It is to me, but I have only told my sister and a Catholic friend. I find it uncomfortable admiting this to others though.
major league cult, only those in don't know it....oompa
how do your minds work people??.
the word 'cult'.
who is comfortable saying they were raised in a 'cult' or were brainwashed temporarily by a 'cult'?.
It is to me, but I have only told my sister and a Catholic friend. I find it uncomfortable admiting this to others though.
major league cult, only those in don't know it....oompa
for saturday morning bookstudy!!!!
thanks for checking on me though.
every meeting now i ask her "so what did you learn at the meeting" and i can tell she is getting tired of answering.
ex-nj:You need a spank'n
I may take you up on it, but Outlaw deserves it!
Sass my frass: Oompa, why so aggressive - you shouldn't ask her that after every meeting, it would be exhausting for her.
OK, maybe once a week? Just making nice conversation.
truthsearcher :Oompa: I came to this thread, all full of compassion and tenderness, only to discover it isn't needed. Now what am I going to do?????
Dont waste it, I still think I can take full advangage of it TS, what is your phone # and adddress?
Shell69: OOMPA!!!! Thats nasty.
Just the way you like it baby!!!!....oompa
for saturday morning bookstudy!!!!
thanks for checking on me though.
every meeting now i ask her "so what did you learn at the meeting" and i can tell she is getting tired of answering.
Having some strange posting problems. test. the post before me would not post til I sent this one.
for saturday morning bookstudy!!!!
thanks for checking on me though.
every meeting now i ask her "so what did you learn at the meeting" and i can tell she is getting tired of answering.
I am soooo glad I found this site! Also that so many here have a great sense of humor. Even though I sas already in a good mood today and posted this dumb gag post, you guys have make me feel even better.
Now to respond to a few posts, and this may take a bit......
Homo-vah says: Oompa your wife isn't at a study she's with me and we just finished having sex, she says your spending far too much time on the computer to pay her any attention.
I am printing this post and saving it, but I need one more witness so I can have grounds, and I may need them soon.
BumbleBee : Just as a FYI - there have been Saturday morning book studies in my area and surrounding cities for over 20 years. It may not be common in all areas.
Thank you BB, this single post could prove me authentic, and Outlaw the liar, but unfortunately I have long suspected out our neighbor to the north was communist and probably cant meet on sat.
Outlaw: I will eat your Liver!.....I`ve never had a book study in the morning,on a Saturday,in decades..It still dosen`t happen here..It`s hard enough to get people out in the field service Saturday morning..AND..Now theres a book study first?
One thing I find very unbelievable is oompa`s Wife goes to "Yoga Class" with a heavy wieght "PO`s Wife"..???...How many people here know of any JW,with any position in the congregation,that would attend a "Yoga Class"???..Swimming in a YMCA pool can get you Disfellowshipped!.....Yoga is out and out Demonism to Jehovah`s Witness`s..Every Active JW I know,would be scarred sh*tless to attend a "Yoga Class"..It would never be tolerated within the congregation...OUTLAW
Dang, somehow I missed shift and hit enter again, which is how this post started! Anyway I am doing a quick edit, and then I will finish my post.
Point with Outlaw on this was, (first bring your knife and fork, farva beans and Cianti) Man did I love switching to Sat. bk study a few years ago. Only ONE night screwed up a week. The plan was to INCREASE service hours, since if you were already dressed up for the meeting, you might as well go out.
Also, some Canadian must scare easily. Lots of JS'w down here do yoga for excersize, and just keep it to themselves. No harm no foul. You also said earlier I could not teach what I want, but I did, you just have to be careful who you teach it to.
thinking in the USA....oompa
for saturday morning bookstudy!!!!
thanks for checking on me though.
every meeting now i ask her "so what did you learn at the meeting" and i can tell she is getting tired of answering.
Outlaw apparently has some fantasy that his family has the last name Russel they have been in the truth so long. I still don't get why ANYBODY would want to make up being in this twilight zone for extended generations!
Now we have to doubt Outlaws supposed past as a witness (if he makes the claim) because just about every hall in my district has Sat. morning bookstudy THEN service! case we are Holier than other districts.
outlaw needs meds.....oompa
nwt (acts 7:55-60) 55 but he, being full of holy spirit, gazed into heaven and caught sight of gods glory and of jesus standing at gods right hand, 56 and he said: "look!
i behold the heavens opened up and the son of man standing at gods right hand.
"57 at this they cried out at the top of the voice and put their hands over their ears and rushed upon him with one accord.
Witness 007:
Oompa your reasoning on this topic is very good...I like your letters from Bethel, is this your pet hate?
Sorry, but I am not in Bethel. Why dod you say this? And yes it is my "pet hate" since it is supposed to all start with the Bible. and it is so much easier with "OUR OWN" Bible.....oompa
Who is this guy and what is he about?
for saturday morning bookstudy!!!!
thanks for checking on me though.
every meeting now i ask her "so what did you learn at the meeting" and i can tell she is getting tired of answering.
Coincidence- you fell one notch off my favorites lists BigDreaux- you suck oompa. i saw the thread topic, and i was like, ah hell, that sucks. Hermano- LOL!! You got me dude! Coincidence- if i could i would stomp on your hunchback for this sh!+. WoW, good thing I love diversity, no offense anyone....oompa
as a parent with a df'd 22 year old son who i love to hang with, i just need to vent a little.
my completly ingrained family do not treat him as family.
it kills me.
Anyone who hold someone ACCOUNTABLE as and ADULT for a decision they made as a CHILD has no credibility with me.
Pretty soon I expect a campaign in nursing homes to recruit and Baptize all Alheizers patients!
perfect canidates...oompa
i originally posted this topic under "deuteronomy 24:16 vs 2 samuel 12:14" (
it was suggested i retitle and repost it as my title did not really convey what the topic was about, so here it is again.. i was looking at who incited david to take the census, satan or jahooba (2 sam 24:1 vs 1 chron 21:1).
anyway, i was searching the wt 2006 cd and i came across this qfr that has nothing to do with what i was looking for, but i could not believe what i was reading.
Erynw, I TOLD you this was one of the BEST worst statements ever! I feel like printing the actual article, putting it on the hall bulliten board or epoxing it on the front door or or in the bathrooms on the inside of the stall door, (hey could put a lot of stuff there just taped up and I bet pubs would take it in secret).
keep em coming...oompa