"A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within."
Posts by tula
Conspiracy against the Watchtower
by Hiddenwindow inhere is one question that has been bothering me for quite some time.
do you think a revolution, so to speak, within the organization is possible?
in other words, can any conspiracy against the watchtower succeed?
An ode to elder bob
by NvrKssdNObutt inelder bob is one of the meanest snakes i ever ran across ---- i guess it would cause this site problems if i told you where he is a hitman elder in northwest arkansas ----- hmmmm elder bob the hitman and james t in the same post --------last time i talked to him i took him outside and informed him that he is the poorest excuse for both a human and an elder.
the idiot even gave the kids the emblems to eat and drink as soon as the memorial was over one nite.
an ode to elder bob.
I would like to have an avatar. How do I make one?
Vegetarian Question
by ColdRedRain inhey, i just became a vegetarian and i'm wondering how do you stop yourself from getting lightheaded?
i'm always getting lightheaded after i work out and i'm fearing i might have to eat meat.
There are very few sources of B-12 in a strict vegetarian diet. I would suggest that you supplement with bee pollen as it contains trace amounts of B-12 and has a very high protein content. It is pretty much a complete food. Also, if you are using a b-12 supplement, I would suggest B-12 METHYLcobalamine (sublingual). The B-12 which comes from CYNOcobalamine is derrived from activated sewage sludge. Yes, you heard me right. The label may say derrived from milorganite, but same-same. cynocobalamine is cultured from sewage.
Also, I would not recommend eating fruit on an empty stomach, especially first thing in the morning. Too much sugar first thing or on empty stomach can cause light head.
And to be sure you are getting most of your amino acids, a whey protein drink is a plus. I usually make a smoothie with the whey, kefir, and banana. Sometimes add dates or honey but not both.
by hurricane inmy daughter and son in law have just been dfd for questioning re issues we all know about, molestation, 607/587, ngo, etc.
i am not going to add to the damage by shunning so my own days may be numbered ?
maybe though i will be left alone as i dont think rocking the boat is what my own elders are about and our family connections are numerous.
You may need to start an Undergound Railroad. I can assure you from my own experience that they stalk and follow. But I think they would need to get wind (gossip) of it taking place before they would put out an effort.
My JW friend also tells the story of when he was dating someone years ago that was "not approved" that a group of "investigators" came into the restaurant where he and his date were dining and sat at the table a few feet away and drank tea until he and his date left. He knew it was a deliberate intimidation.
Meeting unknown ex dubs for first time
by greendawn ini personally haven't met any ex jws for many years now, but if you happened to meet one you never met before what's the interaction like?
is there a sense of identity and solidarity due to a common past or no special chemistry going on?
would you pursue a friendship with such a person?
maybe we should have some method of identification.
The masons have their rings; the eastern star have their "special question" casually asked.
Maybe we should have like a ribbon thingy. It could be shredded on the ends and with a couple of those B&W rolling eyeballs to symbolize "awake"...
What do you say. Do we need an identifiable ICON to wear?
what is the blurb about human-animal embryos? Do you think centuars existed at one time? Could they have been real? After all, "there is nothing new under the sun"......
Easy to let go
by unique1 ini have recently reaquainted with an old school friend of mine and her wife.
everytime we get together, there is drama of some sort, usually harmless.
this past saturday they had a kegger.
oops. forgot to give credit. the poem is from a Shakespeare sonnet.
Easy to let go
by unique1 ini have recently reaquainted with an old school friend of mine and her wife.
everytime we get together, there is drama of some sort, usually harmless.
this past saturday they had a kegger.
He who is thy friend indeed
he will help thee in thy need
If thou sorrow he will weep
if thou wake he canst not sleep
thus with every grief of heart
he with thee doth bear a part
these are certain signs to know
faithful friend from flattering foe.
I think I may have left out a couple of lines....its been awhile...but really, its rare to find anyone who can live up to what a true friend should be.
I have only had two true friends in my lifetime. And then, sometimes, we ourselves are so needy that we dont have the energy to give to others to make that committment.
How do I make an avatar? Figure you have time for one serious question.
To those in publishing...
by changeling inhow do you "freelance"?
do you send your articles to several magazines at one time?
if you get multiple "nibbles", do you pick one or publish in several?.
Back again. Got cut short.
Wanted to tell you also, that it is unethical to submit manuscript to more than one publisher at a time. So it helps to be very familiar with the publication you are submitting mss. to so you won't be wasting your time.
Writer's Market will give you good synopsis of a variety of pubs. It may take 6 to 8 weeks to get an answer...usually a rejection. Don't take it personally. Keep trying. If you do get an ed. who makes comments even if criticisms, that's at least a good sign that your work has been read. Don't be defiant about criticisms and be flexible if ed. wants or suggests changes.
Other avenues...usually you can find writers club or guild that meets at library. They read and critique each others work. Good start. Colleges have "continuing ed" classes in creative writing. You do not have to be a college student to attend. These are classes for general community.