Just wondered.
Thanks for clearing it up.
Forgive me for getting confused over identities.
ok, now i reveal the truth about sue.
1/ i am a woman.. 2/ i am german.
3/ i am disfellowshipped.
Just wondered.
Thanks for clearing it up.
Forgive me for getting confused over identities.
just so certain ladies do not feel alone in cringedom i will confess my red-cheekers !.
i was a well-developed 15 yr old getting too volupteous for my school uniform ( ok too fat then) and the zip had bust on my only school skirt.
my mum replaced it using an old zip from another garment which happened to be quite a bit longer than a normal skirt zip.an unmarried brother came to visit one morning and was sat in our living room having a cuppa while i was frantically getting ready for school.
Can I change my name cos it's terrible having so many embarrasing moments? I think I have had more than my fair share!
This isn't mine but it tickles me.
It happened to the non-witness dad of my friend years ago.
He was cycling along a quiet country road and after sometime felt gaseous gurglings. So as he rode along he stood tall on his pedals, thrust out his bottom and let out a very long loud trump. Just at that second a lady overtook him on her bike !!
Sorry about this but on the subject of periods...
I remember mine were horrible and started in the middle of a meeting at so young an age I blubbered cos I thought something was seriously wrong when I went to the loo to find blood! I recall being at school in an Art lesson when out of nowhere my period arrived in major style. I stood up and there was a huge stain on my school skirt. I ran for the door but not before one of the lads had shouted "What's that red all over your skirt?". Quick as a flash I told him I'd knocked a pot of paint over me (liar...but thank God it was Art hehe)I had to tie the sleeves of my cardie round my waist and run home.
And on a slightly less yukky theme (honest I am not obsessed with toilets,condoms and boobs) I embarrased myself at school in a very different way.
Being a JW and a bit brainy in Junior school I suppose I was perceived as responsible and trustworthy. I was only about 12 when I became involved with helping younger students with reading which I thought was great cos I was taken out of lessons to do it so it felt like skiving.
One particular afternoon I was sat in the cloakroom area holding my little reading class outside a classroom when the teacher came out and told me to go into the class and keep an eye on them while he popped somewhere for a few minutes.
So I felt rather important and told them to read their books etc. Of course the second that the teacher was out of earshot the little sods started chattering away and I panicked as I took my assignment very seriously. So I fretted a bit yelling at them to shut up blah blah blah but this one cheeky little kid in particular started winding me up real bad. Up to that moment I don't think I was aware I had a temper but something snapped when he called me FATTY! A few moments later the teacher burst into the classroom to the sight of me holding the boy by his hair in a vicious grip and repeatedly banging his head on the wooden desk!!
Needless to say I lost my teaching assignment and to add to the humiliation was sent before the HeadMaster for a severe ticking off which for a known GoodyGoody was talk of the school.
Somehow I never felt attracted to Teaching as a career when I was older.lol.
That is DEF the last. I am becoming obsessed. Everytime I remember another one I shake my head cos I can't believe the things that happen to me.
Oh to be sophisticated...even for half an hour please!
ok, now i reveal the truth about sue.
1/ i am a woman.. 2/ i am german.
3/ i am disfellowshipped.
Just wondered how a German could define themselves as having English or was it British sarcasm?
i don't know about you but there are a lot of things i regret doing as a witness that i really would like to apologise to the people concerned.. to my brother flabbycabby who is a newbie to this forum i'd like to say sorry for following the elders advice and telling you you were not welcome over my doorstep.
you were in a terrible state having just being disfellowshipped ,finished with your wife, estranged yourself from your baby son and a few days earlier had taken an overdose in my flat where you were staying as you were homeless.
i had received a visit from the elders.
I don't know about you but there are a lot of things I regret doing as a Witness that I really would like to apologise to the people concerned.
To my brother FlabbyCabby who is a newbie to this forum I'd like to say sorry for following the elders advice and telling you you were not welcome over my doorstep. You were in a terrible state having just being disfellowshipped ,finished with your wife, estranged yourself from your baby son and a few days earlier had taken an overdose in my flat where you were staying as you were homeless. I had received a visit from the elders. It wasn't a judicial more of a stop what you're doing or else visits. Their compassion for you who they all knew from infancy was absolutely nil.Their empathy for me was non-existant.
I can't change what I did to you and I know you do not hold it against me but I want to say publically I am sorry and wish I had seen how un-christian that action was.
If by some miracle you are part of this forum and recognise yourself as I feel it is wrong to reveal your identity without permission JT I want to say sorry to you also.
JT was a married man who fell for a close friend of mine. He was a rep in the supermarket where a lot of JW's had part-time jobs. To cut a long story short poor JT found out his wife was having an affair and as he had feelings for the witness girl he seperated from her and studying with JW's hoping to reach baptism and be able to marry the sister eventually. The young sister was very happy though it was difficult as they were not allowed to see eachother at all but sent letters and cards etc. JT's study was going great and he was excited about the truth .During this period of quite a few months I developed a close friendship with him. Things came to a head when my sister friend decided her feelings had changed and JT was devastated.He continued studying and was in contact with me frequently by phone and sometimes I joined him for coffee. Our friendship became close enough for him to give me a gold chain as a token of buddydom.
Finally JT reached a decision about JW's that he felt unabe to go on. He was lonely and had started seeing a lady in the world.
So did I treat my friend of over a year with love and understanding?
Of course not.
I followed JW policy to the letter.Suddenly he was bad association and worse than a worldly person cos he had not accepted the truth.
I stopped calling him though it was my turn and he would reproach me sounding rather puzzled at how guarded I suddenly was. I bumped into him making a rare visit to the supermarket and was his usual bubbly self dying to share a joke. I was stand-offish and cool. I made sure he got the message.
That was a long time ago but I often wondered what became of him. He may have become a Witness years later but I don't think so. I doubt my attitude to him helped. Sorry Sorry Sorry J you were a lovely guy and I hope you are happy whatever you are doing now.
If only they were the only persons I hurt or snubbed. How many times as a Witness would I cross the road to avoid an inactive one? Where was the christianity in that. But the brainwashing had worked so well. All not for us were against us. God's enemies and despised by us. I shunned the DF'd out of duty to God. Now I can see how unlike Jesus' example that was.
So I'd like to add a general apology to all those shunned ones and I certainly have had a taste of my own medicine if that's any consolation lol.
Got that off my chest!!!
just so certain ladies do not feel alone in cringedom i will confess my red-cheekers !.
i was a well-developed 15 yr old getting too volupteous for my school uniform ( ok too fat then) and the zip had bust on my only school skirt.
my mum replaced it using an old zip from another garment which happened to be quite a bit longer than a normal skirt zip.an unmarried brother came to visit one morning and was sat in our living room having a cuppa while i was frantically getting ready for school.
Definitely the last one I promise!
Just keep popping back into my mind.
Like the time a car-full of us stopped for some petrol in my mum's local Petrol Station. It was a small coastal town in Wales and everyone knew everyone and my mum and her friend were the only witnesses in town practically so stood out a bit.
My mum had paid for the petrol and decided to take off her sweator before she got back in. Off it came but it brought her t-shirt off as well. So there she was chatting away to us in just her bra wondering why we had bust out laughing. I think she made a friend of the petrol attendant guy though!
Then there was the case of the very frumpily dressed middle-aged sister who always wore tweed skirts and polyester frilly blouses buttoned under her chin. The meeting had got a bit hot and an attendant went over and asked her to reach up and open the window.Being in a bored trance we all nosily turned to see what the attendant had bent over for so we didn't fail to see sister Frumpy reach up and somehow get her skirt sort of rumpled up round her waist and flash her knickers to the whole cong! But what amazed us all was they were sexy black ones! She went up in our estimation that day. Obviously more to that lady than (usually) meets the eye.
And what about the time I went to the KH toilet with a rather quiet and posh young sister. I should correct that. At the same time not in the same toilet. I don't know why but I hate listening to other people peeing and try and hold on to mine till they flush then let the torrent begin.So there was this deathly silence in the toilet while I waited for her to finish and to both our extreme embarrasement she broke wind. I had to put my hand over my mouth to stop myself chuckling but could hardly hold it when she said in a loud sing-songy voice "whoops windies!" . I was stuck in that blooming toilet ages cos I couldn't face her and had to wait till she'd finished and washed and dried her hands!
And finally (this is like a confession box) I once went to a party at my friend's huge flat. It was heaving with witnesses local and from other cities (read interesting single brothers). I needed the toilet and when I got in there was quite a pong and shock horror the hugest floater I have ever seen in the loo. So I flushed, had my pee and flushed again.But the disgusting thing was stuck. Same time someone was yelling they needed the loo.One of the interesting ones. I broke into a sweat.He obviously was going to think it was mine. I opened a window, sprayed perfume and flushed again. There was no way that log was gonna negotiate an s-bend!!! Don't read on if you're an easy puker. Getting desperate now and the longer I was in there the more likely the young bro would think I was taking a dump anyway which embarrased me nearly as much as the superpoop I took an old cardboard tube from a toilet roll and started stabbing it. I nearly threw up my breakfast, lunch and party grub in one go! Finally I broke it up and flushed it then had a shitty piece of cardboard in my hand. So nothing else to do but throw it down the toilet and prayerfully pull the chain. Guess what...it WOULD NOT FLUSH!!!
Just another day in the life of the EM-prone...
(ps thanks for all those who dared to share and gave us a giggle or two)
You go to bed early don't you.Mind you I went to bed at 8pm last night as due to a car alarm I didn't sleep the night before. Anyway my husband was thrilled to get his grubby mits on the keyboard and didn't come to bed till 2am.
To be honest I have deleted 2 replies to your last post because I realised how silly this all is.
Whatever your reasons for being here you show no inclination to discuss them or even defend your faith.
You assume this forum is full of apostates (by JW definition not theirs) but you must realise by now there is quite a mix.
If you wanted to you could present your points of view which you believe are the truth and could reach the hearts of JW's who really may be just doubting and need your encouragement as a fellow witness.
This could be your chance to repair damage and show us all the meaning of Christianity.
By the way I was kidding you about the JW chat rooms.I find them too caustic. I don't bother much with chat rooms cos I am such a slow typist I miss all the action while my heads bent lol
I'm stopping reading or posting on this thread as from this because believe it or not I find constant negativity draining. This forum has serious issues to raise but I enjoy the fun bits as well. Laughter is the best medicine and all that..
So I look forward to seeing you start a new thread with a more genuine Christian motive where we can discuss ( the whole mix in here)and debate in a friendly way.
We may agree to disagree but let's behave like human beings. Posting under anon names in a forum is no excuse to let standards slip.
Looking out for it..
just so certain ladies do not feel alone in cringedom i will confess my red-cheekers !.
i was a well-developed 15 yr old getting too volupteous for my school uniform ( ok too fat then) and the zip had bust on my only school skirt.
my mum replaced it using an old zip from another garment which happened to be quite a bit longer than a normal skirt zip.an unmarried brother came to visit one morning and was sat in our living room having a cuppa while i was frantically getting ready for school.
Just caught up with them all and hubby wants to know what I'm roaring with laughter about. I musta had a weird life cos I keep remembering things!
When I was very young I had been playing outside and came in chewing on something. My mum asked me what it was and I cheerfully replied it was a balloon (just loved that yang-yangy chewy rubber sensation) So next thing my mum's ripping my mouth open and throwing Dettol in it and getting hysterical!! Didn't know what was up till years later when I realised it had been a used condom.
Still feel sick!
when my parents entered the world of the witnesses, i was aged 8 years old.. dubbism did not sit easily on my young shoulders, and, try as he might, my dad struggled vainly to inculcate the new personality into his wayward, eldest son.
eventually, the strong diet of guilt and fear made inroads into my head, but, fortunately for me, it never reached my heart.
i was left with a personality that, instead of having absorbed the jw teachings had instead, become sort of striped.. the result was a boisterous child who liked nothing better to cheek those in authority.
I don't think smacking is the answer. Sometimes it is just an angry reaction to disobedience and what does that teach our kids about violence?
When I was a kid my dad mostly ignored us but occasionally got involved with discipline by beating us with belts, shoes and handy hard objects. Mum was into hairbrushes and sandshoes and "don't flinch take your punishment!!!"( she'll kill me when she reads this!..figuratively of course)
More effective by far was deprivation.Sent to bed .No telly. No sweets.You know the sort of thing. Worked didn't it? Mind you that was before the days where kids bedrooms were equipped with TVs,videos,music systems,PC's and Dreamcast! Send em to bed these days?More like NOT sending them to bed as a good punishment lol.
One memory I have of a brother in our congregation who was very keen on not sparing the rod was cringing at the meetings when his tiny baby started crying. He would take it to the back and smack it's bottom none too gently through it's nappy! That,imo,was nothing less than child abuse.
Sorry guys
couldn't resist feeding the troll.
Sue said "did I say I was a Witness?" Are you ashamed Sue?
"I have enjoyed playing with you but now I must stop. Makes too much fun for a dull boring Witness"
Did I hear a cock crowing?
And fancy not wanting to tell us where real JW's chat! Wow there's a big secret. Where do you think we go when we're not chatting in here?
Talk to you later Chuck.
years ago, during the early 70's, conditions and morale.
at bethel got pretty bad - a sex ranting knorr,.
demanding overseers, stupid policies, and brothers.
Thanks for the insider glimpse.
My cousin who was pretty gifted intellectually spurned University to pioneer and eventually reach out to Bethel.
He was in love with a young sister who was extremely eligable and chased by every brother in the circuit.But he put spiritual things first, said they should just be friends as he was entering Bethel and after some time elapsed she found love with a less "spiritual" brother with a degree and well-paid worldly career.
So was his Bethel service worth his sacrifices materially and emotionally?
Well apparantly he got under the nose of one of the big boys (he was never much of a crawler) and was told he needed a lesson in humility. So his magical assignment at Bethel was janitor. Head down toilets scrubbing the shit of those more worthy.