I'm sure you had absolutely nooooooooooooo problem dating, you are gorgeous!!
LOL, well thank you, but I was rather geeky for most of my teens, I didn't "blossom" until my early twenties. So, no I didn't have brothers falling over themselves to date me.Matter of fact, most of them thought they were the $hit. I only really dated one guy while I was at that age and I dumped him, somehow I knew I wasn't ready to be committed to marriage at that point. (Ran for the hills!)
But here is the catch with growing up a witness and dating, if you aren't in the same social circle, its almost impossible to meet someone, let alone develop a relationship with them. A witness girl would never go up to a cute guy at an assembly and start chatting, she'd be viewed as "not spiritual". Your friend is in a hard spot, trust me. Build her confidence and show her there is a whole world of men who would be more than happy to to solve her problem.