cuz it's so much fun to say!
mine is facetious.
i like it for a lot of reasons.
it rolls off the tongue.
cuz it's so much fun to say!
can anyone recommend a good website monitor program that will alert me when changes are made?
has to work on microsoft windows xp.
i think i too would like to watch and play "gotcha!
You could try this but it was down earlier http://www.changenotes.com/
i am reading buried alive: the terrifying history of our most primal fear, it's really cool
Lisey's Story by Stephen King
I had an elder tell me that the amount of time a single male study and I were spending together would lead to trouble. He told me that we could both be in a room and say, a pencil falls to the floor and we both go to reach for it.
::cue romantic music::
Apparently there is something erotic about picking a pencil up off of the floor when done in tandem.
if babylon the great is the false religion, why does someone in heaven call them "my people"?
does this mean that god has followers in other religions?
or maybe babylon the great is not what the jw's think it is.. .
Don't you think that God is not allowed to show a little power to the world by protecting his faithful?
You be sure and let me know when this happens, ya hear.
a hell of alot more patient than me.
if only i had his power balanced with justice, wisdom and above all else love.. no more rapes, no more murder, no more suffering.
no more child abuse.. but who do i think i am to question him.. ff.
We never stop and think what a world would be like if in an invisible wall magically appeared every time we reached for a cigarette or that 3rd glass of wine. Ridiculous.
I'm just wondering, what exactly do you think heaven is like?
Clickable link for everyone.
a hell of alot more patient than me.
if only i had his power balanced with justice, wisdom and above all else love.. no more rapes, no more murder, no more suffering.
no more child abuse.. but who do i think i am to question him.. ff.
In your world, people would simply be forcibly prevented from doing evil whether they wanted to or not.
And you have a problem with this concept because....... Why was man ever "created" with this propensity to begin with? Why has it been allowed to run rampant? If god can put a stop to it, why doesn't he? Didn't adam's death do away with his sin? Doesn't the bible say the son will not inherit the sins of his father? WTF is up with that 180 degree turn around? Yeah, in my world, this kind of BS wouldn't be happening.
then if that wasn't bad enough, on new years eve, after going to the doctor as i was sick, i got home and pulled into our lane and got out to get our mail.
as i was getting back into my car, a minivan passed by and i heard a huge "thud".
i looked to see what happened and didn't see anything and the minivan kept going.
I am so very sorry for your loss.
for those of you who don't know what it is.it's a form of the chicken pox virus.after you get chicken pox as a kid the virus goes dormant in your nerve endings.most people never have any problem again with this virus.some people like me get the shingles.the symptoms include pain in your nerves.a rash that looks like tiny blisters.aches and flu like symptoms.and many others.i am contagious to people who have never had the chicken pox before.especially small children and pregnant women.you can't get the shingles from me but you can get chicken pox from me.. i have this stabbing pain in my back which i thought was a pinched nerve.i also have a thing on my back in the spot where i thought i had the pinched nerve that i thought was a spider bite.the pain is radiating around my side to my right breast.my right breast has been burning for 3 days now,about the same amount of time as i've had this spider bite looking thing on my back.i chalked that up to time of the month.this "spider bite " looking thing is on my right side.i'm having aches and pains like i have the flu.i don't feel good.. i asked my boss's mom to look at this bite thing and see if that was what it was because i've never had a spider bite before but i know they can get infected really bad sometimes.i didn't put 3 and 3 together with the nerve pain and the burning breast and the spider bite thing.the other girl i work with was there and she said it looked to her like shingles.i freaked out because i've had them before but not since i was a kid i was 10 or 11.my boss has 3 little girls i thought might be able to get chicken pox from me through contact with him.
so i called a nurse answer line at the county hospital to see if that could happen.i told the nurse what was happening and what had been suggested to me might be shingles.she told me i needed to get my butt to the doctors in the next 24 hours for anti viral meds.that's the only way to clear this up quickly.otherwise i'll have this for months possibly.the nurse then proceeded to make an appointment for me tomorrow at the next available clinic in there system.she also made an appointment for me to get rated on a sliding scale to pay for this treatment.. stress brings them on so does weakened immune system from illness.i have both right now.i'm sick and i'm overly stressed at the moment.sigh..
I had shingles on my face that went from the end of my nose up into my scalp.
Yowza it was painful!
The docs were afraid it had taken up residence on my optic nerve (but it hadn't).
But, after I took the first anti-viral pill, the pain lessened considerably.
Don't put it off, start the meds.
I hope you feel better soon.