when someone wants to escape his Belief System, he will listen to anything he can use against his own doubts... but when he is happy with his BS, he will fight tooth and nail against anyone who threatens them.
I agree with this from my own personally experience.
The thing is Dawkins and hitchings are not running these books to convert the religious, by their own words their accept they would be lucky if they converted anyone, that isnt how rejection of belief works, it always comes from within.
However what their books do is put argument out their for anyone to ponder on.
I think the article misses the point. Someone who rejects the idea of any kind of god, what does she/he face, they face a organizations that claims.
1. they hold the answer to everything and claims an authority above any other human
your not dealing with rational mindset, so rational arguments never get anywhere. The problem is when you deal with a religious belief, you are hitting at the heart of someone core, some people have spent their entire life running it on the basis of reverence to their God, and you come along and say/ show that the chance of God existing is improbably, of course they will reject it, you are not dealing with rational mind you are dealing with an emotional mind. your suggesting that they have mis spent their entire life!
SO how do you deal with this, well you need to jar their own thinking, and in our society religion holds a prestigious and respectful place, they get given repsect above everything else. so you first need to bring this reverence down, you do it by showing how little scene it actually makes,
People used to believe in fairies and goblins etc, why don't they, i know not of any anti goblin movement still. but a mixture of lack of evidence and people own specticism growing due to the the inability of those who believe to show any really evidence. This is the way religion will go. atheist will not last in the sense of a social stand, it will just become that no on takes the idea of God generally as a rational view. having said that people will always believe something...e.g
I perform Mind-reading and other psychological illusionism for corporates, now even though i state that i am not psychic and have any extra powers, i always have some come up and clearly showing they believe what i am doing is real. so belief will always be with us. so even when i out rightly state this is all smoke and mirror, because it appeals to someone belief they take this evidence as proof they are right, even thought i tell them it not, that a hard mind set to break.
stumping a believer is met with ' well we don't know the mind of God or the horrible cringing god works in mysterious ways. which seem to surface the believer, and you are stale mate again, i recent discussion i had with a family member made the incredible statement of well you put to much trust in science, you know they gets it wrong sometimes.
I think softly softly approach and pandering to someone belief, and giving it reverence somehow isn't helping that person at all, in fact it is damaging them more.
For this time in our history i think Dawkins approach and moreso hitchings is they best way forward, but this approach will have to change in time, but right now religion has had many thousands of years to become accepted without question and above earnt respect. That needs to be challenged head on. Rational argument don't work at this stage in the main.