Failure is not an option
John Doe is right Core when you read this tomorrow. You can turn this around.
Failure is not an option
John Doe is right Core when you read this tomorrow. You can turn this around.
my ex is a jw (as previously mentioned) and is against our son going to see the new movie, despite admitting that he has witness friends who will happily go and see it........oh and he also has witness friends that would dob their brother into the elders for going to see it.. i have just had a bit of a heated debate about it with him (our son is 14, nearly 15) and i just wondered if any of you have good sound reasoning for what is a 'matter of conscience' for these brainwashedd poo brains!!!!!.
help.........warlock can you just wave a magic wand or something............ a mother doing battle with the force...............a brain numbing, mind control force at that.
seriously folks though any gems you have would be greatly appreciated.
send him home with a Harry Potter edition of an ouija board.
good stuff Tatiana
seriously...take a break and just ring someone or one of those numbers. There is no coming back from what you want to do. All we need sometimes is a little help and a shoulder to cry on.
I am leaving work now and expect to see you here when I get home.
Dude - take Tatiana up the offer. You just need to talk to someone right now. You are not alone. I also sent you a message.
my son's girlfriend as been a bartender for over 3 years for a major chain here in orlando....(universal studios).
several nights ago at closing, some one came in and gave her a big tip.
she turned in $2.50 cents less than she should have and turns out it was someone for the company.
Geez I'm glad don't live in the U.S (sorry no advice here)
we will rename all the rides.
like..wathctower ... the escape.
raymond franz's revenge.
As a tourist, I love magic mountain. Didn't someone die on a ride there recently? Good times...
okay, i'm not really sure where to start here, and i apologize in advance if this is all over the place.. i basically have come here for your help and advice.
my husband and i got married may of this year, so it has only been 2 months!
he was raised a jw (only by his mother, his dad has never been in the "truth").
Hi Helpme1,
Apart from everything else said here I think jgnat has the best point - "we talked about everything". You guys got married for a reason and you need to learn to trust each other and talk about what you are feeling. If he has doubts - research them together. If there is something else stopping him going - talk about it. If you don't want to go - talk about it. You can't push things under the carpet. Eventually they won't fit.
ok, so i allways thought that dating someone who used to be a witless would be cool , since you would both kinda know what the other had been through in his/her life.
so my question is: how many of you date/have dated ex-witnesses, why or why not and does the relationship benifit from it...and just your ideas about it in general.. .
I think it's a standard relationship question and it really depends on the people involved. It is definitely a plus to have something in common - likes, dislikes, experiences (which takes in the gammit of growing up a JW). This is what a lot of the time gets people past the "first date". At the same time differences is what can also make it a great relationship.
Personally I wished I could speak to my wife a lot about what I grew up with and after 3 years I am actually starting to (especially now she has met a lot of ex-JWs) What attracted me to her in the first place had nothing to do with "the truth","witnesses" and all that crap. We just clicked. And I am glad we did...
i remember a topic a couple months ago, something about whether the gb actually believed in what they taught.
other topics have been similar lately, and today i noticed the topic about google 'proving' that the wts deliberately lies.
but is it deliberate?
On a serious note - from my experience - people are capable of anything. There was a time I thought "no way someone is capable of doing that to a person or people".
Once bitten, twice shy as they say. I wouldn't be surprised...