Hi Eph6,
Your statement is a little unsettling to me. Even the JW's know that Jesus is a real person and took part in history for real. What has lead you to such drastic conclusions?
I'm sorry if what I said is unsettling to you. Frankly, it was unsettling to me too at one time.
If you have been lurking here at all, you will realize that many of us ex-JW's are now Agnostics or Atheists. We have definite reasons for our change of beliefs.
Before you worry about the 144k or other Bible dilemmas, I would suggest you read "The Age of Reason" by Thomas Paine. You can find a link at my website below.
Farkel told me about this 200 year-old book a couple of years ago. It changed my entire belief system about the Bible.
Also, don't let any of us scare you away. Some of us can get quite passionate about things at times, me included.
Please be open minded about things. Anyone who pushes a belief system that is unprovable is usu-ally ripped to shreds on this board.
Lighten up a little, this is Eph's first post. Give 'em a chance to grow and learn!