I guess it depends on where in the world you are. In the mountains of East Tennessee, it was a long held belief that JWs worshipped a black flag with a red snake on it (search me, I don't have a clue where it came from).
But the worst epithet in the rurals was to call JWs "No Hellers" as in they don't believe in the reality of a burning hell. Seems the fundy types put a great store in the teaching of hellfire and brimstone. It's such a good motivator. There was a lot of contempt for JWs on that score, too.
The green bible didn't go over too well. And neither did the fact that nowhere in all their literature was the word "grace" to be found. You could tell these people that "undeserved kindness" was how we referred to grace, and that just got us in deeper. "What father would be kind to his children and then tell them that they didn't deserve it?" They wanted to know. That pretty much ended the conversation.
The fact that so many in the general public seem to have a sort of tolerant attitude toward the JWs is, in my opinion, testimony to the effectiveness of propaganda which, as we know, was invented and perfected by Joseph Goebbels in the service of another destructive and dangerous cult: the Hitler Cult - as opposed to the JW cult. But the JW cult has made effective use of this brain-child of their spiritual brothers - the German Nazi party.