What a difference a hairstyle makes!!! She looks so much older, oh dear, and so very beautiful.
Posts by Bobbi
My Daughter
by mrsjones5 inyesterday afternoon i took my daughter to a beauty school to get her first perm.
she has been wanting one for a while and i've been resistant until just recently after taking her to a school ice skating party and viewing her classmates...it was time to do this.
i watched her sit in that chair the whole time, watching her go through the process, she enjoyed the whole thing.
My Daughter
by mrsjones5 inyesterday afternoon i took my daughter to a beauty school to get her first perm.
she has been wanting one for a while and i've been resistant until just recently after taking her to a school ice skating party and viewing her classmates...it was time to do this.
i watched her sit in that chair the whole time, watching her go through the process, she enjoyed the whole thing.
All these girls and women getting their straightened and I spent hours getting my hair permed curly. I had my first perm at age 7. I had beautiful blonde hair with absolutely no body to it. My mom was an amateur hair dresser so she did it at home over the kitchen sink. The first perm I had done at the salon, I was 11, only curled half my hair. they put more chemical on and left it longer. End result, burnt scalp and a really really bad hair do.
In high school, I was given a spiral perm. It was wonderful. I loved my curly hair.
I hope your daughter loves her hair and some day appreciates how hard it is for Mom to let her grow up.
Bobbi -
Biblical morals.
by Anti-Christ injust a few questions.
if some of you base your moral standards on the bible, how do you know what is right and wrong?
i ask because the morals in the bible change a lot.
Para ....... words are not enough to describe what I am feeling right now.
PS: the only thing you should be thinking about every time I get my monthly visitor is "Thank Goodness she isn't pregnant again" -
Well, I woke up this morning for a nice surprise....Ugh!!!
by FreedomFrog ini was leaving to go have my finger prints done when i seen a nice long red scratch from the back door to the rear bumper of my car.
it looks like she basically drove onto my car because it's scratched the alloy wheels.
there is black tire on the rims of my tire with red in the mix.
Para, you are out of control.
Bobbi -
The Nerd Handbook for Non-Nerds
by Paralipomenon inhttp://www.randsinrepose.com/archives/2007/11/11/the_nerd_handbook.html.
the nerd handbook.
a nerd needs a project because a nerd builds stuff.
I read it over again, and even though I have been friends with Para for 15 years I learned some stuff. I have learned to live with some of his "quirks" but now I sort of kind of maybe understand him a bit better.
Bobbi -
Tell Me About Your Jehovah's Witness Mother...If You had One!
by new boy inso since no one picked up the ball, after my thread on "your jw father".....here we go.... my mother (bless her heart) was born in kansas in 1926....her mother died in 1934, when my mother was 8 years old.
she died trying to give yourself an abortion with a coat hanger.
it was the "great depression".....she was 34 years old 4 kids and a 5th on the way...my grandfather would blow through town just long enough to "knock her up" and leave....no money....no hope.
My Mother....
Born middle child to a bank teller and store clerk. Older brother is a sociopath who once tied her to the clothsline and left her there for hours. Younger brother lived in successful older brothers shadow.
Grandmother was absent, too busy playing cards and golfing.
Grandfather thought women were stupid and never expected her to achieve.
Mom was raised in a well to do family, with lots of cousins and was given lots of advantages but not much parenting.
She met my dad at community college where she was partying mostly. She made money modeling and my dad was an overweight hairy draft dodger from Madawaska. Took him months of bringing her a coffee and danish every morning for her to finally go out with him.
They got married, I was born 9 months later. Mom wasn't used to not having money (Dad is basically from poor white trash) and had never changed a diaper before I was born. Dad worked during the day, mom read books, Dad come home at 5pm and mom went to work at night. 22 months later my sister was born. Mom still had trouble with spending and resented Dad for not making enough.
In 79 when I was 4, she was contacted in the door to door ministry. She studied a long time. I think she liked the attention. Her parents never visited, her inlaws idea of helping was to steal me for a month after my sister was born with out telling her and refusing to bring me back. She never really trusted them again. I wonder why!
In 1980 ( think) Mom was baptised at a circuit assembly and my little sister blurted out that night at dinner that "Mommy went swimming". That is the earliest memory I have of my Dad yelling at Mom for hours. He refused to let my sister and I go to meetings or service but in '82 relented I think cause he was tired of babysitting all the time. Still didn't let us go in service. Mom put alot of pressure on me to follow the witnesses and stand up to my dad about the holidays. After Christmas "83 I told my dad I didn't want to do christmas at his parents anymore. Poor Daddy, I was very young but i know now how hurt he was. Mom was always mean to him, resented him having other friends and other hobbies.
Mom was unstable. She would throw these wonderful kids parties. Bake up a storm, spend hours making hats and blowing up balloons. All the kids in teh congregation loved her. But at home she was "dark". I never knew what would set her off. I grew up looking over my shoulder wondering what kind of mood mom was in. She loved my little sister and they had a lot in common.
In 1987, Dad got promoted and we had to move. She got cervical cancer and was working full time. By this time Dad was at least friendly with the brothers but my friends were never allowed to come to my house cause Dad was an unbeliever. Mom is very 'house-proud". She loved to share her house with her friends but it always started problems in the congregation. Sister Dirt Poor would start saying Mom was materialistic and vain.
In 1989 she had the first of two car accidents followed by a hysterectomy. She was so hopped up on pain meds She would forget she had kids. I think my dad had an affair around then or at least she thought he did. She worked so hard to make us seem like the perfect family but our home life was horrid.
A close friend recently told me that she bragged the reason I was so well behaved was that she used humiliation to keep me under control. Didn't take much to break my will back then either. My sister started acting out that year.
In 1994 She became very sick with Shingles. Worst case the doctors had ever seen. My sister had left home ( she was 15) Dad was working away from home and was only home Friday night to sunday night most weeks. I took care of her. This is when we thought she might have Multiple Sclerosis. Dad started studying about this time. I think he took the path of least resistance.
She was officially diagnosed with MS in 1997 but didn't want to tell anyone cause she didn't want them to pity her. All her energy was spent to get to the meetings and service. She had nothing left for anyone else. When she kept passing out at the kingdom hall I had to lie to cover the real reason.
Dad got baptised in 1995 but was still away from home a lot. He enjoyed going to meetings in all the different cities and make lots of good friends. Then he would have to come home to Mom who was getting worse and worse, My sister who was knocked up and living with us and me, the eternal screw up.
Now Mom is not well. Dad is aging way to fast. My sister has straightened out her life.
Mom says that the reason she has no friends is that she attracts users. No one stays her friend cause she drives them away by being overly critical and sanctimonious. She pioneered last year. However she didn't have the strength to be my mother or my sons grand mother. She says being in my life is too stressful and there fore doesn't want any contact with me. She doesn't even pretend to love any of us except my oldest nephew who is too young to piss her off yet.
I don't know that my mother would have been happier if the sisters had never called on our door. I think she would have always been difficult but maybe my sister and I would have had other family to lean on instead of mom driving them all away.
I worry my dad is going to drop dead I will have to take care of my mother. I am terrified of her and hate the control she still holds over me.
Stacey -
The Nerd Handbook for Non-Nerds
by Paralipomenon inhttp://www.randsinrepose.com/archives/2007/11/11/the_nerd_handbook.html.
the nerd handbook.
a nerd needs a project because a nerd builds stuff.
I love my Uber Geek.
Bobbi -
Help! I have a Xmas tree in my house!
by momzcrazy ini am sitting here looking at my very first christmas tree set up in the foyer.
a very good friend gave us a prelit 6 ft tree.
my husband brought it home last night and i just couldn't stand it anymore!.
What a beautiful picture!!!
Bobbi -
OUCH!! i had to turn it off.
A Party For The Elders
by Mrs. Witness inat the risk of outing myself and my hubby, i just had to run this by everyone to see if it was just me.... last night i attended a function that the women of hubby's hell put together to honor their boe.
there was much food and they put the guys up on a stage and played "name that elder" and then interviewed each one.
the mc of the event gave deep commentary regarding his feelings of each of the elders.. i thought the elders weren't special...that they were just regular joes with more responsibility...certainly not guys that should be lauded for doing what they have been given the "priviledge" of doing.... am i wrong?.
Isn't honoring a person over God, Idolatry?