You guys are too funny....I don't know if you read, I got it to work after much angst! Thanks.
Was it the drink or the dancing? I have a bet with ninja.
what happened to on and play?
(and yes the volume is up).
You guys are too funny....I don't know if you read, I got it to work after much angst! Thanks.
Was it the drink or the dancing? I have a bet with ninja.
what happened to on and play?
(and yes the volume is up).
Did you try buying it a drink and telling it that it was hot?
does anybody have these quotes handy?
there have been quite a few of these the past few years.
i don't have the cd-rom on my computer at the moment (just reformatted it).
I found this, but it's not specifically about arguing or debating.
*** g97 7/22 p. 11 The Internet—Why Be Cautious? ***
Some discussion groups debate religious or controversial matters. Be careful about posting comments to such discussions; likely your E-mail address and name will be broadcast to all in the group. This often results in time-consuming and unwanted correspondence. Indeed, there are some newsgroups that are unfit to read, let alone interact with.
What about creating a discussion group, or newsgroup, for fellow Christians? This may present greater problems and dangers than initially expected. For example, individuals with ulterior motives have been known to misrepresent themselves on the Internet. Currently, the Internet itself does not enable individuals appearing on it to confirm identities. Furthermore, such a group can be compared in some ways to a large, ongoing social gathering, taxing the time and ability of its host to provide necessary and responsible supervision.—Compare Proverbs 27:12.
this is big, very big.
bigger that pascal petite(well, just as big), bigger than the demonic hand or the rams head in the live forever book!!.
to present this properly, i will need a scan of the page in the live forever book where the thief is running from the police clutching a bag of goods.
Born in the truth and you have the gall to say
I can't understand how you all missed this one
this is big, very big.
bigger that pascal petite(well, just as big), bigger than the demonic hand or the rams head in the live forever book!!.
to present this properly, i will need a scan of the page in the live forever book where the thief is running from the police clutching a bag of goods.
well, now that I know what a planchette is, is it the planchette or the pyramid necklace?
finally figured out at least how to get the picture on a thread !
i feel like i've won the world series or something !
anyway, this is the footprint my son and his girlfriend saw a month ago where my son and i backpacked this weekend .
Hey flipper, lookie what I caught!
That is one weird looking footprint. Any pictures that show scale?
Thank you guys. This has really made me laugh. Just like this But I'll assume no one cares.
... and what does the lady in the movie do?
she opens the door.. why are movie characters so stupid?.
Why are movie characters so stupid?
Cuz it's written in the script.
Shut-up already!
I don't care to. And exclamation points are not allowed in an apathetic statement. Not that it matters to me or anything.