There is comfort in knowing others understand even if a small group are stuck on idea and therefore
are unable to entertain any other ways of thinking
hi, my time is drawing ever closer as i can no longer speak lies about the organization and all the past revisions and my sins i committed against everyone i judged while serving on judicial committees.
i lay awake at night with guilt because i ask jehovah and his son jesus christ to forgive me for being so judgemental, self assured and arrogant at certain times in my life.
i was not a prince of peace, at times i was a coward when i was first appointed because i wanted to keep all things peaceful with my peers, not with my heavenly father and saviour jesus christ.
There is comfort in knowing others understand even if a small group are stuck on idea and therefore
are unable to entertain any other ways of thinking
your need to prove someone wrong is not a battle between you and the person you are trying to prove wrong.
it is a battle within yourself.".
~jen reynolds.
thanks Bluesbrother ... your statements make sense to me
where I fall into the trap of "needing to convince "is when my motives for saying or doing something
are called into question. Still it is nearly never worth the battle created because then the other person's
charactor or ablility to concern peoples actions are called into question.. they in turn feel insulted or belittled or judged
tiki ..so true we should not likewise attribute wrong motives to others.. but in the heat of the moment this is so easy to do
( sorry for the dark black, I tried to highlight your name and couldn't cancel the rest )
Negative emotions appear mainly to result from negative beliefs and conditioning deep in the sub-conscious... the driving force in our actions & decision making
your need to prove someone wrong is not a battle between you and the person you are trying to prove wrong.
it is a battle within yourself.".
~jen reynolds.
Your need to prove someone wrong is not a battle between you and the person you are trying to prove wrong. It is a battle within yourself."
~Jen Reynolds
The very nature of a debate or chat line is to discuss, to give your thoughts and views
The word "need" above seems to convey desperation
Are there issues so important that it requires a battle-like stance ?
What is the fear if others see things differently ?
What are some reasons for a "go to the wall stance ?"
A need to vent supressed emotions, to save or protect others from harm
or doubt or even guilt about past stands or lifestyles lived ?
age-old question.
complicated x1,000 if one or both of the persons is married/in a serious relationship.. i am skeptical.
very skeptical.
Several years ago on a thread I said yes platonic relationship(for those in a relationship already) are possible if there is trust between you and your partner... trouble is a person can deceive even their own heart over time.
The question to ask yourself ..what is the subject of conservsation with this platonic friend ?
Once you start to share emotional thoughts that you know should best be discussed with your mate you have crossed the line
when there is more time spent and deeper enjoyment with your friend than your partner
Imo someone always gets hurt in the long run.
Perhaps it's human nature, we are attracted to the opposite sex, that attraction is what makes us notice someone in the first place, before we even talk and find out what we may have in common. We don't decide to become friends with the ugly or creepy person, we are programed to respond to beauty.~~ Dragonfly76
You can walk across thin ice without checking it's thickness .....you may even make it all the way across the river
no one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family.
(from the article, is it wrong to change your religion?
july 2009 awake!, page 28) .
great scripture & reasoning thanks !
However this "justification" is given..... Jw's when asked by someone "I have taken your literature
now why won't you take mine ?" JW's are told to remind themselves "We cannot exchange the truth for a lie"
.....just as lieing is justified because the one asking has no "assumed right" to know the real truth that could cause harm to the liar
Having "the truth " triumps any would be rights of others
Strange also how you don't just know certain truths... but you are "in the truth " surrounded and protected from all
the evil reasoning of those who are merely "in the world "
i really enjoyed church today, i have been visting serevel in the last few weeks, all the ones i have been to have been okay, but no more, but today i felt comfortable with everything i seen.
it seemed very doctrinally sound, christ centered and the big bonus i did not hear a word about money!
they did not pass a plate(i dont know if they do but today there was none).
I agree that to find a church that appeals to you and your nature is refreshing
but what of scriptures that indicate certain conditions placed upon us as individuals ?
For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, Tim 4;
‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. Rev 315-16
Treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 2Tim3: 4
Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the time is near Rev 1:3
The spirit of the law still requires that the letter of the law be understood to give some sort of framework to work with ..does it not ?
In the business world they have goals and objectives for which to shoot for.... to aim for
Jesus was quite critical of the Pharisees’ hypocrisy, and He expressed His disapproval forcibly on several occasions (e.g., Matthew 23). However, Jesus’ criticisms were always truthful and, ultimately, loving.
Most people misunderstand what a “hypocrite” is. Most people think a hypocrite is someone who preaches one thing and then does another. That is not a hypocrite; that is called a SINNER, which is what we all are.We are not judging or condemning anyone to remind them of God's Law, anymore than it would be wrong to remind someone that it's against the law to steal people's hubcaps
i really enjoyed church today, i have been visting serevel in the last few weeks, all the ones i have been to have been okay, but no more, but today i felt comfortable with everything i seen.
it seemed very doctrinally sound, christ centered and the big bonus i did not hear a word about money!
they did not pass a plate(i dont know if they do but today there was none).
Are Priests mediators.... are they necessary today ?
Some interesting thoughts about what the preisthood is and means to Catholic's
"Yet as we know in the Old Testament there were two kinds of mediators between God and the people. There were mediators from God to communicate His mind and His will to the people. These mediators were called prophets. They were from God to the people. We might call this downward mediation: from heaven to earth. There were also mediators from the people to God to offer Him the people's adoration, invoke His aid, and beg His mercy for the people's sins
Permanent deacons are being ordained in quantity, partly to supplement the dwindling ranks of the priesthood. But a deacon is not a priest. All of these and some other phenomena make the question we are asking ourselves crucially important. If the future of the Catholic Church in countries like the United States is to be assured, we need to understand better who a priest is, what his dignity is "
here are a few thoughts from online discussion to start things off..... at least rejection you know outright.
betrayal is always found out after the fact and always at a bad time.
its betrayal and that takes more time to heal because i didn't see it coming.. .
'lost '.. your speaking of a greater love we can trust reminds me of an old Alan Jackson video
love, trust and security is what we all wish for
Rejection just means that one out of millions of people does not agree with you or dislikes you.
Love is still the biggest thing in the world that makes it go round and around..it has wings that always will fly
here are a few thoughts from online discussion to start things off..... at least rejection you know outright.
betrayal is always found out after the fact and always at a bad time.
its betrayal and that takes more time to heal because i didn't see it coming.. .
big questions are best answered by brainstorming to reach resolution in one's mind...
Thwarted love can be the greatest of all hurts, especially when we’re blind to the depths of our own contrariness.
here are a few thoughts from online discussion to start things off..... at least rejection you know outright.
betrayal is always found out after the fact and always at a bad time.
its betrayal and that takes more time to heal because i didn't see it coming.. .
BETRAYAL. for me is worse. ~~~"lost"
To love and trust someone 100% as being your gaurdian, protector, soul mate, best friend, marriage partner
in any case it is the destruction of love and trust that hurts right 'lost " ?
So rejection may be the more honorable approach ... but a person who betrays may love still but fell into a unforeseen or unplanned event... I would suppose