Reminds me of the 80s when the story was being circulated by the JWs about a Stazi Agent who moled into the JWs in East Germany. He worked up to elder and just as he was about to turn in his work and disclose his findings, he was struck by lightning. The elders ran to his home as it was a communist nation where the state collects all the belongings of an individual on death and found this out. The idea to draw was Jehovah killed this guy to save the congregation. LMFAO what a load of bull shit. I asked my elder partner in business at the time that did not the elders say that Jehovah appointed elders? Yes, so then Jehovah appointed a Stazi agent and then killed him, what the fuck for?
He told me that Jehovah must have found something good in him at the time. What a load of shit. I do not miss the stupidity of that group one bit.time. What a load of shit. I do not miss the stupidity of that group one bit.