Frosty, you do realize that at The Big One he is supposed to get rid of mans sinful nature, which he did not do at all the oher whackings. Then all will be well.
livin lavida loca.....oompa
recently, i have been very retrospective about myself and how i do things.
what led me to this forum was a search to find what went wrong with me and the witness religion.
since then i have used intense study and research to find the why's and how's of my failures in life(be it religious, love or friendships.
Frosty, you do realize that at The Big One he is supposed to get rid of mans sinful nature, which he did not do at all the oher whackings. Then all will be well.
livin lavida loca.....oompa
wt- july 15, 2007 study article page 18 par.
"yes, judas felt remorse after the betrayal, but he never repented of his deliberate sin.
consequently, judas is not worthy of a resurrection.. wow!
Just a side thought, I have always felt sorry for Judas, like he did not really have a chance since so many prophecies had to be fulfilled by someone leading up to Jesus dead. Its like the poor guy never had a snowballs chance in hell.
somebody had to do it... oompa
hi.. just wondering what it was that first made you realise that jws didnt have the absolute "truth"?
was there a specific event/turning point for you or was it a moment of enlightenment?.
And then the scripture "who really is the faithful & discreet slave...." that the WTS always uses as proof that the FDS is needed really confused me. It always has and recently it bugged me more and more. How does that scripture explain anything? And there was no other scripture to back up that "claim". It rubbed me the wrong way.
This has always made me feel uncomfortable, esp. at the memorial. I get the heebie jeebies every time I hear the phrase. Early christians could heal people, raise the dead, and speak in tounges, so it would make sence with that much Holy Spirit, they would certainly know they were the faithful slave right? NOT. They never used this term amongst them selves, but did numerous times call each other "those chosen", "the Chosen Ones". So why are we not imitation the 1st century christians in this manner? The faithful and discreet slave is a parable among about 12 other parables that all meat about the same thing.
geeze louise.....oompa
hi.. just wondering what it was that first made you realise that jws didnt have the absolute "truth"?
was there a specific event/turning point for you or was it a moment of enlightenment?.
Mine really got down to basics. The Bible. Our Bible, the NWT. Discoverd that the name Jehovah has been restored 6 times per page in the OT, nearly 7000 times and very proud of that. But rut-roooo, we claim in is restored only 237 in the NT and that is when quoting from the OT acording to Apendix 1d. Since Rev.22:18,19 says you can not take away or add a word, I started there. There are about a dozen places the name Jehovah appears in Revelation and NONE of them are quoted from the OT! The "we have quoted them from the Hebrew "is a partial lie, a half truth, and by the way Jehovah appears only .8 times per page in NT, but in reality is 0.00 times per page.
There are also dozens of other places we have just stuck in the name Jehovah where there is no quote from the OT. And there is not a single reference book, booklet (devine name), no talks about what we have really done when restoring the devine name in the NT. Turns out if you look under Jehovah in the Insight book you will find that there are no ancient Christian Greek manuscripts IN THE WORLD that contain gods name, not even once!!! But that did not stop us from putting it in there 237 times, and there are many other changes we have made to the bible I grew up with.
So its great we restored the Name when we found YHWH nearly 7000 times in the OT. But that wasn't enough! No, lets just go ahead and sneak the Jewish God Jehovah right into the Christion Scriptures too! And yes I wrote HQ and asked was was their support for saying the name used to be in old manuscripts, but have been taken out by apostates. They replied "we have indirect evidence" . Well what is it dang it, that is what I asked for was the second letter sent. FDS- "we have no further inforation for you at this time"
Thanks you SOOOO MUCH! I guess if you had any freaking evidence, you would have provided it. I know how to build a house. I know how to restore a house. You can not restore a house that has never been built!
still pissed in the extreme. using the NWT perpetuates a fraud.....oompa
three years ago, the buzz was "its just around the corner".. two years ago, it was "almost at the door".. one year ago it was "at the threshold".. now the watchword is "the door of the ark is closing".. could it be that the new "members only" publications will now isolate a small inner core of this group?
what do you think will be the outcome?
what do you foresee for the jw's in one years time?
I wonder if we are to conclude that we are not as "near" as we were 10 years ago?-- lol
Todays Watchtower 7-15-2007 first sentence- "Jehovah's great day is very near."
As you see, only one "very near" today.
But ten years ago WT1-1-1997 p.18, par.11
"Both the increasing light on Bible prophecy and the anarchy of this dying world cry out that the end of Satan’s system is very, very near! The Memorial report for 1996 shows that 12,921,933 attended, of whom only 8,757 (.068 percent) indicated their heavenly hope by partaking of the emblems."
Way back when Zeph 1:14 was written it was just "near" (our year text)
So in the bible times it was near, ten years ago it was very very near, and now it is just very near, but they site Zeph1:14 where it does no say very near.
And dont forget one of our favorites, PS 37: 10,11"and just a little while and the wicked wil be not more" just a little while is now about 3000 along.
ain't happening man....oompa
ok, slowly awakening and fading at the same time for two years now, and did not plan it.
i tell my wife last night i have been having some interesting e-mails with my dad about the qb from the sept km we are to study this week.
she says she has read it, but does not remember it.
Is there any chance this article is just saying the fds does not endore maerial from the groups that have published material and websites? I feel the statement goes beyond that by saying ANY literature that is not from the Society is not approved.
Your thoughs? .....oompa and my service meeting is tomorrow night!
ok, slowly awakening and fading at the same time for two years now, and did not plan it.
i tell my wife last night i have been having some interesting e-mails with my dad about the qb from the sept km we are to study this week.
she says she has read it, but does not remember it.
Tula: (Notice I didn't say to have the decisions already made for them) There should be freedom of thought and freedom of choice.
I hate to even admit this, the next day my wife re-read the QB and tells me she is glad the Society said to just use "our" literature because that way we won't get any incorrect "outside" information because they have already done all the research and made sure any information they quote is correct!!!!!! Would someone please shoot me.
I explain that I would rather do my own research as 1 Thess. 1:21 says to "make sure of all things" thank you.
Now the new twist. She concludes that we can still go to the library. That when it says the "FDS does not endores ANY literature meetings, and websites" that it is referring only to the info produced by the "groups" mentioned in the previous paragraph. OK I tell her, I hope that is right, but they could have made that much plainer by saying "such" lit. and websites, or "we do not endores material from these improper groups", but no, it says "ANY" literature or websites.
Am I way off on my understanding of this new study directions, and yes, I will be going to see how it is presented at the meeting this week. I never even THOUGHT of the way she is wanting to apply this information.
what they hey is going on....oompa
the greatest work of all time, never to be repeated, is supposedly done by jehovah's witnesses.
of course you know i'm referring to the door to door work they take part in.
so many lives are at stake and your life is dependent on if you "accept the good news" that they preach.. i surely don't believe this anymore.
Too many are a little intimidated. I am buying a fleet of good old lettered sound cars to speed things up a little.
get the word out.....oompa
wt- july 15, 2007 study article page 18 par.
"yes, judas felt remorse after the betrayal, but he never repented of his deliberate sin.
consequently, judas is not worthy of a resurrection.. wow!
Fresia says:
Judas felt so ashamed for what he did, he obviously thought there would be no forgivness, so he hung himself.
Maybe he had bi/polar or deep depression. Jehovah is the judge.
Thank you Fres, I forgot he hung himself, and then went splat due to a technical glitch. However are you joking, or FDS mind reader of the dead too? How can you you say "he obviously thought there would be no forgivness?" Lots of people kill themselves for many different reasons. What if he could just not bear to face the other apostles, was truly sick at heart, had asked for forgivness, and decided he not live with the guilt? Lots of people kill someone close to them, and then kill themselves just due to guilt. let me know, and let me know what my great great grandpa is thinking right now.....oompa
why settle for a two meter high pyramid cemetery monument when you can have one a couple of hundred times taller?
see: .
chuckie might not have wanted to share his space, though.
You guys do realize that chuck is not buried under the pyrimid dont you? I have been there, and he is a little ways away with a much smaller regular marker. The pyrimid is just a memorial marker and not a grave marker.
still crazy spooky....oompa