Posts by RisingEagle

  • Es

    My nan's Funeral

    by Es in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    was yesterday.

    it went reasonably ok, i didnt make any effort to speak to my parents instead i went and chatted to other family members i havnt seen in years.

    i also had hubby's mum and dad there too for support.

    1. 4mylove
    2. Es
    3. penny2
  • RisingEagle

    I am so sorry for your loss of your nan. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth that you weren't treated better throughout this time. You deserve so much more from your family during your mourning.

    My sincere condolences,


  • sweetstuff

    On the way back from the grocery store....afternoon chuckle!!

    by sweetstuff in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    we went shopping this afternoon, my two little girls and i, on the way home, they were both excitedly talking about halloween.

    my youngest, who is seven, lets out this comment that nearly had me veering off the road with laughter.

    she said, "i know what i want to be for halloween already, a jehovah's witness" well, i started to laugh right away, my eldest girl asked her why, she says, "they knock on people's door all the time and they are really scary".

    1. Open mind
    2. avishai
    3. primitivegenius
  • RisingEagle

    I love that your kids are sooo smart and see the humor in the idea of even being a jw! That's going to be one of the moments you guys can look back on, giggle at and treasure always. That totally trumps my idea of superglueing a long grey sock to my ankle biters nose and having her go as an elephant. j/k

    If she doesn't change her mind between now and the 31st you should steal one of the blank wacktower or asleeps from the photoshop threads and put something relevant to halloween on it like:

    CANDY: Is it really the most important meal of the day?

    PARENTS: Will giving my child extra candy help her make better grades?

    I'm sure you can come up with something better!


  • nicolaou

    What was your first car?

    by nicolaou in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    mine was an old fiat 127, i bought it 1983 and it was at least fifteen years old then!

    the seats were vinyl and there were no rear seatbelts so i could send my girlfriend and her sister flying with each bend in the road!

    it wouldn't go above 55mph and was rattling like rollercoaster when it finally got there.. the rear window fell out and it finally croaked in puff of blue/black smoke.

    1. Priest73
    2. JH
    3. exwitless
  • RisingEagle

    An 81 beige honda accord stick shift. Bought it in 87 and drove it until the rubberband broke.

    I want that kind of gas mileage again!


  • deaconbluez


    by deaconbluez in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    i just read in the live forever book, 1990 edition: "there will be only one organizationgod's visible organization that will survive the fast-approaching "great tribulation.

    " it is simply not true that all religions lead to the same goal... you must be part of jehovah's organization, doing god's will, in order to receive his blessing of everlasting life...".

    in print!

    1. Bryan
    2. WTWizard
    3. Nathan Natas
  • RisingEagle

    That little tome was the one I was required to study for my dunkage. I was never very good at following directions....
