SAAAAWWWWEEEEEEEEEETTTTT that is awesome. Great rich colors.
you can do it....oompa
i ripped up the carpet in my house and look at what i found.
wood floors!!!!!
shall i hire someone?
SAAAAWWWWEEEEEEEEEETTTTT that is awesome. Great rich colors.
you can do it....oompa
you know, the one where independent bible research is forbidden, er, discouraged.. .
did anybody actually have the balls to say, "the society does not say such activities are forbidden or discouraged, just not endorsed?
" (nudge, nudge, wink, wink).
The Beroeans were eagerly interested in the new message of Paul and Silas but they wanted to see it for themselves.
Sharp JW's will let you know the Beroean argument does not count as far as the QB. Why? Because they were Bible sudies, not witnesses! Evidently once you know "the Truth" there is really no need to question anything.
not so while learning...oompa
demons and satan may not really be that bad after all.
the bible does not really say all that much about him, but we do know god does not put up with much $hit.
so lets see,satan calls god a liar, and gets man to sin, and what happens to him?
Demons and Satan may not really be that bad after all. That's right. The Bible does not really say all that much about him, but we do know God does not put up with much $hit. So lets see,Satan calls God a liar, and gets man to sin, and what happens to him? Is he punished and shunned by all the other angels? Nope, he pops up at a heavenly District Convention chatting wih God about Job. So he tortures the hell out of Job while challenging God yet again. So now he is punished and shunned by all the other angels right? Hell no! He has a son of God to kill. So he tests Jesus, then arranges his torture and ghastly death. So NOW Satan is punished and shunned by all the other angels right? Not hardly, cause he has now only been able to hang out in Heaven and Earth for about 5000 years. So almost 2000 years later, the bad boys get kicked out of heaven (but not earth), and apparently are now shunned by the 2/3 of the angels left in heaven.
And when is the last time there was a major article about someone "demonized" yes "possesed" and the elders came and "cast out" the demon by means of prayer and fasting? Where in HELL are all the demons (ha ha). They sure don't seem that busy/bad.
swift justice rules for the wicked.....oompa
we have been dfed for almost 3.5yrs and have been trying to get back in for 2 yrs and we are getting the runaround.. anyway..... here is the letter my pregnant wife received from her elderess pioneer mother.. .
dear mary,.
i am writing to ask you please do not try to talk to me until you are reinstated.
Does anyone know if ZERODAY has the most current info on this, which is only what the mom will listen to?
current is only now....oompa
this is actually a sincere question (believe it or not!).
i've mentioned how christians may not look to find cures for things such as cancer, because they believe jesus will sort it all out when he returns sometime soon.
there were some who disagreed and said cures can still be sought.. but i thought about that.
I prayed before book study that I could understand "Climax" and now my pants are getting tight!
praise the lord........oompa
we have been dfed for almost 3.5yrs and have been trying to get back in for 2 yrs and we are getting the runaround.. anyway..... here is the letter my pregnant wife received from her elderess pioneer mother.. .
dear mary,.
i am writing to ask you please do not try to talk to me until you are reinstated.
we must keep our relationship the way Jehovah's word outlines.
My wife believes 100% that the elders are directed by holly spirit that we are not reinstated because I dont study with her enough, I work too much or I have a bad attitude.
The pain from you and throughout these posts is unbearable. If only you to were happy to walk, I would be the third person here saying to put that damn letter in the paper. Are you df'd too, it sounds like it. What is taking so long to get back "IN" in your case. Even if you had a bad attitude, which you should, why is she still out? I do not know how your wife can reconcile her treatment with people having holy spirit. My wife also believes the 100% thing, at least as far as the org. goes. How do you feel about your wifes strong beliefs and what is your hope about it?
sooooo sorry, ........oompa
since i posted recently about tolerance and acceptance, i've had requests to explain the way i feel/think.
basically, this is the abridged version- .
paganism is not a cut-and-dried kind of faith- i'm not really sure it's even a faith, more of a lifestyle.
Hobo states:
Since I left the BOrg at 17 in 1975, I have investigated MANY options- everything from hard core
I really do not think what type of pictures or movies you want to look at should be discussed here.
oh you Canadians.......oompa
i knew of a hall that allowed only white shirted speakers on the platform for sunday public talks!
when a visiting speaker did not wear the official white shirt he was either told that he couldn't give the talk or he could change shirts,as the hall kept a variety of sizes, just in case of an emergency!!!
i don't make this up.
They tried to enforce a rule that a parent MUST accompany their child in order to go to the bathroom.
That actually is a dang good idea after all those who have suffered mainly at the hand of elder/ms creeps. But not just that, there are really young creeps out there and I mean 8 years old and up that do some really scary $hit. Not just sex stuff, my poor 4 year old son was somehow tricked into kissing a toilet seat by another kid at the friggin hall! Stop laughing now. I did not find it funny and the time and am pretty sure it damaged him as his is now a REGULAR PIONEER! shoot me please.....oompa
at the watchtower study sunday a comment was made that "we must stop focusing our efforts and energies.
on this old dying system and focus our energies on life in paradise so near at hand.
were many nodding heads in full agreement with this tid bit of insanity.
Still_in74 you have so much passion for truth at Climax study that I DEMAND that you post your observations post bookstudy every week! That was great, and I just have not been able to make myself go with my wife ON SATURDAY MORNINGS anymore. Would you mind posting just the page numbers?
that was great....oompa
as i faded over the past year, i still went to some meetings each month, and my wife always likes to sit (pretty much alone) near the front of the hall.
although there in body, i could just not stand to keep listening so i decided to start writing a book.
action/adventure/suspence revolving around a worldwide effort to end islamic extremist terrorism.
Faking service, wow. I know I knocked ever so lightly for years, and those door bells don't make any noise with the right light touch. I used to do street work, and in big cities, I bet that is the easiest to fake. We always went solo so that it did not intimidate people, so lets say you are by Herald Square at 32nd and Broad, and you tell the others you are going around the block. You could go into Macy's for hours and just shop, or next do0r at that vertical mall above where Toys R Us used to be. God I love to shop esp. in NY, and no I am not gay.
not that there's anything wrong with that!......oompa