Ya sacrificing chitlins to your alter might do it Fadeout, lol.
JoinedPosts by sweetstuff
Take the Beliefnet test... and post your results!
by Awakened at Gilead inan atheist friend (never a jw) sent me a link to this fun test:.
turns out i am 100% secular humanist, but unfortunately i am still 5% jw!.
The stupid father of one of my kids.........
by oompa inso i go to the trader joes the other day and notice a really attractive .
woman in produce, but i can't place her....so i follow her over to the bread aisle, and got a better view of her face....but still could not figure out where i knew her from....so i finally said "excuse me, but you look so familiar, i almost know we have met before.
she looks me right in the eyes and says, (without smiling) "'i'm pretty sure you're the father of one of my kids.
Yeah that's it JD, I needed a break from my Redneck crushing...it was becoming a problem. LMAO
Is it naive to believe that you will always be faithful to your partner?
by nicolaou ini was told i was naive for saying that i'd never cheat - ever.
but i meant it honestly.
i guess my question is, can it happen to anyone?
Naive? Heck no. Against popular opinion? Heck ya. Popular opinion says you have no great control over your penis/vagina or your brain when confronted with temptation because heck, you are basically just an animal right? Or your spouse isn't filling your 'emotional needs/physical needs" what I find hilarious about that approach is the person who uses that excuse to cheat..basically says, hey my own word is $hit, because I sure as heck didn't live up to what I promised..yet blames the other person for them doing it!
Btw, Undercover.. I just gotta say...that story sounds very fishy to me...the wife had 'suspicions' about her husband being untrustworthy....she accused him..elders, yuck, all that... then he becomes "friends" with a woman and happens to accidently pork her because well, his wife drove him to it? LMAO , did it ever occur to you that perhaps she had real good reason, even if she couldn't put her finger on it...not to trust him? Oh wait, she drove him to it, I forgot. *rolling eyes*
It's not that hard to get out of a marriage/relationship if it's not working and can't be fixed. To be unfaithful says alot more about the cheater's character as a human being than of the relationship itself.
Take the Beliefnet test... and post your results!
by Awakened at Gilead inan atheist friend (never a jw) sent me a link to this fun test:.
turns out i am 100% secular humanist, but unfortunately i am still 5% jw!.
I think most of us thought so Shamus...yet we all still posted our results, perhaps that's the percentage of borg still left in us?
It's like passing in that damned "service" card, doh!
The stupid father of one of my kids.........
by oompa inso i go to the trader joes the other day and notice a really attractive .
woman in produce, but i can't place her....so i follow her over to the bread aisle, and got a better view of her face....but still could not figure out where i knew her from....so i finally said "excuse me, but you look so familiar, i almost know we have met before.
she looks me right in the eyes and says, (without smiling) "'i'm pretty sure you're the father of one of my kids.
LOL, nope, not that JD, you don't wanna know...
Take the Beliefnet test... and post your results!
by Awakened at Gilead inan atheist friend (never a jw) sent me a link to this fun test:.
turns out i am 100% secular humanist, but unfortunately i am still 5% jw!.
1. Secular Humanism(100%) 2. Unitarian Universalism(100%) 3. Neo-Pagan(89%) 4. Theravada Buddhism(79%) 5. Liberal Quakers(77%) 6. New Age(73%) 7. Nontheist(73%) 8. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants(62%) 9. Taoism(52%) 10. Mahayana Buddhism(51%) 11. Reform Judaism(48%) 12. Orthodox Quaker(43%) 13. Sikhism(40%) 14. Baha'i Faith(37%) 15. Jainism(34%) 16. Scientology(29%) 17. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons)(29%) 18. New Thought(26%) 19. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant(22%) 20. Orthodox Judaism(22%) 21. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist)(20%) 22. Hinduism(20%) 23. Seventh Day Adventist(20%) 24. Eastern Orthodox(20%) 25. Islam(20%) 26. Roman Catholic(20%) 27. Jehovah's Witness(5%) -
The stupid father of one of my kids.........
by oompa inso i go to the trader joes the other day and notice a really attractive .
woman in produce, but i can't place her....so i follow her over to the bread aisle, and got a better view of her face....but still could not figure out where i knew her from....so i finally said "excuse me, but you look so familiar, i almost know we have met before.
she looks me right in the eyes and says, (without smiling) "'i'm pretty sure you're the father of one of my kids.
Hey, just been busy living life, alot going on, you know how it goes. Glad you liked the joke!
The stupid father of one of my kids.........
by oompa inso i go to the trader joes the other day and notice a really attractive .
woman in produce, but i can't place her....so i follow her over to the bread aisle, and got a better view of her face....but still could not figure out where i knew her from....so i finally said "excuse me, but you look so familiar, i almost know we have met before.
she looks me right in the eyes and says, (without smiling) "'i'm pretty sure you're the father of one of my kids.
A cop sits in a old style mom and pop diner enjoying his supper when in walks an elderly couple, who are seated in the booth directly behind him, the cop can hear the couple talking about how it is their 50th anniversary and this place was where they had their first date, going down memory lane together.
The cop can't help but chuckle to himself about how cute it is, listening to them talk about their lives he can't help but overhear. Finally the old gentleman turns to the wife and whispers to her that they should head out the back and "make it" like they first did 50 years ago...when passion couldn't hold them back.
The cop nearly spits out his coffee at this, half shocked, half amused and figures it's only keep a look out for the lovebirds, unbekownst to them. As they head out the door, the cop pays his check and slowly follows around the side of the building just glancing down the alley quickly to make sure they are ok and can't believe his eyes, the old man is going at it like a fury in a whirlwind with his wife against the back fence.
Laughing to himself, he turns his head back to watching out for possible onlookers. After about 15 minutes the cop gets a little concerned for the old couple and peers again, hesitantly around the corner to the alley..the old man is still at it like a fury. The cop determines he has got to ask the old man what his secret is!
About ten minutes later...finally, the old couple come stumbling up the alleyway, looking completely dishevelled and exhausted. As the gentleman helps his wife into their car, the cop walks over and asks for a word with him alone..he recounts to the old man how he overheard them and stood on look out for them and just has to know what the old man's secret to stamina is..
The old man looks at him with one cocked eyebrow.."Secret?? secret? There is no secret..50 years ago that fence wasn't electric."
Hmm plans for Valentine's Day, nope, none here yet....
Ladies, please explain your behavior
by Elsewhere ini recently asked a girl out.
she was excited to go so we nailed down some plans and i bought some tickets for a live show at a theater.
the show was for 7:30 pm on friday.
The fact that she didn't keep her word yet again...no flowers, forget it and move forward. If she can't keep her word, she isn't worth much. Did she ever explain exactly what happened or even attempt to give you a reasonable explaination? I'm thinking probably not, sounds like a player so far.