its not a specific teaching who is the biggest problem, but the way the WTS imitates the pharisees by pounding on the last word of the scriptures in their understanding and create new laws too...
JoinedPosts by freeme
What J.W teaching did you find the hardest to accept??
by karter infor me it was the fact that god is allowing all these innocent people to get killed to prove a point ,i mean it was a big bet he had with satan.. i explained it to my wife this way if i had our children killed in the most horriable way just to show they couldn't live without me how does that make me look?.
For The Noah Enthusiasts. (Not really.) A brief, humorous read.
by Open mind ini've seen plenty of global-flood bashing websites, but somehow i missed this one:.
what i like about it is it's light-hearted,easy reading but still deadly to the idea of: .
Regardless of YOUR problems with how plants survived or how certain animals got to
certain isolated places after the flood or regardless of how many billions of insect species
there are or regardless of how there is a need to separate salt and fresh water animals,
regardless of all of that- it happened. God took care of the details. Genesis was written
from what Moses could understand of God's information. Moses couldn't understand the
miracles of protecting the plants and water animals and the other logistical problems.
It is faith.thats what my wife told me when i talked to her about the topic.
the problem is that all the stuff god had to do to make it happen is in my view contradictionary to the bible. he might even recreate some animals noah wasnt able to save.
the funny thing is she told me that god didnt do anything more than the stuff in the bible. so the plants survived the water and all animals including the galapagos ones and the kangaroos were on the arch. have faith!
(she literally told me that and got angry that i dont have the faith to believe it)
For The Noah Enthusiasts. (Not really.) A brief, humorous read.
by Open mind ini've seen plenty of global-flood bashing websites, but somehow i missed this one:.
what i like about it is it's light-hearted,easy reading but still deadly to the idea of: .
the writer of the flood story didnt know about the world at all. if there was a flood in his area he assumed the "world" was drowned... his world...
but since god tells us it happened it must have happened. and everything that seems impossible from a human viewpoint was possible because god cared for it.
actually he had to do the following (at least):
- save all the animals and species noah forgot and teleport some noah wasnt able to reach (polarbears! and where did noah store the galapagos animals?)
- save all the plants and seeds of them.
- clean the soil after the flood and repopulate all the plants fast.
- teleport the animals back
- do the birds and insect work for a lot of years until the birds and insects repopulated the earth again. or clone the animals.
- caring for the fish while the flood, especially the fresh water ones
- and much more i guess
what is the official JW view on bible students?
by hamilcarr inwhile visiting some bible students sites, i wondered what the official jw view on these organizations is.
are they part of babylon the great simply because of refuting the post-1916 developments and the governing body?
as far as i know, they do not adhere to any of the false teachings jw like to refer to in debunking the rcc and traditional protestantism, such as hellfire, trinity, immortal soul.
bibelstudents are the evil slave, part of babylon the great. wrong religion, nothing better than voodoo magic. funny if you think that ppl who believed the same thing 1914 were once the one true channel to god xD
most jws doesnt know they exist though. some know not everyone who was a biblestudent became a jw, but they think it were just a couple of apostates who hate jesus and jehovah who left. biblestudents arent existing anymore in the jw mind. and if they know the biblestudents they think they are evil ones who stole the old name of the true religion.
Tell me about the weirdos in your congro.
by karter inwe had a guy who used to bang on about natural remedies.. at the doors and meetings he would tell everyone what was wrong with them and what to take to remedy it he even told the brothers of for sell coke at the assemblies.. however there was know remedy for his mental health apart from that he was a fat little porker who looked like you could grow spuds on his teeth and washing wasnt big on his agenda last i heard he joined scientology.. we had 4 sisters in the congro pregnant one nut case confessed to the elders he was father to all of them.. one sister used to attack the po's wife in the kh then stand up through the meeting and abuse at the speaker after that they would call the sike team it wasnt uncommon for her to go door to door at midnight.. last i heard she became a counsellor..
No one took any notice of her and she became a rebel so didn't become a JW.
rebels and nonjws always lie. *sighs
plus when you are not in perfect standing, pioneer and reading all the magazines burning all your freetime (aka "a happy brainwashed drone") all your arguments against the wt are also not true.
basically youve to be a believing and practicising JW to have the right to doubt anything. since no doubting person will happily spend all his/her time in this stuff for a long time this is impossible. and i guess even though you do all this there is a way to criticize you as a person, which is the best weapon against the truth. attack the person who says it.
Jehovah's Witnesses more likely to be swindled by quack medicine and conmen
by B_Deserter inwe all know how every congregation has that elders wife who takes it upon herself to be the hall's resident doctor quinn: medicine woman.
they are constantly pushing herbal supplements and natural medicines at the very least, and at times even getting a little "spiritistic" with some of the crazier quack devices out there.
do i think they're stupid?
jws wont ask! thats why they do anything when someone tells them its good. jws in my direct surrounding are all homeopathy cracks (and dont know anything about it - for them its just "natural meds".) and some of them do some weired stuff with a device very similar to that scientology device. one of them runs a practice for it! they are excited of it.
i personally think that this stuff made me think in the first place. im a critical person and always was. my sense of bogus in such stuff made me some day questioning my believe too. the whole time before some fear deep inside of me held me back from questioning my believe system. thank god, i didnt calm myself down forever.
edit: yeah that eye thing is big too here. and other stuff too. one elder did one thing over and over again until it came to light that the "doctor" is a "spiritist". i dont remember what it was but he drove like 400km for it (248 miles).
April study wt - unbelievable mind control!!
by breakingfree inhas anyone else had a browse of the new study watchtower for april?
what then are valueless things?
thus their words were "a valueless thing.
ive to add...
this article is just so seeded by openly ironical stuff... especially the last one...
Elders do not go beyound the things that are written in the Bible. And by extension, they do not go beyond the Bible-based counsel written in the publications of the faithful and discreet slave.
its so ironic i really think its possible that there is someone in the writing department who tries to wake some drones up by write extra-uber-special-BS which is perfectly in sync with jw doctrine at the same time.
nothing can be wrong when it comes to glorifying the FDS (except by calling them god or jesus directly... at least i couldnt believe more than 50% of jws would swallow it).
sometimes i think the raymond franz incident may be just the first brick that fell apart only. more bricks and huge stones may follow. but maybe its just me... me starting to regocnize the BS in the articles not believing that others can swallow it anymore... but i have to face it that i did it once too...
April study wt - unbelievable mind control!!
by breakingfree inhas anyone else had a browse of the new study watchtower for april?
what then are valueless things?
thus their words were "a valueless thing.
its always the same trick. take a scripture, apply it correctly and then twist the application to mean something that is sometimes the opposite.
you had a fine example in your post:
[Scripture] 1 John 4:1 -> [correct application] " test what they have been taught by comparing it with the Bible. That is a good rule for us too." -> [stealthed twisting] everything that is critical to the JW religion, critical to the FDS is not what the bible tells.
the same circular reasoning could use ANY religion. but on the outside it sounds intelligent: "nice scripture, we should testing our faith. thats great! thats what i expect of the truth!", but in reality its an attempt to stop thinking.its horrible. my wife falls exactly to this reasoning everytime.
its the same stuff with the encouragement of a bible study. its very nice to hear that one should read in the bible daily. should study it. but... in reality its not a bible study, but a FDS publication study with a bible on the side. even if you read the bible as a whole (which is at least the finest idea of the fds) youre supposed to have a fds publication there when you have any questions what a particular scripture means.
its crazy.
BREAKINGFREE: i really enjoyed your post. your thoughts, reasoning just could be mine. thank you! im just exactly mad at this stuff like you.
Tell me about the weirdos in your congro.
by karter inwe had a guy who used to bang on about natural remedies.. at the doors and meetings he would tell everyone what was wrong with them and what to take to remedy it he even told the brothers of for sell coke at the assemblies.. however there was know remedy for his mental health apart from that he was a fat little porker who looked like you could grow spuds on his teeth and washing wasnt big on his agenda last i heard he joined scientology.. we had 4 sisters in the congro pregnant one nut case confessed to the elders he was father to all of them.. one sister used to attack the po's wife in the kh then stand up through the meeting and abuse at the speaker after that they would call the sike team it wasnt uncommon for her to go door to door at midnight.. last i heard she became a counsellor..
i forgot a weirdo:
a guy who played the keyboard in our "band" had a power struggle with a elder once. elder said song xxx from the platform, but the guy said its not xxx but yyy and that the band wasnt prepared for xxx. After some debate the elder insisted on xxx trying to use his power saying its not the guys choice which song will be played. After all the keyboard player suddenly stood up, took his wife and stuff and left the kingdom hall while the rest of the congregation stood their with their songbooks in the hands.
so it played from cd. lol.
oh i remember another one :-D
an secretary elder who was a strong ruler. everyone needed to follow his commands. if something anywhere was wrong he was the first on ground zero to make it worst. he really ruled the congregation. when he died everything got better. (in his non jw past he was a criminal who was fast with his fists...). sometimes he threw out talks from the kingdom ministry and inserted his own ones telling the congregation how important it is to follow his commandments :D :D on one occasion he used a reallife example from a conflict between my mum and him WITH names FROM THE PLATFORM :D
another one from my mums congregation:
there was another ruler elder and this one was extreme. he tested the congregation regulary whether they are obeying the organization and one at least one occastion he told them to bring a bucket and a carrot to the next meeting. and most of the jws did... but he was disfellowshipped like 15 years later for something.
wow, the weirdos just rolling in lol :) if you think about it there are plenty of them in every congregation i guess.
Tell me about the weirdos in your congro.
by karter inwe had a guy who used to bang on about natural remedies.. at the doors and meetings he would tell everyone what was wrong with them and what to take to remedy it he even told the brothers of for sell coke at the assemblies.. however there was know remedy for his mental health apart from that he was a fat little porker who looked like you could grow spuds on his teeth and washing wasnt big on his agenda last i heard he joined scientology.. we had 4 sisters in the congro pregnant one nut case confessed to the elders he was father to all of them.. one sister used to attack the po's wife in the kh then stand up through the meeting and abuse at the speaker after that they would call the sike team it wasnt uncommon for her to go door to door at midnight.. last i heard she became a counsellor..
When I started attending meetings to get reinstated I was sitting in the back of the hall. He got up in the middle of the meeting, walked by me and threw a songbook in the seat beside me. I opened it and saw where I had written my name in it over 10 years before.
really creepy!!! but, hey, maybe he just found it somewhere in the cong and gave it back to you lol :D