You can offer first north american serial rights if it has not yet been published.
I would recommend that you go to library and get a copy of Writer's Market. It has all the info you are looking for.
how do you "freelance"?
do you send your articles to several magazines at one time?
if you get multiple "nibbles", do you pick one or publish in several?.
You can offer first north american serial rights if it has not yet been published.
I would recommend that you go to library and get a copy of Writer's Market. It has all the info you are looking for.
recently i have noticed that a couple of my friends that are jws, especially this one guy that i play sports with.
in the beginning he was just there because of a friend, but later on he came more often and we became friends.
from the start, i knew there was something different about him.
the day may come when he might really need you for strength and support... if he ever begins to doubt the teachings or have questions. Having a friend like you could make all the difference in his life.
does anyone remember this one?
i was just starting associating in the mid-60s and heard this one from the jws i was associating with.
one jw friend told me: "don't you know macdonalds puts blood into their hamburgers?
The chickens are electrocuted to stun them and then their heads are cut off. They cannot be properly bled. The process of electrocution drives the blood back into the bones. That's why even when you cook the chicken throughly, you will find pink meat near the bones. Remember when chicken bones used to be white? Now, you will find they are dark. This is because of the blood being driven back into the bones from the electrocution. Pretty much all of the chicken slaughter houses do this now. You can go to and find the links for these slaughterhouses and how they operate. Pretty gory details and pics.
watch 74 p.167 "by disobediently overindulging in food and making a glutton of himself, he fails to show love for jehovah food a big thing in his life?
if in the presents of others, does he selfishly ignore thier needs and take far more then his share?
is he grossly overweight but shows no restraint at all as to food, habitually gorging himself?
Gee...if they keep df everybody for every imperfection...pretty soon they wont have anyone left to boss around.
Also...I have heard of being a "glutton for punishment".....that should df most JW's on the spot
watch 74 p.167 "by disobediently overindulging in food and making a glutton of himself, he fails to show love for jehovah food a big thing in his life?
if in the presents of others, does he selfishly ignore thier needs and take far more then his share?
is he grossly overweight but shows no restraint at all as to food, habitually gorging himself?
will they REALLY do that or are you just saying this in jest? What is the cut-off, weight-wise?
In defense of "fat" people...
sometimes it has nothing to do with gluttony. It can be hormonal or metabolical. Also, the transfats that we have consumed in many many processed foods over the years WILL NOT BURN OFF. That's right. Trans-fats are actually a trans-plastic isomer and does not melt like fat. It is stored and attached to fat molecules in the body.
so after marrying a good jw girl at 18 who was an elders daughter (married at 18 like most jw kids).
she was leaving for weeks (6-8) at a time to "visit" her parents in the same state(3 hours away).
i finally had enough of it and told her it was over.
I just cant get over how you all have to ask permission for anything you do. I mean some of these things are just so personal. It's nobody's business. Why do JW's give their power away so easily?
I just started flipping through crisis of conscience and read a couple of pages where people actually wrote to WBTS to ask about what is sexually permissible in marriage. I was flabergasted. The control factor is just unbelievable. And the fact that people seem to like having someone tell them what to do.
I don't think the military is even THAT invasive into people's lives. Heck, not even my domineering parents asked such things nor advised on such matters.
Why would you bother to continue reasoning with the elders and trying to win? Did you actually think they would listen and consider your points? When did you realize it was to no avail?
After all they did, shouldn't you have been angry instead of continuing to get their approval?
does anyone remember this one?
i was just starting associating in the mid-60s and heard this one from the jws i was associating with.
one jw friend told me: "don't you know macdonalds puts blood into their hamburgers?
actually, it has only been recently that they have stopped using blood in the wine. It supposedly ceased in 1997. So I would imagine that there is good possibility some has certainly been used in this country. Blood was not listed on the's one of those "silent" ingredients. There is more documentation at and also in this vegetarian magazine
I think it would be interesting to know if wines used at Memorial have been logged and if any were French wines? Are they standardized with the wines they use world-wide or is it up to the local congregation?
so after marrying a good jw girl at 18 who was an elders daughter (married at 18 like most jw kids).
she was leaving for weeks (6-8) at a time to "visit" her parents in the same state(3 hours away).
i finally had enough of it and told her it was over.
two sides to every story. What did you do to make her so mad?
"over allegations the church's influence hastened her death. "
Thanks, mouthy.
I wonder if this could also mean if an elderly person is harassed by the org members that the stress could also apply in this situation.
I am caretaker of 90 year old man and the church thugs came to my house to pass judgement about him having a female caretaker. I brought him home from hospital and he was nearly dead.
Thank you for this reinforcement.
does anyone remember this one?
i was just starting associating in the mid-60s and heard this one from the jws i was associating with.
one jw friend told me: "don't you know macdonalds puts blood into their hamburgers?
There is documentation to substantiate that blood was used in French wine. I think it would be interesting to know if anyone kept a log on the wines served at Memorial. The blood in wine is NOT an urban legend. It is for real.