean, look at the inspiring example we have in churchianity: such wonderful dogma- such as the three sadist-gods who have been torturing billions of men, women, and children for thousands of years- with eternity to go...and god making the universe in 72 hours...and backing the wars of their governments- "god and country!
", as they send their men out to war, telling them they will be blessed for it, and so many more wonderful revelations: the rapture, once-saved, tithing, etc.
Here is one thing that always bothered me, the parable of the one lost seep being so important, and the society is completly the oppisite, they are the one is very unimportant to the good of the org. You either conform or you are gone. You are told to question anything that any other religion speaks but don't you dare question [unless is a soft ball fest like Hannity questioning Limbaugh] the GB FTS. MADjw is trying to be the "I am one of you guys" and then swing back to try to put doubt in our minds. It can not work because there is nothing to doubt about how evil the society is. It is a cult, a dangerous cult that had killed and damaged and ruined familys. It should be shunned to our last breath and any one we meet who is even thinking of looking at this shit cult we should talke to them untill they understand that this is a JONES TOWN cult that will eventually destroy their lifes. You will lose your individuality, your self respect, your critical thinking and ability to question. You will become a walking talking zombie that has no ability to make a desision outside of the borg telling you what posistion to screw you wife in, what to eat and what medicen is best for you. NO FUCKING THANKS.
Where was "gods Earthly channel" before Rutherford and Russell?
by Vachi 8 He Is inwhere was it in 1600s or in columbus' day?
and if it was here where did it go, or was it "new lighted" into something else?
this whole religion is based on the interpretation of these two.
The view is that it was there even if they cant trace it. I have heard of several obscure cults through the ages thay point to and say that could have been the line. More garbage to try to bolster more garbage.
Brace yourselves: The GOOD things about the WTBS! heh
by theMadJW inyes-lotta nonsense; a self-proclaimed "slave class" that is not a prophet but like a prophet, giving so awfully embarrasing opinions that are supposed to be automatically acceted by all of us jws...pretenders...mistakes... and moves not "discreet" at all- like the ngo united nations membership they secretly had for awhile....terrible, isn't it?.
i mean, look at the inspiring example we have in churchianity: such wonderful dogma- such as the three sadist-gods who have been torturing billions of men, women, and children for thousands of years- with eternity to go...and god making the universe in 72 hours...and backing the wars of their governments- "god and country!
", as they send their men out to war, telling them they will be blessed for it, and so many more wonderful revelations: the rapture, once-saved, tithing, etc.
As far as this idiot saying that there is a difference, I knew of several COs who would put away 20k plus a year on the backs of the JWs who give out 100s under the table to these poor over weight old child molesters. They run around our used to in 100k RVs and every one breakes their back to ask them to come over to their house for dinner and at the same time ignore the poorest and most valnarable among them. They are liars and decievers and MAD is trying some superficial confusion tactic. The problem is there is no confusion when you remvoe the veil and see the silly old fart called the GB behind the curtain. All the fear they put into the rank and file is smoke and mirrors. They have nothing and will never have anything. NO GOOD COMES FROM THE GB OR THE JWS. The best thing I ever did was to run away as fast as I could, I lost family but you know what when people put demands on you for their relationship they are not worth the air to blow them up. Nothing lost.
Brace yourselves: The GOOD things about the WTBS! heh
by theMadJW inyes-lotta nonsense; a self-proclaimed "slave class" that is not a prophet but like a prophet, giving so awfully embarrasing opinions that are supposed to be automatically acceted by all of us jws...pretenders...mistakes... and moves not "discreet" at all- like the ngo united nations membership they secretly had for awhile....terrible, isn't it?.
i mean, look at the inspiring example we have in churchianity: such wonderful dogma- such as the three sadist-gods who have been torturing billions of men, women, and children for thousands of years- with eternity to go...and god making the universe in 72 hours...and backing the wars of their governments- "god and country!
", as they send their men out to war, telling them they will be blessed for it, and so many more wonderful revelations: the rapture, once-saved, tithing, etc.
This guy mad is batshit crazy, he comes here tying in a thin veiled way to act like he has reason but then trys to put a spin on the batshit crazy crap the socity puts out, there is not good that comes from this clut. NOT ONE DAMN THING. They are a controling group that runs the rank and file into the ground for their own aggrandizement. The GB does not give a shit if one or thousands of their rank and file choose shoveling potatos for a life so they can work like the little slaves they are to the borg. I once saw a drama in Holt MI assembly hall where two kids come out and one askes the other so what are you doing this summer, the reply was Im going to college, the other says, I have a part time job shoveling potatos and am going to pioneer. The other starts to rethink his going to college. Bull shit of the first order and the NWT is a bunch of crap, If it was so damn accurate how come freddie brown shoes never caught the reed sea red sea mistake? The bible is a buch of crap and the NWT is toilet paper, no not even good toilet paper, no absorption.