Hi Kassad84,
You have a PM. Welcome to the board!
hello, i've been lurking in this forums for a while but its only now that i've created an account.
i'm an inactive jw, been in and out sporidically these past few years, but its only these recent months after reading crisis of conscience and christian freedom that i think i will never go back there again.. the reason i've been inactive primarily is because i have issues regarding masturbation and porn.
my conscience cannot allow to continue preaching while i continously being overcome by these habits myself.
Hi Kassad84,
You have a PM. Welcome to the board!
final witness*.
air date: wednesday, july 11, 2012. time slot: 10:00 pm-11:00 pm est on abc.
Came across this show on abc.com in case anyone missed it. The JW stuff was pretty accurate. Wonder if her family are still Jehovah's Witnesses? How the congregation responded to her family's participation in the show?
Didn't know he was on America's Most Wanted. Thinking most JWs are not familiar with his story or think its Satan behind getting this story on TV.
The FDS now only refers to the GB? I figured that out when I was a kid and none of the "regular" anointed had anything to do with the teachings or direction of the organization. This should appear in a study article early next year.
Sauerkraut, I don't think this will wake many JWs. They will continue to wait on Jehovah.
i didn't know eric particularly well, and i feel terrible that i didn't reach out to him more or try to help him while i still had the opportunity.. i feel extremely helpless, but the least i can do is help others remember him who knew him better.. here is a video i've uploaded to youtube in his honor.... .
i hope it helps us as we mourn a much-loved member of this forum.. .
Absolutely beautiful
our friend, oompa, has passed away.
just recieved the news a couple of hours ago, and have almost no details.
it happened today or yesterday, he took his own life.
Sad news, indeed. As I read through the first few pages, I hoped that this was all just a very bad prank.
Exiting the Jehovah's Witnesses religion can be excrutiatingly painful if its all you've ever known. Even more so, if the exit is in your very adult or later years and you truly gave of yourself to the religion. I'm sure when many of us decided to leave, we may have wondered if this life would ever be worth living. It pains me that for OOMPA it wasn't.
I sincerely hope that his death is not lost on his family but is a wake up call.
For anyone that may be thinking that ending your life is the answer, please know that there is life after leaving the Jehovah's Witnesses. It's not easy but its doable and it gets better. For some that road is longer than for others but it gets better.
RIP Eric...RIP
finally - i get it.
oh my gosh.. .
why did the chicken cross the road?.
Didn't know that's what it meant! I thought it was to literally get to the other side of the road like the chicken was doing its own thing by not being chicken.
Initial anger is natural but at a certain point it becomes unhealthy on many levels. Regarding forgiveness, it really has nothing to do with the WT...its for the benefit of the forgiver and does mean you forget what the WT has done wrong. Everyone will reach this stage at different times because some experienced more pain that others.
my 19 yr/old little brother who just got df'd a couple weeks ago is being forced to attend the dc by my family he still lives with.
anyone have experience with this that might have creative advise?
he is very social and this is going to break his heart.
At every convention there is a section full of people that are there just to be there. They are usually sleep, on a mobile device, reading magazines, etc...he should find that section. I would recommend that he doesn't sit with his family. That way he can "stretch his legs" when he get's ready
i was on a date tonight, eating in a cuban restaurant owned by jws (they have never met me, incidentally, the food was really good) when i realized that there was not just one, but two conventions in town.
one was the standard english speaking district convention folks, the other was the asl folks using the assembly hall in town for their district convention.. my date, who knows all about my jw past, tries to strike up a conversation with some of them sitting at the bar, asks them what they are in town for, etc.
they just said "for a convention".
Also didn't wear my the badge outside of the convention. Was a pioneer for years and did not preach or informal witness outside of the time I dedicated to the ministry.
Anyone remember when there was afternoon field service after the Friday session at the convention? We went once...took it off then too!
haha so i know the public watchtower from may 1st was probably discussed a while ago, but the logic contained in the article about religion and politics is so ridiculous.
my boyfriend had one lying around when we were hanging out the other day.
i swear, he leaves them around when he knows i'll be stopping by to see if it will interest me.
Politicians are not fans of Jehovah's Witnesses. I have non-JW family that are well known in the political arena, and black politicians do NOT like that black JWs do not vote. A while back, a local politician approached the PO (COBE) about speaking to the congregation about the importance of registering to vote to at least vote on several propositions even if they don't vote for any person to get into or stay in office. The elder gave him the normal JW response. The politician then tried to talk with him "black man to black man"...nothing.
That hall had much difficulty when wanting to buy more land, re-zoning, etc. They set appointments to speak to local leaders and the conversations were ridiculous...JWs really think they are God's chosen people and others are suppose to give them what they want in the name of Jehovah. When they didn't get their way, a talk was given about Jah's people being persecuted and Jah taking care of his people.
Seems he did after more than 15 years...that's a long time for such a small task for such a powerful God.