The offensive attack on education and the internet being waged by the WTS, the challenge of the Sept. KM (a virtual 'loyalty oath'), the changes in FS (from 'preaching' to dropping off leaflets), are all evidence that the very survival of the WTS is threatened and they are feeling it.
but the fact of the matter?
They've endured everything thus-far and they will endure everything we throw at them.
Fact of life.
We (as a whole) may force 'some' changes (mostly in their rationale, or tactics), but the fact of the matter is that we can't make a dent in their 'perfect world'.
Meaning, the ones that benefit the most from this cult will not NEVER feel the effects.
I don't mean we shouldn't keep up with things like this. If one person is saved; it's a success.
But I've been watching people for years get so excited about the prospect that the WBTS will fall, that I feel the need to inform them that they'll be waiting longer than those that buy into the WBTS crap.
It's just a simple fact that I think everyone should recognize.
even in the event that they dwidled in numbers, with little to no advancement; the amount of money they have alone would take hundreds of years to topple.