The name "Jehovah" does not appear in any extant original language manuscripts from any time period. The name YHWH does appear, but not in any extant Greek manuscripts. In the late 1300s, at least 1300 years after Jesus was dead, Shem Tob translated the gospel of Matthew into Hebrew. All New Testament inclusion of the name YHWH dates to some point after this time and usually takes the form of selective replacement of either God or Lord (some variant of theos or kurios). Such replacement of a Greek word for a Hebrew name is not translation and is the most consistently glaring flaw in the mistranslation that is the New World Translation.
A total of 237 times the translation committee chose to insert a name for which they had no translational authority save appealing to translations from Greek into Hebrew dating to post-1350 AD. In other words, they use the indisputable mistranslation of Greek into Hebrew by Shem Tob and others to justify indisputable mistranslation of Greek into English.
Jehovah's Witnesses are masters at manipulating language to suit the needs of their doctrine.
Emptywords makes it seem that YHWH appears in many churches and cathedrals in many nations equals international acceptance of the name "Jehovah". This is fallacious reasoning.