Born good. Evil is not pre-existing; it must be brought into existence by an act of the will of a living, breathing evolutionary being.
many ancients including confucious and lao tzu took opposing views about this subject and their arguments are fascinating to read.
their arguments are nearly 2,500 years old.
the greeks also lively debated this question.. of course, as dubs (and in fact, in most christian faiths) we were taught that man was born inherently evil, and the quest is to overcome that and work towards the good.
Born good. Evil is not pre-existing; it must be brought into existence by an act of the will of a living, breathing evolutionary being.
Stinky, you are obviously depressed, and fairly seriously so and you are medicating yourself to hide your depression behind an alcoholic haze. If you were to see a psychologist right now, I'm certain he would give you an antidepressant, something like celexa as Effexor will make you gain weight.
When you get to the point in depression that you're using alcohol to self medicate, you're in deep ka ka. Please do something NOW to help yourself before you get in too deep. Then you'll have a helluva time getting back out.
englishman and her ladyship will be visiting the usa and we are happy to announce a bbq for them at our place.
so mark your calanders!!.
saturday, november 1, 2003 2 pm = ?
Is this damn thing going to be in Pensacola or in Panama City?
And the exact dates?
SP, Bendrr and I are driving from Georgia. We could pick you up. What a dilemma, huh?
i just heard a jw radio advertisement regarding family and children for the first time.
this may have been the radio version of the "award winning for excellence" psa (public service announcement) which the wt society ballyhoos in their media website .
while listening to an oldies/nostalgic music station based in a wealthy twin cities suburb (stillwater, minnesota), they had a newsbreak, followed by an awkward half-minute of silence, then this commercial about family and children came on.
Mustang - "Money is money and the stations will take it?" If what we are discussing here is a true PSA, Public Service Announcement, no money is involved. Stations run them for free. If the local station owner gets enough complaints about the PSA being discussed here, they will take them off the air right by themselves. The FCC will never be involved in it. Believe me, there are enough PSAs out there to fill up Yankee Stadium, ripping up the one from the WTBTS won't make a particle of difference. As a disc jockey, I used to refuse to air certain PSAs just because I didn't personally like them myself. And I didn't ask a soul. I just substituted something I did like and logged the time. End of story. Nobody gave a big shit, either. They were just PSAs after all. No money, so who cares?
from what i've noticed lately, the wts seems to be explaining everything away with a new approach; that of dumbing everything down to just a couple of key points in their everchanging, contradictory, edicts and doctrine.
they seem to be avoiding 'deeper' scriptural interpretations that invariably get them into trouble with people who actually don't take everything the fds say as absolute truth, and instead are feeding the rank and file and the "doubters" that dare question the changing doctrine, with a couple of what they feel are key "truths".. 1) who else is using god's name today?
2) who else are doing "god's work" of preaching the good news of the kingdom?.
Who else would WANT to preach a Bronze Age tribal god in an age of exponentiating science and truth? The fact is that the WTBTS has been left behind holding tightly to the Old Testament and to an Old Testament God which should have been thrown out over two thousand years ago along with the bath water.
The Master has said that we should not allow anyone to even attempt to put us back under the old law code, but that is what the WTBTS has been attempting to do for over a hundred years to its own detriment. The only people it gets as members now are the usual cult variety: the lost, the angry, the lonely, the mentally disturbed, the emotionally disturbed, and others on the fringes of a sick society.
And there are hundreds, thousands of organizations and the people in them who are doing the work of the so far nameless god all over the earth. The desire of this God's heart is being done all over the earth today by countless Christians, Hindus, Shinto, Taoists, Buddhists, Islamists, Sikhs, and many other religions. The WTBTS is virtually alone in teaching about its Bronze Age god with the manufactured name. It's the wrong name, but it's A name. The real existential god has never revealed himself by name, only by attribute. And the attribute by which we know him best is that of unconditional LOVE - an attribute about which the Jehovah's Witnesses know NOTHING.
i'm in a bit of a state at the moment, my wife has just left me about 30 mins ago and took the kids...i don't know where.... ok, some of you long-timers may remember the problems i had with my son ben, who decided that the jw religion wasn't for him about a year ago.
i supported him as best i could through that and he's developed into a fine young man with a more healthy spiritual attitude, investigationg a number of christian churches in the area and finally settled on church of england, which he really likes now.. although no longer a christian myself i have no objection to them pursuing whatever religious path they choose (obviously within reason).
that has been the case with all of my children: ben, 15, charlotte, 14 and chloe, 12. i have never attempted to stop my wife taking them to the meetings although i have voiced to them privately my concerns about the religion.
She has also abandonded you absent ANY legal writ to do so.
Get an attorney NOW if you have to borrow the money.
This is going to get worse before it gets better. What state do you live in? If she and the children do not show back up by in the morning, report that they have been abducted. Play this as a no-nonsense case of chiild abuction by a religious cult know for child sexual abuse. When you do get your children back, have them examined for abuse right away by their doctor. Demonstrate that this is a serious concern from the get go.
Get in touch with me via PM. I want to help.
the more i think about things, the more i believe that i have been, as the society likes to say, "courting sin".
for years, i've questioned internally, the policies of the watchtower, the teachings, the directives of co's and do's and the overall "attitude" of jw's.
mind you, no one would have ever thought that i didn't believe this is without a doubt the "truth".
Damn. TJ beat me to it. I was gonna say "about 2 pounds of gray matter that you use independantly and all by yourself to come up with original thought. This gray matter is found between your ears and most people have it and use it absent permission from some ancient 'brain trust' which claims to have the key to this gray matter."
This is scary. I been looking all over for parts of my skin to turn brown, but no luck. TJ, you better look your self over and see if anything is happening to you.
What part of the country/world produces the most apostates than the others? Thinking minds want to know. And this is just the kind of information the society would know right down to the square foot.
has anyone ever possessed something that you'd swear had a demon attached to it?
we've all been told to watch out for things purchased at flea markets, garage sales.... but did something slip through the cracks and into your home?
my story goes like this: i live in a historic community my next door neighbor found a small grave in her backyard.
Right you are Ravyn. I mean after all how normal is it to come up with all these stories of paranormal apparences of your smurf doll getting up and walking out of a kingdom hall? And then for 6 million other minds to believe it?
Jehovah's Witnesses are the perfect example of group hysteria I've ever seen. And gullible? Chile, you ain't seen gullible yet, 'til you done seen the Witnessess in action. Anyone who believes half of what dey believe go on in dem garage sales is serious fucked up, you know what I'm sayin'?
De whole organization of Jehovah's Witnesses is demon possessed, you axe me.
i noticed someone here the other day making a discouraging remark about the subject no call list to the effect that it was a waste of time because advertising calls were still coming through.
i don't remember who was making these ill-informed remarks.. the american no call list does not go into effect until october 1, 2003. best to be fully informed before blasting a good idea out of the saddle.. frank
I noticed someone here the other day making a discouraging remark about the subject no call list to the effect that it was a waste of time because advertising calls were still coming through. I don't remember who was making these ill-informed remarks.
The American NO Call List does not go into effect until October 1, 2003. Best to be fully informed before blasting a good idea out of the saddle.
ok........has anybody been hearing rumors about new light on the faithful and discreet slave teaching?
i recently talked to one of my ex-bethel buddies and he said that an adjustment has been in the works for awhile now and that the new light for the fds will be that they will receive their appointment before the great tribulation and that they didn't receive it at 1918-19 as previously taught.
their works (global preaching work, worldwide growth, etc) up until the point of the great tribulation will show that they have been faithful and discreet in caring for the lord's interests and worthy of "official" appointment before the end comes.
As I have pointed out elsewhere, this is just another example of the Pharisees - then and now - making allegories out of The Master's parables and getting in deep, deep kaka for doing so. Mankind, isn't there anything good they can't fuck up? And The Master's message and directions are so simple and loving.
Frank Tyrrell