both parents german and a little russian far, far away.
according to the first post i am a communist-nazi (lol!!) now to some ppl? O_o i doubt that heritage has anything to do with political believes :P
so what is it?
i say mine is english with an admixture of german (before the nazis ever existed, no need to go on about that) northern french and italian from venice.
i look northern european and feel close to that part of the world with family tradition being roman catholic.
both parents german and a little russian far, far away.
according to the first post i am a communist-nazi (lol!!) now to some ppl? O_o i doubt that heritage has anything to do with political believes :P
jesus said these words:.
"if you desire to be perfect," replied jesus, "go and sell all that you have, and give to the poor, and you shall have wealth in heaven; and come, follow me.".
i never heard elders ask jw's to reach out into their abundance and help poor jw's....have you?.
My favorite -"When he was a long way off (the prodigal son) his father ran out to greet him, threw him a party and rejoiced.. The way the WTS does it " He approached the elders who said come to meetings for another 6 months and in the meantime brothers can't speak to you nor you to them. Then we will reconvene the JC and see if you are repentant. then we will announce to the congregation but they will not be allowed even to clap their hands and certainly not throw a party.
wow, man, that was new to me! didnt thought about that yet. thank you!
internet addiction more serious than ocd.
tel aviv, israel, aug. 18 (upi) -- internet addiction should be grouped with extreme addictive disorders such as gambling, sex addiction and kleptomania, an israeli psychiatrist said.. .
OF COURSE can the internet be addictive.
it satisfies humans need for social contacts and knowledge better than ANYTHING before in human history. fulfilling needs makes you feel good. and everything that can make you feel good is addictive. everything!
and i have to confess that i feel a urge to use it because its just so fascinating and i always have something to look up :D
but i wont say that im addicted though. when in holidays i dont miss it at all.
but i dont wanna live without it again. its a modern worldwonder.
i found this article interesting: .
surprise: halloween's not a pagan festival after all
isnt everything pagan which comes from any religion/cult/whatever which is not the jws?
i recall i was in service with ken little, the canadian branch committee overseer, and he took the first door.
the magazines were talking about nuclear war and its impending disaster.
so ken little introduces himself and says "good morning sir,did you know that every minute they spend millions of dollars on the manufacturing of weapons......" the homeowner looks straight at him and says "yeah?
mmh... i cant recall a really embarassing moment. maybe when i was doing my first real steps on my own preaching and being unexperienced... but i never found someone in service who gave me the impression to be more educated in bible topics than me.
100 posts! ;D
just found it in the news and wanna know watcha think about it.
its about the 1914 doctrine and why it is false using the bible alone.. 607 bce vs. jeremiah the prophet .
according to jeremiah 52:12-13, the babylonian king nebuchadnezzar destroyed jerusalem and the first temple in the nineteenth year of his reign.
No, there are discussions on these types of topics. You forget this topic especially has been done and done and done. If you are looking to show the 1914 doctrine is false I would suggest 'Captives of a Concept (Anatomy of an Illusion)' by Don Cameron. He does an excellent job.
Personally I have done the 1914 thing to death with my jw, it is so utterly assinine I just don't care anymore.
yeah, of course its discussed over and over again. but i thought that one maybe a new one. i didnt understand it completely though. to be honest none of the 1914 is wrong threads i read were completely convincing to me. okay, the 1914 is true side from the wts is neither convincing to me. lol.
check it out .... .
means "attention_hot"
stealth! yeah, actually thats what i mean.
i cant stop thinking about that stuff even though i know i wont ever come to a conclusion somehow.
i fear aging a bit. but... uh... generations of young ppl did it before and survived it (uhm... yes... actually they died of it... i hope you know what i mean lol).
i still hope i got that unique genetic error that switched off aging in me =D
check it out .... .
thats quiet interesting... but since it doesnt indicate huge efforts to make the wikipedia article the way they like it its nothing to be exciting about.
with the other edits the guy made it maybe a single person who thought the links and the books which are for overseers and elders only shouldnt be listed there. thats all. when you do something at work in the internet it doesnt mean the COMPANY you're working for gave you instructions to do that.
this books arent for the public eye and all witnesses know that. its the burden the elders/overseers have to carry. thats the way they see it.
Since im a teenager there is one thing that never ceases to scare and fascinate me. Aging. As a witness i didnt think much about, but since i started thinking it gives me shudders. I just saw an Elvis clip when he was a young man some minutes before cos' of the 30th anniversary of his death. Thats why im posting this. It reminds me of that.
Its the fact that an old person was a young one in a blink of an eye before. When i was a kid i somehow saw older ones like a different species ;) until i realized that i will be some of them in some time. As i grow older i see that this process is damn fast. Im 26, but i feel like a week or two has passed since i was 18.
So whenever i see those 80 year olds walking down the street slowly i see that they were exactly like me some years ago. They ran, they thought they are the greatest generation of all time so young they'll never get old. They flirtet, they were in style, they were beautiful. They were the young rebels. Wow, how cool they were. Damnit... were did all that went when i see that 80 year old crawling down the street?
It gives me the conclusion that there is no difference between a 80year old and a 18 year old at all. They both live in the same era of time and with a slight difference in when being born. It gives me a lump in the throat and water to the eyes to write this.
i can someone relate to my thoughts? i cant explain it better, but i think if you know what i mean you will recognize :-)
ps.: i wasnt sure where to post this... its not completely jw unrelated but neither really jw related...