What a beautiful baby! Congratulations on being a pappy.
while i was away tending to the birth - two weeks early - of my first child's first child, and therefore unavailable to continue with my high level conversation with some of you fine folk, it was charged that "francois isn't, won't, can't, refuses to, etc.
" respond.
um, folks, i do have a life outside this board, and to prove it, i submit herewith exhibits a - .
What a beautiful baby! Congratulations on being a pappy.
it seems the more time goes by, the more i miss being a jw.. i miss my friends.
i miss the feeling of safety of the group.. i miss having hope.. i miss it a lot..
I can understand how you feel. Do what you have to do. Sometimes we have to experience something again to realize whether or not it's right for us.
i want to thank all those that helped and encouraged me in my hard times!..hubby passed away from his cancer this morning.
i am so sad my heart is broken.
we decided to go ahead and have a memorial for him this weekend at the kingdom hall he went to.
((((((((((((((Golden Girl)))))))))))))
My deepest sympathy and condolences to you and your family.
ok ok i stole this from a site syn introduced me to, didn't know this black hole even existed, so blame the springbok...hehehehe.
hehehehe it's no gremlin, but er...close enough!.
I am a Wolf.
first, i'd like to thank everyone here that has befriended me for your kindness and support.
having you to talk to after leaving the org made the shunning of everyone i ever knew and family much more bearable.
i initially came here for emotional support due to shunning and also to have questions regarding doctrine answered, which has been accomplished.
Wishing you happiness and good fortune.
hi guys.
due to some positive changes in my life, i won't be reading or posting to the boards much anymore ... if at all.
i may peek in once in a while and drop a line.
Have a great life!!!
the decision does not come directly from me.
it comes from being married and having to do things sometimes that keep peace and harmony flowing.. it is time for me say goodbye to all of you here.
first let me thank all of you that have connected with me.
Although I don't "know" you, I've always looked forward to reading your posts. You will be missed.
tonight my daughter and i went window shopping at dockside imports then swung by super walmart to pick up a new pair of pajamas for her to wear.
i pulled into the parking lot at walmart, and parked rather far back, as the entire area was packed with cars.
we goofed off, and i held her as i went skipping along.
You are a courageous and loving woman. Against that no man can stand. And your daughter is one very lucky little girl.
january 26 is a particularly hard day for me.
two of my children were born on this day, five years apart.
i can't wish either one of them a happy birthday.
I am so sorry that you feel so bad. I've never had children, but i know losing them is the hardest loss to bear.
i always loved little animals, and i always will have one.
i noticed that most families do have pets.
for people living alone, a pet is a good companion.
(((((ARoarer)))))))Thank you for your kind words. I was going back to delete what i wrote last night, but then saw the responses and decided not to. Thanks for understanding
(((((Billygoat)))))))))Thank you so much for adding that last bit to your post. I feel better, knowing that it's okay to grieve a pet so much. I've been dealing with the guilt that I miss my dog more than my mother. Now how sick is that! But Brandon was never critical, and always devoted.
((((((LyinEyes)))))))You're sweet, as usual!
PS I've always been careful not to reveal what I do, just in case someone might find out who I am, but I don't really care anymore. I've raised Shelties for over 20 years and had a grooming shop for 15 years. So I've lost plenty of dogs and consoled many people over the lose of their pets. I've given people books on how to deal with the loss of a pet, etc. I could breed one of females and get another puppy. But it just wouldn't be the same.