Depends on your skill
LMFAO, do you like to light it on fire to test your ladies skills JD? "Think of it as a birthday candle baby, now show me how you can blow"
Depends on your skill
LMFAO, do you like to light it on fire to test your ladies skills JD? "Think of it as a birthday candle baby, now show me how you can blow"
lucky lanky was the town miscreant.
6' 4" tall, lean, wirey, and stupid.
his head was shaped like a squash, big, jutting chin, narrow upper cheeks, and bulbous forehead.
lucky lanky was the town miscreant.
6' 4" tall, lean, wirey, and stupid.
his head was shaped like a squash, big, jutting chin, narrow upper cheeks, and bulbous forehead.
Lucky hardly looked the lucky kind. Short, squat and rumpled he santered towards me with a nod and proceeded towards the counter. He mumbled something about the class of customers in here lately to the waitress, but then, Lucky was known for being as unlucky with his mouth as his was with his cards.
Blowing things can be a crime too. Think Monica Lewinsky. I rest my case.
Technically that would be sucking. I rest my case. Smartass out...........
Hey, blowing things up is not a crime, and I propose it's a common guy activity. Look at popular guy movies for proof of my point.
Blowing things up can be a crime, think Oklahoma City proved that for me. I rest my case.
ok people, it's time to put your years of bible training, gag gag, into use......write your own gospel that you would love to have seen included in the bible cannon.
whether in jest or in a serious tone, let's have at it.
about time for a rewrite me thinks.. .
Sweetstuff the Almighty has a nice ring to it doesn't
LOL, hmmm, Sweetstuff the Almighty eh?
it's late on this thursday night and i am sitting in my lounge eating a double cheese burger, naked.
feels good.
love the freedom i have :)
Too many to list! Life's good. I'm going out for a girl's night out tomorrow night, whoohoo, it's been too long! Can't wait. Listening to this makes me feel good, very catchy! Chair dancing right now.
my day was a rollercoaster of a day.
i got so emotionally lost in my problems at work that i got into a depressive funk.
however after realising that i was allowing myself to drown in my emotion, i delt with the problem, confronted it head on!
((((Hugs)))) Glad you are feeling better Lou. Nothing worse than a day from hell at work where you feel your brain might actually emplode. Weekend is almost here, at least that's an upside. (Provided you don't work weekends that is!)
ok people, it's time to put your years of bible training, gag gag, into use......write your own gospel that you would love to have seen included in the bible cannon.
whether in jest or in a serious tone, let's have at it.
about time for a rewrite me thinks.. .
"The Iceguy shall inherit the earth with Sweetstuff"
Oh and by the way I don't have a wife
Doesn't everyone like to blow things up?
Good thing you are getting that law degree, you are going to need it.